NUR 312 Pharmacology in Nursing II

Unit II: Drugs That Affect Physical Regulation:

Immune Agents

Lesson Objectives: At the completion of this lesson the student will:

1.   Describe the characteristics of an immunocompromised state.

2.   Discuss education as it relates to the adult and child requiring


3.   Describe the role of the nurse in immunotherapy.

4. Identify an appropriate immunization schedule for individuals across the life span.

5. Differentiate the role of the nurse as it relates to care of the client

Content Outline:

1. Review immunity and immune response in health and illness, physiology

of cell cycle, and pathophysiology of benign and malignant neoplasms

2. Acquired immunity -- Active & passive

3.  Immunizing agents

3.1  Immunoglobulins: Exemplar -- RhoGam

3.2  Antitoxins & antivenins:

Exemplars -- tetanus antitoxin & black widow spider


3.3  Bacterial vaccines: Exemplar -- pneumococcal vaccine

3.4  Viral vaccines:

Exemplars -- Hepatitis B, influenza, MMR, polio, rabies, DPT

3.5 Infants and children: CDC recommended schedule

3.11 Diptheria-tetanus-pertussis

3.12   Polio

3.13   Measles-mumps-rubella

3.14   Hepatitis A & B

3.15   Haemophilus influenzae type B

3.16   Varicella zoster

3.6 Adults

3.21   Tetanus toxoid

3.22   Influenza

3.23  Pneumococcal

3.24  Hepatitis B

4. Immunosuppressant agents

4.1 Azothioprine (Imuran)

4.2 Cyclosporine (Sandimmune)

4.3 Acyclovir (Zovirax)

5. Immunomodulatory agents

5.1 Lymphokines

5.2   Interferons

5.3   Interleukins

6. Legal & ethical implications of administering immunizations, & immunosuppressants

Teaching/Learning Activities:

1. Lecture/discussion

2. Handouts

3. Case studies

Critical Thinking Component:

1. Drug correlation assignment in which correlation between drug therapy

and client clinical status is analyzed with emphasis on nursing care during

drug therapy.

2. Discussion of case studies related to infants and adults requiring immunosuppressant therapy

Required Readings:

Aschenbrenner,D.S., Cleveland, L., & Venable,L.J., & (2002). Drug therapy

in nursing. (pp. 583-610;1127-1133). Philadelphia:


Immune LC 8-04