Into the Woods

Audition Information and Permission Form

All of your Audition signed forms(stapled together)must be signed and returned to Mrs. Gilligan in order for you to audition!

  • Signed Moon River Productions Performance and Production Agreement
  • SignedInto the Woods Permission Form(Only that section is to be turned in!)
  • Signed RVHS Rehearsal Date Agreement Form

Audition Forms Due Date: Friday, Sept. 11th2015

Audition Dates and Times

(all students must attend all audition dates unless given prior approval from Ms. Gilligan):

Sept. 21st4:00 – 6:00pm (Monologues)

Sept. 22nd 4:00 – 6:00pm (Dry Reads)

Sept. 23rd 4:00 – 6:00pm (Dance)

Sept. 24th 4:00 – 6:00pm (Vocals)

Sept. 25th 4:00 – 6:00pm (TBD)

If you would like to audition:

Complete your audition forms IN ADVANCE as they need to be turned in - in order for you to audition. You may turn in your forms to Ms. Gilligan in The Black Box either in person or in the folder placed near the door.

There are 3 forms!!

If you are cast please note:

Into the Woods Construction Days are mandatory for all cast and crew– and please note - if you are in a sport, etc, that will interfere with any of the dates, pleasemention that to Ms. Gilligan at your audition.

Construction Days require each student to bring an adult with them, as LCPS safety policy does not allow students to use power tools.

Into the Woods Strike:We stay until it is done.All cast and crew members MUST attend strike.

Rehearsals: Please see Rehearsal Schedule, and return the signed formwithyour audition form.

IMPORTANT NOTE:Please take the rehearsal schedule and your commitment to it seriously.Please do not schedule jobs or appointments during rehearsal AFTER you have accepted a role - attendance (or lack thereof) at rehearsals can affect casting at any time in the production period.

For your audition:

Dress for comfort.

Dress to move.(no flip flops, skirts, etc)

Bring water.

Warm-up physically and vocally before the audition starts.

Monologue:You must have a memorized comedicmonologuethat must run at least 1 minute, but not over 2 minutes.

Please hand a copy of the monologue to Mrs. Gilligan when entering the room.

Vocals:You will need to prepare all of the songs from Into the Woods.Remember, this is not a choral concert, when you are singing you are still acting.Think of it this way - you are singing dialog. You do not need to have the songs memorized... you will be handed the sheet music.

Dance:You will be required to perform a short routine that will be shown to you during the audition.And as with the vocals, remember this is not a dance recital, when you dancing you are still acting! There will be a very short dance number posted on a social media site that you should prepare ahead of time. The link will be posted as soon as I get it from our incredible choreographers.

Make sure you are acting as you perform yourdry read, monologue, and performing your dance and vocals.Make the most of it.Show us your very best.

Audition Day - Whatto expect:

At 4:00 students come todrama hallway (the hallway between the Black Box and the Auditorium) to sign in and pick up your assigned number.

Please tape the number clearly to your shirt, in front. You may then sit in the hallway that is between the Auditorium and the Black Box, away from your friends.You may warm up vocally and physically until quiet is called.

Do not lose the number given to you. You are expected to wear it to every audition day!

Several students may be auditioning together, and you may be called in to perform your dry read, with at least one other student, if not more.You may be asked to read forany role,but this does not reflect how you will be cast, it may just be a necessity.

Please remember to relax and show us the best you can do!

All auditions are closed auditions. Only the students auditioning and the judges are permitted. Please do not let friends wait in the hallway with you.

Put away all cell phones, and no talking in the hall when someone else is auditioning.

Gum - just say no.

If you bring a snack to eat before the audition time, which we suggest, eat only in the hall or outside, and please do not bring in anything with peanuts, or made from peanuts.Also, please remember to throw away all of your trash.

Please remember, part of your audition is how you behave during the audition.

If you are talking, disruptive, etc,it will reflectin your score.

No student is allowed to stay after in the drama hallway past the audition time.

Parent Responsibilities:

If your child is cast, please note that one Parent/Legal Guardian from each student will be required to volunteer in any of the following areas along with attending the Construction Day.Please see the info above regarding this:

Help with selling concessions during one performance.

Help with the Ticket booth during one performance.

Help bring and serve food for our show late night rehearsals.

Help with placing posters throughout the community.

Help with Costumes.

Help with selling flowers or Break-a-leg o-grams during one performance.

Help with the stage strike on the evening of our Saturday performance.

Help with the cast party.

Help with advertising the show.

Help with selling Program Ads.

Help with picking up props or running to Home Depot if needed.

… Things along those lines... and hopefully one will fit nicely into your schedule.

Please see Marilyn Gilligan with any questions.

Activity Fee

There is a $125.00 Activity fee for all students who are cast in any School Wide RVHS Theatre production.The fee goes directly to help cover the cost of construction materials, props, make-up / hair supplies, theplaybill and poster printing, the show licensing fee, as well as to help cover costume rental or purchasing, accessories, fabrics, and sewing materials.Your student will also receive from the Activity Feetheir show T-Shirt as well as their meals during our late rehearsals.

Please note, there will still be some items you will need to purchase as we cannot, such as shoes, socks, pants… etc.

Costume Guides will be given out at the first rehearsal.

If your student is cast in this production,theActivity feewill bedue on the first day of rehearsal – Oct. 1st.It is mandatory for all cast to come the entire rehearsal. If your student can not, please have them see Ms. Gilligan right away as allowances can be made with prior approval.

Cash or check.Checks made out to RVHS or Riverside High School.


RVHS Into the WoodsPermission Form

(please print neatly)


Grade ______Age ______

Height ______Hair color ______

Gender:Male_____ Female_____

Student Cell phone # ______

Student Email ______

Character(s) you are highly interested in: ______

(pleasenote, you will be asked to readforseveral roles, not just the onesyou list)

Are youeligiblefor extracurricular activities?yes____ no_____

Are you willing to be cast in any role? yes____ no_____

Please list acting experience & classes (please use the back if needed):




Student Signature______

(Please understand, you will have to adjust your schedule to fit the rehearsal schedule. If you have a sport or activity that will interfere with the rehearsal schedule, please mention this to Ms. Gilligan at the Audition.)

Ifyou are cast, what sizeshow T-Shirt would you like? They are unisex. Please circle one:


Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

(Please understand, you will be agreeing to volunteer your time in one of the areas mentioned above, and one adult must attend the construction day.)

Parent Email: ______

Phone # (H)______(C)______

All audition forms(please staple together) are due on, or before, Sept 11th, to Ms. Gilligan.

The Activity Fee is ONLY due if your child is cast.

We will not accept it with the audition forms.