Present: Councillor Mr. R. Radford (Chairman)

Councillors: - Mr. G. Blackburn, Mr. H. Killick, Mrs. M. Manton, Mr. J. Maryan, Mr. C. Menear, Mr. S. Moreton and Mr. P Woods.

One resident of Kensworth was present


1.1 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Mrs. C. Browne, County Cllr. R. Stay, District Cllr. Mrs. T. Wyles and District Cllr. Mrs. Mustoe.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS (Personal and/or Prejudicial) (Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001).

2.1 No members had any declaration of interests, either personal and/or prejudicial, in any of the items under consideration at this meeting of the Parish Council.


3.1 The matter of hedge in Maple Way was raised and it was confirmed that BCC had agreed to remove this subject to the approval being given by the owner. It was: -

Resolved: - that, Cllr. Blackburn would contact the owner and obtain his written approval for the removal of this hedge.

3.2 In response to a question it was reported that the bench for the Children’s play area was due for delivery shortly.

Cllr. John Maryan arrived


4.1 In the absence of County Cllr. Stay no report was given.

4.2 Cllr. Moreton explained how the submission to Mr. Bowie (BCC) regarding the way forward on the closure of the Isle of Wight Lane, Kensworth had been put together. Members recorded their thanks for this comprehensive report and it was: -

Resolved: - i) that, the offer of funding of £5,000 by Mr. Bowie be accepted for a one way system to be introduced;

ii) that, the cost of introducing speed reductions in three

locations could be justified PC expenditure.

4.3 The submission made to Simon Deards (BCC) on a number of traffic calming measures following his meeting with Members in 2005 was discussed. These matters were still outstanding and it was: -

Resolved: - that, these issues be followed up as a matter of urgency.

4.4 A discussion took place over the Vehicle Activated Sign which had been installed some weeks ago but remained unconnected to a power supply. It was: -

Resolved: - that, enquiries be made as to when the VAS would be fully functional.

4.5 Members discussed the problem of traffic by the Packhorse P.H. ‘backing up’ to the A5 and it was: -

Resolved: - that, the highway authority provide a yellow boxed area to enable traffic to turn right into Lynch Hill.

4.6 A discussion took place over moving the 30mph speed signs in Lynch Hill further down the hill and it was: -

Resolved: - that, the highway authority be requested to move these signs further down Lynch Hill.


5.1 In the absence of any District Cllr. no report was given.

5.2 The further response from David Dennis, Planning Enforcement Officer, over the concerns raised by the Parish Council over the general conditions on the industrial estate was discussed and still failed to answer the issues raised.

5.3 It was reported that the promised report on 100 Common Road had still not been received. A telephone call had been made by Stephen Burgess, Senior Planning Officer, acknowledging the total area was not as declared but as the PC stated. However the application had been approved with conditions attached.

5.4 It was reported that a delay had occurred as a result of an archaeological search made by SBDC of the planning application, supported by the Parish Council, for a new graveyard.

Cllr. Chris Menear arrived


6.1 In the absence of any police officers no report was given. Members expressed their concerns over the lack of police presence in Kensworth and it was: -

Resolved: - that, these concerns be brought to the attention of Chief Inspector Mark Turner.

6.2 Details were given of the eight crimes which had been committed in January 2007.

6.3 Members reported a number of incidents which had taken place in Kensworth recently in which a police presence would have helped including damage to telephone box in Common Road, nuisance youths throwing eggs at vehicles in Common Road, the fence by Mrs. Plewes broken down and mini motorbikes as birthday presents for 8 and 9 year olds.


7.1 It was reported that a request had been made to Cllr. Mrs. Browne by Town & Country Estate Agents for advertising space in Kensworth Following a discussion it was: -

Resolved: - that, this item be left on the agenda until Cllr. Mrs. Browne was in attendance and able to provide Members with a full report.


8.1 It was reported that Steve Halton P3 Officer (BCC) had invited Parish Councils to consider producing a Local Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Following a discussion it was: -

Resolved: - that, this item be left on the agenda for a future meeting.


9.1 Cllr. Woods reported that the school were going to operate a pre-school group for five mornings a week. Parents were to be charged £3.50 per hour and funding was available from the government up to 12.00p.m.


10.1 A copy of the 2005/2006 Annual Report of Kensworth Parish Council, which had been circulated previously, was adopted and it was: -

Resolved: - that, this report be entered on the Parish website


11.1 It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th January 2007 were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising (For Information Only)

11.2 Item 13.2 – Damaged Trees on Recreation Ground. It was confirmed that the letters thanking Mr. Edgerton and Mr. Saxon had been sent (Mr. Saxon had now returned from hospital).

11.3 Item 19.2 – Planning Application TP/06/1436. It was reported that this planning application has since been withdrawn.



12.1 It was reported that, as a result of the state of the recreation ground following the recent heavy rain, the contractor had postponed the commencement of work on the trees on the recreation ground until the 28th February. The provision of the new Lime trees had been also delayed as a result.


13.1 It was reported that applications for funding had been submitted to Awards for All and Bedfordshire Rural Transport Fund.


14.1 Cllr. Radford provided Members with details of the final submissions made for a unitary local government in Bedfordshire.

14.2 A report was given of the recent visit by Members to homes relating to the mast emissions. Since the visit a letter had been received from a number of residents seeking financial help to purchase netting to put up at the windows. Following a discussion it was: -

Resolved: - that, regretfully it was not possible for the Parish Council to make

this sort of payment.

14.3 Cllr. Radford reported that the Senior Football Team had folded. It was reported that as the builder was to carry out preliminary works in mid June these could affect fixtures including the request by Kensworth Lower School to hold a football tournament.


15.1 Cllr. Radford reported on the first meeting of the Parish Plan Standing Committee when the Action Plan Monitoring January 2007 questionnaire issued by BRCC was completed. Details were given of the responses given. In addition the committee also identified a number of omissions from the original plan relating to the following areas:-

·  All village events i.e. Carnival, Inter Village Games, Sports, General Fundraising etc.

·  Rural footpaths – encourage group walks and work groups

·  Housing – starter homes etc.

These additional items are to be considered further at the next meeting of the Standing Committee.

15.2 It was reported that no meeting of the Parish Emergency Standing Committee had taken place yet.



16.1 Cllr. Blackburn had nothing to report.


16.2 Cllr. Mrs. Manton reported that all allotment holders had now paid their rent and although two had given up three new holders had taken their place.


16.3 Cllr. Moreton reported that the gritting of Lynch Hill had not been carried out during the recent snowfall.

16.4 It was reported that the Vehicle Activated Sign on Common Road had still not been connected.

16.5 Cllr. Moreton reported a large pothole in the middle of the crossroads in Common Road by the school.

School Governing Body

16.6 As no meeting of the Governing Body had taken place Cllr. Woods had nothing further to report (see item 9 above).

Village Hall

16.7 Cllr. Radford reported that the doors and fittings had now been received and painted twice. As work on the extension was due to commence in July Members agreed that the fitting be held until then.

17 CORRESPONDENCE (For information only)

17.1 List of correspondence received between 10th January 2007 and 7th February 2007.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Summary of Planning Applications

Summary of planning applications for the period 31st December 2006 – 06th January 2007. None for Kensworth.

·  The Clerk

Copy of the January 2007 magazine and other literature issued by the Society of Local Council Clerks.

·  Luton Borough Council/Bedfordshire County Council/ South Bedfordshire District Council – Joint Planning and Transportation Committee

Letter seeking comments on the Statement of Community Involvement during the six week public consultation period commencing on 15th January. Comments required by 26th February. and .

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Summary of Planning Applications

Summary of planning applications for the period 7th January 2007 – 13th January 2007. One for Kensworth.

·  Bedfordshire County Council – Highway Maintenance Annual Survey

Letter enclosing the second annual survey on highway maintenance. Replies required by 28th March.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Election Costs

Letter explaining how the figure of £1,500 election costs has been arrived at.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – LGIU Good Practice Seminar

E-mail from Ingrid Male (SBDC) concerning a seminar in London on 8th February.

·  Bedfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils – Bedfordshire Bugle

Copies of November edition (issue 6) and other literature. Can members please take their copy as the envelope circulates?

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Kensworth Industrial Estate

Letter from David Dennis, Planning Enforcement Officer, over the concerns raised by the Parish Council.

·  Bedfordshire County Council – East of England Plan

Letter advising of the proposed changes to the East of England Plan, together with comment form to be returned by 9th March.

·  Mono Consultants Ltd. – Proposed alterations to existing mobile phone base

Letter seeking comments on proposals of Vodaphone to existing phone base at quarry.

·  Bedfordshire Police – Number of licences issued to Kensworth residents

Letter advising of the number of shotgun certificates and firearms certificates issued to Kensworth residents at end of November 2006.

·  Age Concern – Poster

Poster advertising services available.

·  Marie Curie Cancer Care – The Great Daffodil Appeal 2007

Request for collectors for 2007 appeal.

·  Kensworth Voluntary Controlled Lower School – Tree Planting

Letter accepting the PC offer to join the tree planting ceremony on the recreation ground.

·  Andrew Selous MP – Isle of Wight Lane

Letter advising that he had written to Basil Jackson (BCC) seeking an update on the request by the PC for closure.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – South Bedfordshire Rural Conference

Letter inviting attendance on a Rural Conference at ZSL (Whipsnade) on 17th March.

·  Bedfordshire County Council – ‘No Cold Calling’

Letter advising of how the service operates ‘out of hours’.

·  Postwatch –Post Office Network Consultation

Letter seeking the views of the PC on the future funding and structure of the service, together with comment form to be returned by 8th March.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Summary of Planning Applications

Summary of planning applications for the period 14th January 2007 – 20th January 2007. None for Kensworth.

·  Ollerton Ltd., – Invoice

Invoice for the supply of bench for play area.

·  The Chilterns Conservation Board – Chilterns Wildlife Conference

Letter advising of the Chilterns Wildlife Conference at Green Park, Aston Clinton on 23rd February.

·  H M Customs & Excise – Notification of refund of VAT

Notification of refund of VAT credited to bank account.

·  Shaw and Sons Ltd.

Copy of the latest literature issued by the company.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Appointment of Member to Standards Committee

Letter advising that SBDC are looking to appoint an independent co-opted member to the committee.

·  Bedfordshire Police

Letter offering assistance for any small and/or sporting event taking place on the highway/road and /or public place.

·  Brian Davis – Parish Web-site

Letter enquiring when the ‘News’ page on the web-site is to be updated.

·  Bedfordshire County Council – ‘Get Out’

Copy of the Autumn/Winter 2006 edition of the magazine published by Bedfordshire County Council.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Notice of Alteration

Notification of alterations to electoral register at 1st February 2007.

·  Bedfordshire County Council – Temporary road Closure

Letter advising that the order for the temporary road closure of B4541Dunstable Road, Kensworth/Whipsnade and A4146 Hemel Hempstead Road, Studham and Clay Hall Road, Kensworth for five closures between 9.00a.m-3.30p.m. during the period 19th February – 26th October 2007.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Summary of Planning Applications

Summary of planning applications for the period 21st January 2007 – 27th January 2007. One for Kensworth.

·  Bedfordshire County Council – Bedfordshire

Copy of the February 2007 edition of the magazine published by Bedfordshire County Council.