Bible and New Revelation Cross Reference

Bible and New Revelation

Cross Reference

Elucidation of Bible Texts based on the Revelation given by the LORD through the inner word to Jakob Lorber, Leopold Engel and
Gottfried Mayerhofer

A chronological compilation

Doc. # 3180

Last update: October 1, 2013, 11:30

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Dear reader and user,

The present resource is meant for all who are looking for answers to questions concerning Bible texts or simply more detailed information regarding certain situations or statements of the Bible shrouded in mystery. We owe this work to a Lorber friend who assembled the data. Over several years he painstakingly cross-referenced more than 1000 Bible verses with about 3600 verses or paragraphs of the New-Revelation. His work is a terrific time saver for everyone with questions.

If you like to help us improving the document please make us aware of typos or any other mistakes by email to:




All paragraphs of the New Revelation (NR) are covered which have a direct or indirect reference to a Bible text or verse. In some instances the reference pertains to a small aspect within the Bible or the NR. We recommend studying the entire verses or paragraphs possibly in their context. Even if there are several places cited (for example Matthew 22,34-40) we recommend to look at all references given. There are cases where one has the impression to only have an unimpressive piece of the puzzle with no real meaning at first sight. However, the picture finally assembled is worth the effort. If the same text correspondingly comes up in several Bible paragraphs, usually there are cross references given to sections which are explained in the NR. Nevertheless it is recommended to use a bible concordance especially if a specific term has to be researched within the NR.

Please note that sometimes an explanation is given also (or only) on the inner, spiritual sense, complementing the pure sense of the text. This may require a more intense reflection. Some of the given references seem to have only a hinted regard.

We believe the reason here is that the word of God – whether in the Bible or in the NR – cannot be used like a dictionary or a cookbook. Most of the time one has to dig deeper. Our beloved Heavenly Father has His wise reasons for this. If one has the intention to spread the explanation of biblical texts given by the NR, one should have a good knowledge of both already.

In most cases there are precise references to chapters and paragraphs of the NR. If not, the respective subject in the book is given. Paragraphs are separated from chapters by a semicolon (“;”). Chapters are connected with a “&”. Individual volumes of a word are identified by „awa“ (as well as).

Page numbers at the head of a page may not represent the ones of the printed version. We have kept the original ones for control reasons. For computer research they are irrelevant.

If you find errors or if you have suggestions for improvement of this resource please let us know at .

Thank you

Please also note: References for the Great Gospel of John are according to the original 11 volume work and not the 25 book version of Franky Corne.

References also contain New Revelation works which are as per today (1.1.2012) not yet translated into English, like ‘Household of God 3, ‘The Grossglockner’, ‘Gifts of Heaven’ or ‘The Spiritual Sun’ etc. However, these translations will be available in the future and thus re-editing can be avoided.

Bible references are from the ‘New International Version’.

How to use this Tool

Three examples: (To search use your “Find” command.)

1) You are looking for the significance of the first verses of Moses (Genesis 1): Search for “Moses” and scroll to Moses 1.1.

You find “Great Gospel of John” (GGJ) vol.8, ch.70 - ch.73.

2) You are looking for an explanation of the “Trinity”.
Search “Trinity”.You will find several sources ("fixed" page 50, 54, 74, 76 and 77).

3) You want to find details about the transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-9 or Mark 9:2-10 or Luke 9:28-36) Search with “find” for ‘Matthew 17 (not Mt 17) and you find Great GospelGGJ vol.5, ch.234-236.


The New Revelation (NR) books and abbreviations
Availability in English as per todayshown in bold.

Jakob Lorber
GGJ / Great Gospel of John Vol 01-10
GGJ / Vol 11 by Gottfried Engel
CHJ / Childhood of Jesus
3DT / Three Days in the Temple
HHG / The Household of God 1
HHG / The Household of God 2
HHG / The Household of God 3
EM / Earth and Moon
NS / The Natural Sun
SpS / The Spiritual Sun 1
SpS / The Spiritual Sun 2
RB / Robert Blum – From Hell to Heaven 1
RB / Robert Blum – From Hell to Heaven 2
BM / Bishop Martin – Sunsets into Sunrises
SE / Scripture Explanations
FL / The Fly
BT / Beyond the Threshold
SA / The Saturn
GR / The Grossglockner (highest mountain of Austria)
12H / The 12 Hours
GH / Gifts of Heaven 1
GH / Gifts of Heaven 2
GH / Gifts of Heaven 3
PLL / Paul’s Letter to the Laodicaeans
LEX / Letter exchange of Jesus with King Ussama of Edessa
LS / The Lord’s Sermons
SL / Secrets of Life
SC / Secrets of Creation

Other abbreviations:

awa - as well as

(*) page numbers of the work `Gifts of Heaven` are based on volume 1 and 2 of edition 1894 (Gothic print) vol. 3 of edition 1993.

Bible – 1. Moses 5

General Bible related comments
In: G. Mayerhofer: "The Lord’s sermons", Sermon 21, (end) & Sermon 25, Pg. 156 47

Moses (About the books of Moses in general)
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.3, ‘Slap in the face and cloak' verse 12-14 (pg.349)

1. Moses (on apparent cruelty of the Mosaic Law)
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.3, ''Instruction concerning ten questions' pg 164).

1.Moses1 - 3 (Creation of Adam and Eveuntil their sin - Cain)
In: “GGJ” vol 7, ch.121;7-10 +12+13 221;1-5 awaVol 11, ch.27;6 ch.75.
In: "HG" vol.1,.ch.36;2-14 ch.40;12-39 awavol.3, 24;10-20 Annex.

1.Moses 1;1-31 (Creation)
In: “GGJ” Vol 1, ch.156;5 - ch.162 awavol.3, ch. 235;1-4.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.7.
In: G. Mayerhofer: "The Lord’s sermons", sermon 42, pg.265.

1.Moses 1;1 (In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth)
In: “GGJ” vol.8, ch.70 - ch.73.In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.2, 'Birthday' verse 7-8
(pg.135) awavol.3, 'The rock of the Schlossberg' verse 1-4 (pg.38).

1.Moses 1;2 (Now the earth was formless and empty)
In: G. Mayerhofer: "Secrets of Life", 'Light, Life and Love‘, pg.14.

1.Moses 1;3 (And God said, “Let there be light and there was light)
In: “GGJ” vol.6, ch.209;16.
In: G. Mayerhofer: "Secrets of Life", 'The Language', pg.73 'Sugar, salt and vinegar’, pg.189 awa "Secrets of Creation", 'The Light', pg.199.

1.Moses 1;4 (he separated the light from the darkness)
In: “GGJ” vol.2, ch.224;1.

1.Moses •1;26 (God created Adam and Eve)
In: G. Mayerhofer: "Secrets of Creation", 'History of Creation', page 165.

1.Moses 1;27 (So God created mankind in his own image)
In: “GGJ” vol.4, ch.88;7 awavol.5, ch.272;16 awavol.6, ch.90;8 97;26 135;1 awavol.8, ch.24;4-15 25;1-11 awavol.9, ch.22;5 58;7 136;17.
In:"HG" vol.2, ch.67;25 259;10-14 263;15 awavol.3, ch.10;8 27;5-20. Über das Wesen des Weibes: vol.3, ch.29;5-21 ch.30.
In: "Childhood of Jesus" preface, verse 3.
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.18;13.
In: "From Hell to Heaven" vol.2, ch.270;8-9 277;4+7.
In: G. Mayerhofer: "The Lord’s sermons", Sermon 4, pg.31 Sermon 51, pg.320 awa "Secrets of Life", 'Animal Forms and Species', pg. 141 awa "Secrets of Creation", 'The Gospel of Nature', pg 14 & 'The Cross in Creation', pg 183

1. Moses 1, 28 6

1.Moses 1;28 (God to Adam and Eve: Be fruitful and increase in number.)
In: GEJ vol.7, ch.156;6.
In: G. Mayerhofer: "The Lord’s Sermons", sermon 37, pg. 234 awa "Secrets of Life”, 'Growing', pg.207

1.Moses 1 - 2;4 (The story of creation, the seven days of creation)
In:”GEJ” vol.2, ch.214 - ch.215 ch.219 - ch.221 awavol.8, ch.73;10-12.
In: "HG" vol.2, ch.172;1.

1.Moses 1;25 - 3;19 (The two reports of creation)
In:”GEJ” vol.4, ch.161 - ch.163 ch.164;2-3.

1.Moses 2;2 (…on the seventh day he rested)
In:”GEJ” vol.3, ch.164;7.
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.72;17.
In: G. Mayerhofer: "The Lord’s sermons", Sermon 42, pg.267+268.

1.Moses 2;7+21+24 (God formed Adam …God breathed the breath of life (7); God made a woman from the rib (21); one flesh (24) )
In:”GEJ” vol.1, ch.166 awavol.5, 096;4 awavol.7, 032;11 awavol.9, 104;3
In: "The 3 Days in the Temple", ch.21;16.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.141;4 awavol.2, ch.189;5 awavol.3, ch.30;11-12. In: G. Mayerhofer: "Secrets of Creation", ‘The Gospel of Nature’, Page 14.

1.Moses 2;8 (The Garden of Eden)
In:”GEJ” vol.3, ch.10;1 awavol.4, ch.142;4+11 awavol.9, ch.115;2-9.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch. 8;1.

1 . Moses 2;17 (…you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge…)
In:”GEJ” vol.2, ch.5;9 awach.73;12+13 awavol.9, ch.83;4+5+8 ch.84.
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.2, ‘Appearence of the blessed‘verse1 (pg.294).
In: G. Mayerhofer: "Secrets of Creation", 'Der Apfel', pg.57/58.

1.Moses 2:24 (That is why a man leaves his father and mother. they become one flesh. See also 1.Moses 2;18)
In: „Spiritual Sun“ vol.1, ch.45;2-3 awa Bd 2, Kap 97;17-19
In: „Sunsets into Sunrises“, Kap 202.11.

1.Moses 3 (Seduction of Adam and Eve. The driving out of paradise)
In:”GEJ” vol.8, ch.34;13-15. / In: "HG" vol.1, ch.8 - ch.10.

1.Moses 3;1 (the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals)
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.85;4-5.

1.Moses 3;6 (Adam und Eve eat the prohibited fruit) In:”GEJ” vol.2, ch.224;2-11.

1.Moses 3;9 (The Lord called Adam hwere are you?)
In:”GEJ” vol.9, ch.84.

1.Moses 3.157

1.Moses 3;15 (...he will crushyour head, and you will strike his heel)
In: “GGJ” vol.11, ch.15;9.
in: "HG" vol.1, ch.115;13 awavol.3, ch.23;16.

1.Moses 3;16 (The pains of the woman at childbirth. The longing of the woman for her man.)
In: “GGJ” vol.2, ch.226;4. / In: "HG" vol.1, ch.37;1.

1.Moses 3;17 (Adam fell into sin, but God speaks with him, etc.)
In: “GGJ” vol.6, ch.150;5./In: "HG" vol.2, ch.112;16-20.

1.Moses 3;18-19 (Thorns and the sweat of your brow)

In: “GGJ” vol.2, ch.225;4-9 awavol.4, ch.142;8 awavol.6, ch.52;9. In: G. Mayerhofer: "Secrets of Life", ‘Life’, pg.167 awa "Secrets of Creation", 'The Apple', pg.58.

1.Moses 3;23-24 (Banishing from the Garden of Eden, Chrubim and a flaming sword)
In: “GGJ” vol.4, ch.142;3+6./In: "HG" vol.1, ch.13.
In: G. Mayerhofer: "Secrets of Life", 'The dignity of Man‘, Page107.

1.Moses 4;1-2 (The birth of Cain and Abel)
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.11.

1.Moses 4;3-16 (Cain’s murder and God’s punishment. Cain leaves)
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.18 - ch.21 36;15 170;11-12 awavol.2, ch.105;8-9.

1.Moses 4;17 (Cain’s wife. Cain engenders Henoch and builds a city for him)
In: “GGJ” vol.3, ch.10;2.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.17;12 ch.22 - ch.23.

1.Moses 4;18 (Henoch’s decendents)
In:"HG" vol.1, ch.29;10.

1.Moses 4;19-22 (Lamech‘s family)
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.38;3-4.

1.Moses 4;23 (What Lamech told his wives)
In "HG" vol.1, ch.38;14-16.

1.Moses 5;15+18 (Prime father Jared mentioned: see Luke 1;19)

1.Moses 5;18+21+22 (Prime father Henoch is mentioned)
In: "GEJ." vol.9, ch.119;12.

1.Moses 5;24 (God accepts Henoch)
In: “GGJ” vol.2, ch.226;3 awavol.9, ch.174;11.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.132;17.

1.Moses 5;28-29 (Lamech engenders Noah)
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.185;17.

1.Moses 6;2+4 (Talk about the “Sons of God“)
In: “GGJ” vol.5, ch.197;1-5 awavol.9, ch.138;12.
In: "HG" vol.3, ch.126;5-6 138;5 333;2+6.

1.Moses 6. 5 8

1.Moses 6;5-17 (Flood prediction. Blueprint of the arch)

In: "HG" vol.3, ch.251;8-16 252;7-8 334;6-9 338;11-16 342;2-5 343;8-11 ch.352 355;8.

1.Moses 6;5-7 (Before the flood. It came. God’s „regret“)
In: “GGJ” vol.3, ch.11;1-2 awavol.4, ch.143;3 awavol.6, ch.64;3-9 150;7 207;10 213;12 225;9-10 awavol.10, ch.187;12 236;1-6.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.36;6-30 awavol.3, ch.331; 5-12 332;4-12 333;2-13 335;8-9 338;4-7 +11 und annex.

1.Moses 6;8 (But Noah found grace before the Lord)
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.42;80.

1.Moses 6;18-21 (What Noah should take into the arch)
In: "HG" vol.3, ch.334;11-19 340;10 344;10 ch.345 - ch.347.

1.Moses 6;22 (Noah builds the arch)
In: “GGJ” vol.6, ch.160;1-2 awavol.10, ch.115;4.

1.Moses 7;1-17 (Noah boards the arch. The flood staarts)
In: "HG" vol.3, ch.353 ch.354;1.

1.Moses 7;11+17 (The flood covered… for 40 days)
In: "Gr. Ev.Joh." vol.4, ch.143;6-7.

1.Moses 7:17-24 (The flood)
In: “GGJ” vol.5, ch.197;6 awavol.7, ch.91;19-22.

1.Moses 7;17 (The flood carries Noah’s arch)
In: “GGJ” vol.3, ch.13;4-10 14;2. / In: "HG" vol.1, ch.42;87.

1.Moses 7;19 (Lands that were covered by the flood)
In: “GGJ” vol.4, ch.179;2.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.42;85 awavol.3, ch.357 - 359.

1.Moses 8;7-19 (The birds are flying off–all leave the arch)
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.42;88 +89-96.

1.Moses 8;16 - 20 (Noah leaves the arch)
In: "HG" vol.3, ch.360.

1.Moses 8;20 - 9;1-17 (Noah's sacrifice. God’s blessing. The rainbow)
In: "HG" vol.3, ch.361 ch.362;1-6.

1.Moses 8;20 (Noah builds an altar for God)
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.133;15.

1.Moses 9;12-17 (The rainbow – sign of the covenant)
In: "HG" vol.2, ch.59;21-22.

1.Moses 9;18-28 (Noah's curse and blessing over his sons)
In: “GGJ” vol.1, ch.107;16. / In. "The 3 Days in the Temple" ch.9;6.
In: "HG" vol.3, ch.363 ch.364 ch.365;1

1.Moses 10 9

1.Moses 10;8-12 (Über Nimrod)
In:”GEJ” vol.7, ch.182;12. / In: ''HG" vol.3, ch.365;2-3.
In: 'From Hell to Heaven" vol.2, ch.277;3.

1.Moses 11;7 (Tower of Babel language confusion)
In:”GEJ” vol.3, ch.99;8.

1.Moses 11;10-26 (Family line from Sem to Abraham)
In: "HG" vol.3, ch.365;14-15.

1.Moses 13;8-9 (Abraham offers Lot to chose his land)
In: "From Hell to Heaven" vol.1, ch.79;11-14.

1.Moses 14;18 ff (Melchizedek, the king of Salem)
In:”GEJ” vol.2, ch.66;6 awavol.6, ch.221;4+8 awavol.10, ch.59;6 60;14 179;7+8+15 217;1-4.
In: "Childhood of Jesus" ch.152;16 169;11-19.
In: "HG" vol.3, ch.362;12-16 365;6.
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.13;5-6.

1.Moses 15;1 (I am your shield , your great reward)
In: "Childhood of Jesus" ch.183;22.
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.1, `To my friends' verse 2 (pg.18).

1.Moses 17;10 (The covenant of circumcision is introduced)
In: “GEJ” vol.4, ch.110;3 awavol.8, ch.175;14. In: "Brief d. Paulus an Laodizaa" ch.1;26.

1.Moses 18;1-2 (Abraham sees three messengers of God)
In: GEJ vol.7, ch.56;6-7 awavol.8, ch.57;14.

1.Moses 18;23-32 (Abraham pleads for Sodom and Gomorra)
In: GEJ vol.7, ch.162;6. / In: "HG" vol.2, ch.266;4-6.

1.Moses 19;1 (Two angels visit Lot)
In: GEJ vol.7, ch.56;6-7 awavol.10, ch.115;4.

1.Moses 19;24-25 (Sodom and Gomorra are destroyed)
In: GEJ vol.5, ch.204;4 220;7 awavol.6, ch.150;8 225;11-14 awavol.7, ch.119;11 awavol.8, ch.189;16-21 awavol.10, ch.235.

1.Moses 21;1 (Sara becomes pregnant)
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.3, 'You are Peter the rock' verse 1 (pg.243)

1.Moses 22;9-12 (When Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaak)
In: GEJ vol.7, ch.56;6-7 ch.162;8.

In: 'From Hell to Heaven" vol.1, ch.79;17.
1.Moses 25;27 (Esau was a h) In: GEJ vol.3, ch.232;12.

1.Moses 27;6ff (How Isaak was betrayed by Rebecca und Jacob)
In: GEJ vol.2, ch.78;3 awavol.7, ch.34;9.

1. Moses 27. 30, 2. Moses (Exodus)10

1.Moses 27;30 (Isaak blesses Jacob)
In: "The 3 Days in the Temple" ch.9;6.

1.Moses 28;12 (Jacob‘sdream of thestairway)
In: “GGJ” vol.4, ch.117;13 awavol.7, ch.57;2-4.

1.Moses 29;18-28 (Jakob gets Leah and Rahel. He works to get Rahel)
In: "From Hell to Heaven" vol.1, ch.79;21.

1.Moses 32;25 (A man wrestled with Jacob until daybreak)
In: “GGJ” vol.8, ch.57;14.
In: "From Hell to Heaven" vol.1, ch.79;20.

2.Moses 1;8-13 (The new pharao is tough with the Israelites)
In: “GGJ” vol.9, ch.191;2.

2.Moses 2;1ff (Birth of Moses–His signs before pharao)
In: "From Hell to Heaven" vol.1, ch.80;4-6.

2.Moses 2;5-6 (The Egyptian princess saves little Moses)
In: “GGJ” vol.4, ch.193;6.

2.Moses 2;9-10 (Moses is raised at the court of pharao)
In: “GGJ” vol.6, ch.233;1+2.

2.Moses 3;2+5 (The thornbush burns. Moses must take off his shoes)
In: “GGJ” vol.3, ch.48;14 49;1-14.

2.Moses 3;7 (I have seen the plight of My people in Egypt)
In: “GGJ” vol.9, ch.109;15.
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.3, 'My advice is not a commandment and forces nobody' verse 5-7 (pg. 184).

2.Mosesch.7 - ch.9 (The seven plagues of Egypt)
In: “GGJ” vol.5, ch.204;5 awavol.10, ch.115;4.

2.Moses 11;2 (Everybody to take along valuables: See 2.Moses 12;36)

2.Moses 12;36 (Israelitestake with them valuables of the Egyptians)
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.3, '2.Buch Mosis, 11.Kapitel...' (pg.189)

2.Moses 14;28 (How Pharaoh’s army perished in the Red Sea)
In: “GGJ” vol.3, ch.16;82.

2.Moses 15;26 (I am the Lord your doctor)
In: "Gifts of Heaven" vol.3, 'The true, living medicine' (pg.272) 'My yword and the true faith are the best medication' (pg.274).

2.Moses 16;3 (Israel longs for the pots of meat of Egypt)
In: “GGJ” vol.9, ch.178;5 awavol.10, ch.188;8-9.

2.Moses 16;14-35 (Always collect manna for one day except Fridays)
In: “GGJ” vol.9, ch.190;9-11 ch.191.

2. Moses17 (Exodus 17) 11

2.Moses 17;10-12 (Aaron and Hur lift the arms of Moses)
In: GEJ vol.10, ch.178;9.

2.Moses 20;3 (The 1st commandment: Thou shall not have other Gods beside Me)
In: GEJ vol.3, ch.6;12-13 awavol.5, ch.264;6-11 awavol.6, ch.96:5 229 awavol.7, ch.28;5 awavol.9, ch.157:2.
In: ''Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.48;9 73;12-13.

2.Moses 20;4 (You shall not make for yourself an image)
In: GEJ vol.4, ch.193:6. / In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.13;7.

2.Moses 20;7 (Second commandment: You shall not misuse the name of the LORD)
In: "Three days in the Temple“ ch.19;9-10.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.42;5. In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.48;10 76;3-10.

2.Moses 20:8 (Das 3. Gebot: Keep the Sabbath holy. See also 2.Moses 31;13)
In: "Spiritual Sun", vol.2, ch.48;11 76;11-21 101;9-10.
In: G. Mayerhofer: "The Lord’s sermons", Sermon 42, pg.267+268.

2.Moses 20:12 (The 4th commandment. Honor your father and your mother. Also see Matthew 15.4-6) In: GEJ vol.2, ch.123;4 awavol.3, ch.211;9-20 213;5-9 awavol.7, ch.29:1-4 ch.30 132;15-16.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.17:4-8.
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.48;12 77;1-9.

2.Moses 20:13 (The 5th commandment: Thou shalt not kill)
In: GEJ vol.7, ch.31. / In: "HG" vol.1, ch.42;24.
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.48;13 78;1-12.

2.Moses 20:14 (The 6th commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery)
In: GEJ vol.7, ch.32 156;6 awavol.8, ch.41;1. In: "Childhood of Jesus" ch.102;12-16.
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.48;14 ch.79 - ch.81.

2.Moses 20;15+17 (The 7th, 9th and 10th commandment: Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not desire the house of your neighbor … the wife of your neighbor)
In: GEJ vol.4. ch.81:1-3 awavol.7, ch.33 ch.35 - ch.37 156:6. In: "HG" vol.1, ch.42:46.
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.48;15+17+18. On the 7th commandment ch.82-84.
The 9th - ch.92. The 10th com. ch.93 - ch.97.

2.Moses 20;16 (The 8th commandment You shall not give false testimony) In: GEJ vol.7, ch.34.
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.2, ch.48;16 ch.85 u ch.86.

2.Moses 20:18-19 (The people asked Moses to talk to God in their place) In:"GGJ"vol.7,ch.80;2 awavol.10, ch.12;6 52;2-4 53;8.

2.Moses 21;17 (Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death
In: GEJ vol.2, ch.123;4.

2.Moses 25:18-20 (Moses should create two Cherubs)
In: GEJ vol.7, ch.56;7.

2. Moses(Exodus)– 4. Moses (Numbers) 12

2.Moses 28;30 (Aaron should carry Urim und Tummim in his breast pocket)
In: GEJ vol.5, ch.86;4-9 87;1+11.

2.Moses 31;13 (Keeping the sabbath. See also 2.Moses 20;8)
In: GEJ vol.1, ch.50;1-10 awavol.2, ch.148;11-13 awavol.3, ch.131;15- 17 awavol.5, ch.264;3+4+14 awavol.6, ch.223 awavol.7, ch.28;7 141;14 awavol.8, ch.88;4 89;1-5 90;4-6 91;1-4 +10 92;2-4 +7 awavol.9, ch.109;4- 7 +17-19 +28 114;4-5 191;6 awavol.10, ch.63;1-5 +9.
In: "Childhood of Jesus" ch.149;11-16 158;9-17.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.13;25 42;9 awavol.2, ch.110;17-18. In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.2, 'Keeping the Sabbath holy’ V.15-16 (pg.179).
2.Moses 31;18 (God hands the law tablet to Moses)
In: GEJ vol.6, ch.150;10.
In: "The Grossglockner" Introduction (pg 6) ch.12 (End).

2.Moses 31;18 - 32;4 (The law tablets. The golden calf)
In: GEJ vol.6, ch.235;2 awavol.9, ch.138;6.

2 Moses 32 (Dance at the golden calf. God’s punisment through Moses) In: GEJ vol.10, ch.12;7-9 50;5-6 52;5-7 53:8.

2.Moses 33;20 (Nobody can see God and live)
In: GEJ vol.3, ch.128;3 153;7-9 awavol.4, ch.90; 8c 193;6 awavol.6, ch.6;20 63;14 239;4 awavol.7, ch. 13;18-19 awavol.8, ch.27:3 57;14-15 awavol.9, ch.85:3-4 awavol.10, ch.207;9 awavol.11, ch.75:9.
In: "HG" vol.1, ch.151;26 awavol.2, ch.156;9.
In: "Spiritual Sun" vol.1, ch.60;14 awavol.2, ch.13;5-6.
In: "Sunsets into Sunrises" ch.163;5.

2.Moses 34;29+35 (The face of Moses shines...he covers his face..)
In: GEJ vol.4, ch.193;7 194;4 262;1.
In: "The 3 Days in the Temple" ch.25,2.
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.3, Explaining the song'The signet ring', verse 4-5 (pg.159).

2.Moses 35:2 (Keeping the sabbath. See 2.Moses 31;13)

3.Moses 3;17 (Eat no fat and no blood: See Acts 15;20-29)

3.Moses 8;8 (Urim und Tummim: See 2.Moses 28;30)

3.Moses 11;2-7 (Animals allowed and not allowed to be eaten)
In: GEJ vol.4, ch.111 awavol.6, ch.222;12-17 awavol.7, ch.85;14 208;16 awavol.10, ch.182;7 210;4.

3.Moses 11;45 (You shall be holy because I am holy)
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.1, 'The "Latter Day Saints”’verse 1-3 (pg.222). ???

3. Moses 16;9-10 (Vom "Sündenbock")
In: GEJ vol.2, ch.17:6-7 awavol.4, ch.41;5 awavol.10, Kao.179;9-10.

3.Moses 19;18 (Loving the neighbor like oneself: seeMatthew 22;34-40)

4. Moses 18;21 (The tithe is ment for the priests)Continued on next page

4.Moses(Numbers) - 5.Moses (Deuteronomy) _13

Continuation from previous page:
In: GEJ vol.6, ch.91;13.

4. Moses 20;11-13 (Mosesdoubts at the waters of Meribah). See 5.Moses 32;51-52)

4. Moses 20:28 (Aaron dies on mount Hor)
In: GEJ vol.10, ch.178;9.

4. Moses 21;14 (The book of the Jehovah’s wars)
In: GEJ vol.1, ch.154;18 awavol.6, ch.106;7 awavol.7, ch.17;12-14 ch.19.
In: "Three Das in the Temple" ch.16;7. / In: "HHG" vol.2, ch.97;24 142;3-4.

4.Moses 22;27-30 (Bileam and the donkey)
In: GEJ vol.4, ch.231;15c.
In: "Gifts of heaven" vol.3, '4.Buch Mosis, 22.Kapitel...' (pg.187).

5.Moses 4:24 (Our God is a consuming fire)
In: GEJ vol.8, ch.57;15.

5.Moses 5;7 (Having no other Gods beside Me: see 2.Moses 20;3)

5.Moses 5;16 (Honoring father and mother: see 2.Moses 20:12)

5.Moses 5;17 (Thous shalt not kill: see 2.Moses 20;13)

5.Moses 5;18 (Adultery: see 2.Moses 20;14)

5.Moses 5;19-21 (Steal –false witness: see 2.Moses 20;15+17)

5.Moses 5;20 (You shall not give false testimony see 2.Moses 20.16)