SOLAR Business Process Guide:

Using the Grade Roster Report

California State University, Northridge

DOCUMENT HISTORY--SOLAR Business Process Guide: Using the Grade Roster Report
01/21/04 / Published to SOLAR Support website.

Copyright ã 2004 by California State University, Northridge. All rights reserved.

Information in this book is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of California State University, Northridge.


Product and company names herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1

Prerequisites 1

Support and Resources 1

2. Generate Report for Academic Organization(s) 3

3. Generate Report for Class Section(s) 14


SOLAR Business Process Guide Using the Grade Roster Print Report

1. Introduction

“SOLAR” is the name for the student administration system used at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). The name is an acronym for Student On-Line Administrative Resources. The SOLAR system administers student and academic data and information for faculty, staff, administrators, and students.

The SOLAR system rollout is part of the California State University (CSU)-mandated Common Management System (CMS) implementation of an integrated information system at all 23 campuses. All CSU campuses are scheduled to complete implementation of the software developed by the company, PeopleSoft, by 2007.

The SOLAR Faculty Administrative module is integrated with the entire SOLAR system, which allows many offices to work together to serve our students, faculty, staff, and community. The SOLAR system enables us to centralize information used to maintain student and applicant records, the course catalog, schedule of classes, class enrollments, and grading information. It minimizes repetitive data entry; streamlines academic data; and provides up-to-date administrative information about students and applicants for faculty and advisors.


The contents of this guide are designed for use by those who have a basic understanding of computers and how to use a Web browser.

Support and Resources

After you complete your training, you may have additional questions. To obtain assistance:

·  Review this document, the “SOLAR Business Process Guide: Using the Grade Roster Report,” which provides step-by-step instructions detailing the tasks and procedures related to using the component.

·  Call SOLAR Support Services at extension 7267. SOLAR Support Services provides training, documentation, and related support service to CSUN faculty, staff, and administrators who use the SOLAR system to administer functions related to the SOC, Student Inquiry, Advisement, and Grading.

2. Generate Report for Academic Organization(s)

You can use SOLAR to generate a variety of reports including the Grade Roster Print report.

Reports are generated in a three-step process that is detailed in this section. In brief, you generate reports by:

1. Selecting the report you want to run.

2. Designating the information you want displayed the report.

3. Running and accessing the report.

To generate a Grade Roster Print report:

1.  Sign into the CSUN Campus Web Portal and navigate to the Grade Roster Print component. To do so:

a.  In the My Menu portion of the Campus Web Portal home page, click SOLAR for Students and Employees, and then click SOLAR Application.

The SOLAR home page displays.

b.  From the SOLAR home page, select the path Manage Student Records>Establish Courses>ReportGrade Roster Print.

The Find an Existing Value page displays for the Grade Roster Print report.

2.  Find a Run Control ID you have already created or create a new Run Control ID.

A Run Control ID enables you to name, save, and, later, reapply a set of information used to run a report.

NOTE: Run Control IDs cannot contain spaces or some special characters and are case-sensitive. A Run Control ID should be easy for you to identify. For example, use a Run Control ID such as Grade_Roster_Org_119

·  To find a Run Control ID that you created previously, enter the existing Run Control ID in the Run Control ID field and click the Search button, or click the Search button and select a Run Control ID from a list of existing values that displays.

·  To create a new Run Control ID:

a.  Select the Add a New Value link from the Find an Existing Value page.

The Add a New Value page displays.

b.  Enter a Run Control ID in the Run Control ID field, and click the Add button.

After adding or selecting a Run Control ID, a report parameter page displays for the Grade Roster Print report.

3.  Enter values into fields on the Grade Roster Print report parameter page.

When you run a SOLAR report, you need to tell the system what you want the report to contain. For example, you may need to designate that you want a report to include information related only to a particular academic unit, term, or time period and so on.

Use instructions in the following table to designate the information you want the report to display:

Academic Institution / Select NRCMP from the drop-down menu.
Term / Enter the four-digit academic term code or use the Lookup icon and select a term from a list of valid values.
Grade Roster Type / Select Final from the drop-down menu.
Print Note Area / Select the checkbox to provide additional space on the Grade Roster Print report for instructors to write notes. (Optional)
Print Incomplete Area / Select the checkbox to provide extra space on the Grade Roster Print report for instructors to add information about incomplete grades. (Optional)
Specific Class / Select the checkbox to print a Grade Roster Print report that includes only one class and entering information in the
If you select the Specific Class check box, the Class Nbr field displays.
Refer to the following chapter for information about how to generate a Grade Roster Print report for a class section.
Academic Organization / If you do not select the Specific Class checkbox, enter an academic organization code, or use the Lookup icon to select from a list of valid values.
Session / Select an academic session from the drop-down menu.
Class End Date From / Select a Class End Date From value.
The system generates a report that includes grade rosters for class sections with an end date greater than or equal to the value in the Class End Date From field and less than or equal to the value in the Class End Date To field.
Class End Date To / Select the class end date to date.
The system generates a report that includes grade rosters for class sections with an end date greater than or equal to the value in the Class End Date From field and less than or equal to the value in the Class End Date To field.
Campus / Select the campus that is associated with the grade rosters.
Use the campus designation NORTH (Northridge) or OFF (Off Campus) based upon courses in the course catalog and class sections in the schedule of classes.
Instructor Print Option / Select the type of instructor information to display on the Grade Roster Print report for the graded component from the following drop-down menu choices:
All / Prints the names of all instructors designated for the class section as listed on the Basic Data page in the Schedule of Classes.
Grdng Auth / Prints only the name of the instructor authorized to approve grades for the class.
None / Prints no instructor names.
Print Course Administrator / Select the checkbox to print the course administrator's name on the Grade Roster Print report.
Print Blind Grading ID / NOTE: This option is not available.
When the checkbox is selected, student names are omitted from the Grade Roster Print report.

4.  Click the Run button.

The Process Scheduler Request page displays.

5.  Select PSUNX from the drop-down menu in the Server Name field, and then click the OK button to submit the report request.

The report parameter page opens again with a Process Instance number displayed beneath the Run button. Use the Process Instance number to keep track of the reports you’ve submitted.

6.  Write down the Process Instance number, and then click the Report Manager link.

The Report List component opens. It contains the Report List page which lets you see information about the status and availability of your report.

7.  Select the Report List tab to review the status and availability of your report.

Report List: Work with the Prcs Instance and Status fields, the Refresh button, and the View link to review the status and availability of your report.

8.  Click the Refresh button on the Report List page to see the most current status of your report.

9.  Find the row with Prcs Instance field value that matches the Process Instance number you wrote down.

When you initially submit your report request the Status field may display Scheduling or Processing. When your report request is complete, the Status field displays Posted.

10.  Click the View link on row of the report you want to view.

The Report/Log Viewer page displays.

11.  Select the .PDF file link that displays in the Name column. The link is a file name with a .PDF file extension. (For example, select the file name srrstrpt_44664.PDF if it displays in the Name column.)

The system launches Adobe Acrobat, which displays your report.

12.  Click the Adobe Acrobat Print icon to print the report.

3. Generate Report for Class Section(s)

1.  Navigate to the report parameter page for the Grade Roster Print report.

For information about how to navigate to the report parameter page for the Grade Roster Print Report refer to steps 1 and 2 in the previous chapter of this document.

2.  Enter values into fields on the Grade Roster Print report parameter page.

When you run a SOLAR report, you need to tell the system what you want the report to contain. For example, you may need to designate that you want a report to include information related only to a particular academic unit, term, or time period and so on.

Use instructions in the following table to designate the information you want the report to display:

Academic Institution / Select NRCMP from the drop-down menu.
Term / Enter the four-digit academic term code or use the Lookup icon and select a term from a list of valid values.
Grade Roster Type / Select Final from the drop-down menu.
Print Note Area / Select the checkbox to provide additional space on the Grade Roster Print report for instructors to write notes. (Optional)
Print Incomplete Area / Select the checkbox to provide extra space on the Grade Roster Print report for instructors to add information about incomplete grades. (Optional)
Specific Class / Select the checkbox to print a Grade Roster Print report that includes only one class and
When you select the Specific Class check box, the Class Nbr field displays.
Enter the five-digit class section number in the Class Nbr field and press the <Tab> key.
Instructor Print Option / Select the type of instructor information to display on the Grade Roster Print report for the graded component from the following drop-down menu choices:
All / Prints the names of all instructors designated for the class section as listed on the Basic Data page in the Schedule of Classes.
Grdng Auth / Prints only the name of the instructor authorized to approve grades for the class.
None / Prints no instructor names.
Print Course Administrator / Select the checkbox to print the course administrator's name on the Grade Roster Print report.

Generate a Grade Roster Print report that includes specific class information by working with the Academic Institution, Term, Grade Roster Type, Print Note Area, Print Incomplete Area, Specific Class, Class Nbr, Instructor Print Option, and Print Course Administrator fields.

3.  Click the Run button.

For information about how to complete the process of running and accessing the report refer to steps 4 through 12 in the previous chapter of this document.


California State University, Northridge Revised 01/21/2004