Sheriff Jason Myers, President

Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association

Marion County Sheriff’s Office

PO Box 14500

Salem, OR 97309

Sheriff John Bishop

OSSA Executive Director

Oregon State Sheriffs' Association

PO Box 7468

Salem, OR 97303

Dear Sheriff Myers and Sheriff Bishop,

In your role as leaders of the Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association, we call your attention to an event scheduled forSaturdayafternoon,June 27, 2015at the State Capitol in Salem. TheOregon Republican Partyis hosting a visit from Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ at a rally and fund-raiser that is also being advertised by the nativist organization,Oregonians for Immigration Reform.

In order to fulfill your role as “conservator of the peace in providing public safety services,” we ask you to publicly denounce the tactics and methods practiced by Sheriff’s Office in Maricopa County. We ask that you publicly state that Sheriff Arpaio and his Office do not serve as role models for law enforcement in the state of Oregon.

Following a U.S. Department of Justice investigation, a report released in December 2011 found that Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office “engages in racial profiling of Latinos; unlawfully stops, detains, and arrests Latinos; and unlawfully retaliates against individuals who complain or criticize MCSO’s policies or practices… (MCSO) routinely punishes Latino inmates for failing to understand commands given in English and denies them critical services provided to the other inmates…” The Department of Justice initiated a lawsuit against Maricopa County in 2012 because of the ongoing, illegal, and unrepentant behavior of Sheriff Arpaio and his Office, and a trial is scheduled for August.

Arpaio’s presence in Oregon is highly offensive to those who work for professional public safety services that treat people with dignity and respect while maintaining peace and safety. While many of us strive to improve the relationship between Sheriff Offices and Latinos and African-Americans in their counties, Arpaio’s presence undermines these cooperative efforts. In this time of heightened racial tension throughout the United States, Sheriff Arpaio is a destructive and painful presence for many.

If OSSA does not speak out against the behaviors of Sheriff Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, your silence will not go unnoticed among our communties and will be seen as tacit approval by some. We urge you to support ALL the people of Oregon by publicly establishing that Sheriff Arpaio does not reflect the values and mission of the Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association.
