Secure WEB Mailbox

Internet file communication is proving to be a valuable catalyst for improving responsiveness, cost efficiency, and quality of service in file transfers. Secure WEB Mailbox transfers files simply and securely over the Internet using the web browser on your computer.

Secure WEB Mailbox works in conjunction with Automatic File Director (AFD), which automates file transfer and processing. Secure WEB Mailbox protects the integrity of critical data sent over the Internet via HTTPS, while offering an easy to use delivery option. HTTPS includes a number of security features, including authentication and encryption.

·  Utilizes Windows NTFS File Access Control

·  Uses Active Server Pages

·  Transfers Data Files using World Wide Web to and from a windows Web server

·  Requires z X.509 Certificate for server validation

o  Provides encrypted Authentication (SSL)

o  Provides encrypted File Transfer (SSL)

Uploading Files

Use the “Upload Files” screen to select and then upload files to an upload directory on the Secure WEB Mailbox server.

Uploading multiple files

  1. Click the Browse... button located to the right of the File to Process field.

The Choose File dialog box appears.

  1. In the Files of type: field, select All Files (*.*) to ensure that all files in your local directory display.

It's best to use the Browse... button to select the file to eliminate the possibility of typographical errors.

  1. Highlight then double-click on the first file to be uploaded.


In the Secure WEB Mailbox upload window, type the file name in the File to Process: field.

The selected file appears in the File to Process: field.

Repeat steps 1-3 until you've selected all files to be uploaded. Your screen should resemble the following example:

To abandon the upload process, click the Clear Form button in the bottom right of the screen. This will cancel the upload; you can always reenter the files later.

  1. Press the Upload Now button to start uploading the selected files.

Notice the screen titles changes from Upload your files here to Here is your upload status. The Uploaded File name(s) and Size(s) display.

You will not see the Here is your upload status screen if your files are sent over a secure connection.

You will need to use the "Back" button on your browser to return here.

  1. Press the View Uploaded Files button to see all uploaded files.

Notice the screen could have a multiple pages : The Uploaded File name(s) and Size(s) display. You can print it for your record.

Downloading Files

The Download Files screen provides details on files ready to be downloaded from the Secure WEB Mailbox server. Depending on the options installed at your site, use this screen to:

·  View the contents of individual files prior to download or deletion

·  Save files in a local directory

·  Download files

·  Selectively delete files from the Secure WEB Mailbox server after download

The current total number of files available for download is listed, as is the current page number (page you are currently viewing). Page buttons (1, 2, ...) transport you to a specific page number or to the Previous or Next page of file listings.

Screen Fields Descriptions

·  The Download Files screen displays the download directory name in the Files located at: field.

·  Name—name of the file.

·  Created—the Day of the week, Date, Time the file was first created.

·  Accessed—the Day of the week, Date, Time the file was last accessed.

·  Modified—the Day of the week, Date, Time the file was last modified.

·  Size—the file Record size, expressed in KB (kilobytes).

Carefully follow the instructions for viewing and deleting files discussed in the next few sections. Failure to follow the instructions may result in deletion of the files. Do not click the Back Arrow at any time during viewing, downloading, or deleting files.

Downloading a file

  1. Right-click only on the file name listed in the Name column.

A drop-down menu displays, as illustrated in the following example:

  1. Select one of the options:

·  Save Target As...—to display the Save As box from which you browse the directory where you wish to save the file.

Deleting file(s)

The ability to delete files may not be an available at your site.

To delete a single file:

  1. Click the word delete that is located beside the file to be deleted and beneath the Delete column

The file you checked is deleted from the Secure WEB Mailbox server and no longer appears in the Download Directory.

The number of files available and the page number are adjusted to reflect the remaining number of files.

To delete a file using the above single-file delete method is a final action. Be certain you really want to delete the file before clicking on the word delete.


  1. Click in the box beside the delete button.

A checkmark appears in the box.

  1. Click the Delete Selected button at the bottom of the screen.

The file you checked is deleted from the Secure WEB Mailbox server and no longer appears in the Download Directory.

The number of files available and the page number are adjusted to reflect the remaining number of files.

To delete multiple files:

  1. Click once inside the box to the right of the word delete.

A check mark appears in the box.

  1. Continue placing a check mark beside any additional files to be deleted.

If you wish to abort deletion of downloaded files, do so before clicking the Delete Selected button and instead click the Clear Selections button in the bottom right of the screen. You can always return to delete files later.

  1. To delete all check marked files, click the Delete Selected button at the bottom of the screen.

The files you checked are deleted from the Secure WEB Mailbox server and no longer appear in the Download Directory.

The number of files available and the page number are adjusted to reflect the remaining number of files.