Unit Summary:

The Industrial Revolution was a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transportation had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions worldwide. The onset of the Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human society; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way.

Journal Questions:

You are responsible for answering each of the questions below by the day of the unit test. You are expected to provide a one paragraph response to each question.

1.  What events helped bring about the Industrial Revolution?

2.  What key factors allowed Britain to lead the way in the Industrial Revolution?

3.  What were the social effects of the Industrial Revolution?

4.  What new ideas about economics and society began due to the Industrial Revolution?

Unit Assignments:

Choose TWO of the following assignments, and complete them by the due date listed in your schedule.

1.  Complete the “A Revolution Without Guns” Worksheet.

2. Read Two Views on Child Labor, and in approximately 2-3 paragraphs, answer questions 1-3.

3. Create your own modern industrial invention that takes a task from the current world, and either makes that task easier, or automates it. You may either describe your invention in 2-3 paragraphs, or draw your invention (and explain your drawing in a few sentences).

4. Read Responses to the Industrial Rev., and in approximately 2-3 paragraphs, answer questions 1-3.

5. In approximately 2-3 paragraphs, compare and contrast a Market Economy, a Centrally Planned Economy (also called a Command Economy) and a Mixed Economy. You may use any source, but your explanations must be in your own words.

Unit Schedule:

Day 1
Oct 26 / The Industrial Revolution Begins
PPT & Discussion, Map Activity / Read Chapter 19, Section 1
Reading Review & Vocabulary
Day 2
Oct 28 / Britain Leads the Way
PPT & Discussion, Transport Tycoon / Read Chapter 19, Section 2
Reading Review & Vocabulary
Day 3
Oct 30 / Major Inventions & Inventors
PPT & Discussion, Group Activity / Chapter 19, Sections 1-2
Reading Quiz / Unit Assignment 1
Day 4
Nov 3 / Social Impact of the Revolution
PPT & Discussion, Analyzing Images / Read Chapter 19, Section 3
Reading Review & Vocabulary
Day 5
Nov 5 / New Ways of Thinking
PPT& Discussion, Primary Source / Read Chapter 19, Section 4
Reading Review & Vocabulary / Unit Assignment 2
Day 6
Nov 9 / The Industrial Revolution - Film
Documentary Film, Review / Complete Video Guide
Day 7
Nov 12 / Unit Test
Unit Test, Begin Reading for Ch 22 / Unit Test / Journal Questions