2014 State Poultry FFA Career Development Written Exam1

25 Multiple Choice Questions, worth 4 points each, fill in answers on bubble sheet provided.

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  1. What industries are poultry science careers available?
  2. Genetics
  3. Pharmaceuticals
  4. Production
  5. All of the above
  1. Turkeys were domesticated in what country?
  2. United States of America
  3. Turkey
  4. Mexico
  5. Hungry
  1. What does the term sex-linked meat lines mean?
  2. Certain feather colors and speed of feather growth can be linked to the sex of the bird
  3. Crossing of a male line only line with a female line only line. The opposite sex of each line is destroyed at day 1 of age
  4. A two-line cross is done then the offspring of that cross are crossed with a third line to obtain more positive traits
  5. The process of artificially inseminating turkeys
  1. Performance goals for white egg-strain pullets/hens target what goal for 60 week old livability?
  2. 90%
  3. 3%
  4. 95%
  5. 97%
  1. What state produces the highest number of eggs per year?
  2. Illinois
  3. Iowa
  4. Minnesota
  5. California
  1. What age are pullets moved into their layer houses?
  2. 16-18 weeks
  3. 25-26 weeks
  4. 12-15 weeks
  5. 28-30 weeks
  1. Based on the hen-day egg production equation below, what is the percentage hen-day egg production for today based on 100,000 live hens producing 90,000 eggs?

Number of eggs produced today X 100 = % hen-day egg production today

Number of live hens

  1. 10%
  2. 100%
  3. 90%
  4. 75%
  1. Which class of ducks is not recognized by the American Poultry Association?
  2. Heavy
  3. Light
  4. Bantam
  5. American
  1. A hatched chick normally weighs what percentage of the original egg weight?
  2. 66% to 68%
  3. 52% to 60%
  4. 85% to 87%
  5. 73% to 74%
  1. Turn-around time for hatchers is extremely rapid and leaves little time for servicing and repair. How can a company work around this potential hazard?
  2. Hire a 7 member crew to clean hatchers
  3. Provide a spare hatcher to allows time for essential repairs on a malfunctioning hatcher
  4. Have maintenance personnel on site that can fix hatcher malfunctions in less than 20 minutes
  5. Learn to set programs in hatchers that could be on the brink of going out due to mechanical failure
  1. For brooding chicks, what is an acceptable type of litter to use?
  2. Pine wood shavings
  3. Rice hulls
  4. Peanut hulls
  5. All of the above

  1. Crude protein is the highest in what ration of broiler nutrition?
  2. Heavy Finisher
  3. Typical Finisher
  4. Grower
  5. Starter
  1. Minnesota is ranked number 1 in producing turkeys, what state ranks number 2?
  2. Alabama
  3. California
  4. North Carolina
  5. Virginia
  1. Why are the commercial turkeys white feathered?
  2. When plucked there are no unsightly pigment spots under the skin
  3. The market for white feathers is higher than darker feathers
  4. Contract growers can keep the white feathered birds cleaner than the darker feathered turkeys
  5. Consumers prefer white meat versus dark meat
  1. What is a turkey brooder ring used for?
  2. Allows the poults to run throughout the brooder house
  3. Keeps poults close to the heat, food, and water
  4. Increases the draft and ventilation throughout the brooder house
  5. To comfort the chicks in cold weather only
  1. Ventilation rates are adjusted for what in a turkey brooding and grow out?
  2. To increase dust or moisture
  3. To provide adequate oxygen
  4. To increase CO2 levels
  5. To keep temperatures 20 degrees below set temperatures
  1. The incubation period for Chukar Partridge are ____ days
  2. 18
  3. 11
  4. 28
  5. 23
  1. What is the most commonly raised game bird in the United States?
  2. Japanese Quail
  3. Ring neck Pheasants
  4. Guinea Fowl
  5. Bobwhite Quail
  1. What class is the Swedish duck part of?
  2. Bantam
  3. Scandinavian
  4. Medium
  5. Large
  1. What does ABA stand for?
  2. American Bantam Association
  3. American Buff Association
  4. Approved Bantam Appendixes
  5. American Bantam Organization
  1. Eggs should be washed in water that is at least _____ degrees warmer than the warmest egg.
  2. 90 degrees
  3. 20 degrees
  4. 5 degrees
  5. Always should be washed with water at 50 degrees
  1. A marketed tom turkey should weight more than 40 pounds at how many week of age?
  2. 21 weeks
  3. 40 weeks
  4. 14 weeks
  5. 28 weeks
  1. The incubation period for duck eggs is 28 days, with the exception of what breed?
  2. Canadian
  3. Toulouse
  4. Muscovy
  5. Pekin
  1. What practices reduce cannibalism and feather picking in game birds?
  2. Lower light and higher density
  3. Providing cover and not trimming beaks
  4. Utilize binders and increase light intensities
  5. Lower light and provide adequate cover
  1. Campbell ducks are in what class of ducks?
  2. Bantam
  3. Heavy
  4. Light
  5. Small

2014 State Poultry Exam Key

  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. B
  17. D
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. A
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C