Parts in Italics should be considered info not be transferred directly to your report.

Template for SCHC-206 Cut and Paste anything you wish and place into your report.

Laboratory 3.

Visible Spectroscopy

Name: Your Name Here

Partner: Partner’s Name

Section Section 40, Monday 2 PM

Performed: xx January, 20023

Submitted xx January, 2003

Laboratory Instructor: Instructor’s name here

A = 2 - log10(%T)

A = - log10(T)

A = ebc

Table I. Estimate of range for expect lambda max

Solution / Color / lmax range, nm
1 / Red
2 / Green
3 / Blue

Table III. Spectra Data for determining lmax. (Cut and paste the Excel sheet for this)

Table II. Data for standard and unknown copper solutions.

Solution / mL / M (Cu(NH3)42+ / %T / A Std Soln / A Unk
1 / 1 mL CuSO4
2 / 2mL CuSO4
3 / 3mL CuSO4
4 / 4mL CuSO4
5 / 5mL CuSO4
Trial 1 / 5 mL unknown
Trial 2 / 5 mL unknown
Trial 3 / 5 mL unknown
Trail 4 / 5 mL unknown

Cu(H2O)42+ + 4 NH3 g Cu(NH3)42+ + 4 H2O

Once you have prepare the plot you will note that the trendline has been plotted over your lab data. The equation for this fit line is on the plot. Use this equation to find the Concentration for the Copper in your unknown.

Show this calculation and dilution factor correction.

Table IV. Result for Final Concentration of Copper in the Unknown

Trial #1
Trial #2
Trial #3
Trail #4
Mean of trials
Standard Deviation
Relative Standard Deviation (in ppt)

Remember to include units. Significant figures are dictated by the significant figures in the concentration and the absorbance.

Format Headings


The purpose of this lab was to ……



The experimental procedure was performed as per the laboratory manual.


Use Tables above..


Show one of each type

Results and Discussion

Questions I have added this page give you a format of you questions on the report. I would do these first. Two will allow you to start filling in your data Tables. (Delete this comment in your final report). The rest of the report should finish up quickly from that point on.

Question #1

Question #2

Question #3

Question #4

Question #5

Remember, Inside the cover report you will want to include your report and the notebook copy pages.