557 West 57th Avenue

Merrillville, Indiana 46410


Pastor: Very Rev. Basil Hutsko, (980-0600) Very Rev. Michael Evanick Cantor: Mr. Edward Petyo Social Center: (980-9074) TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST October 22, 2017

SAT 4:15pm Sacrament of Penance

5:00pm +Oscar Rodriguez, Jr. (Nancy & Susan Hlebasko)


10:00am For the Parishioners

SAT 4:15pm Sacrament of Penance

5:00pm For the Parishoners


10:00am +Oscar Rodriguez, Jr. (Mary & Ed Luczak)


CONFESSIONS (Sacrament of Penance): On Sunday from 9:15am to 9:35am---On Saturday from 4:15 – 4:35pm.

FRIDAY: FISH FRY/PIROHI (October 27, 2017) Delicious Fish, Shrimp and Pirohi Dinners will be served in our social center from 2:30 – 7:00pm.

NEW – CHILD’S MENU FOR FISH FRY: We have added a Child’s menu to the Fish Fry/Pirohi menu. Item 1: Two chicken tenders, fries, and a soft drink = $5.00. Item 2: Six mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce =$5.00.

A SINCERE THANK YOU to the people who bring food/donations to the Needy --- to the People who assist with the envelope/financial systems --- to the People who worked on the

church publicity --- to the Altar Servers/Instructor --- to the People who visit the sick/shut-ins --- to the People who serve as Ushers --- to the People who cleaned the church/center/school --- to the People who did repair work/cleaning up around the church property (tractors, greeters,

electrical, cafeteria equipment, plumbing/sewers, etc.) --- to the People who worked before/during/after the Fish Fry, Pirohi and Guild Bake Sale --- to the People who made generous contributions to our Parish and Eparchy Stewardship Program.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: --- John Dunda, Edward Ivanyo, Dorothy Kozma, Paul Hook, Scott Cipa, Lillian Martin, Virginia Stiburski, Judy Elliott, Mary Ann Myers, Irene Stupar, Helen Voloch, Oscar Rodriguez, Andrew Voloch, Ann Jovich, Sonya Mandziak, Kermit Wert, Casimir J. Laczkowski, Karen Barkalow, and Anthony Slinker. If you wish to be added or removed from the prayer list please call the parish office at (219) 980-0600.

SICK CALLS: The Sick calls for November will be done on, Monday. November 6, 2017.

NUT ROLLS: There are nut rolls for sale for $15.00. See Mary Milosovich or Father Basil if want to purchase some.

PILGRIM VOCATION ICON PROGRAM: Everyone in the parish is invited to have this icon in their home for a week of special prayer for vocations. Please sign up on the sheet that is posted on the bulletin board in the vestibule. If you are receiving the icon at the Sunday ev Liturgy and the person getting the next weekend is attending the Liturgy on Saturday , you need to make arrangements with Fr. Basil to get it back to him by Saturday morning.

There is a special booklet with prayers and readings for you take home if you are taking the icon home. Even if you do not take the icon home, please take a booklet home and pray for vocations.

ST. NICHOLAS APOSTOLATE MEETING: The St. Nicholas Apostolate will have a meeting next Sunday, October 29, 2017.

ST. MICHAEL FEAST DAY CELEBRATION: The St. Michael Patronal Feast luncheon will take place on Sunday, November 5, 2017. The parish will provide the MEAT and SALAD. So you can bring some type of a side dish such as a vegetable, potato, or other dish, or dessert. There are forms in the vestibule on the table for you to use. Please turn your form in by Sunday, October 29, 2017.

EVENING OF SPIRITUAL REFLECTION FOR THE BIRTH OF CHRIST: There will be an “Evening of Spiritual Reflection For the Birth of Christ on Tuesday, November 28, 2017, at St. Michael Church in Merrillville, Indiana. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. The Spiritual Guide for the evening will be Subdeacon Bryan Scotten, from the Eparchy of Parma. Subdeacon Scotten has completed his Theology studies and is in intern residency with Fr. Stephen Muth at St. Mary Church in Whiting. It will begin with the Celebration of the Ninth Hour for the Preparation of the Birth of Christ. Subdeacon Scotten will give a spiritual talk after the Ninth Hour. Following the talk there will be time for Confessions or spiritual mediation or reading. At the end of the evening there will be meatless pizza (in the spirit of the Christmas Fast) and refreshments down in the Social Center.

There is a sign up sheet on the table in the vestibule. If you are attending, please sign up by Sunday, November 26, 2017.

MIDWEST BYZANTINE ST. NICHOLAS/WEDDING JUBILARIAN CELEBRATION: St. Nicholas Church in Munster will be hosting the Midwest Protopresbyterate St. Nicholas Celebration & Wedding Jubilarian Celebration on Sunday, December 3, 2917. The Divine Liturgy will be celebrated by Bishop Milan at St. Nicholas Church at 10:00a.m. The banquet will take place at the Carmelite Fathers Banquet Hall, 1628 Ridge Road in Munster, Indiana. There will be a social hour at 12:00p.m. and dinner will be served at 1:00p.. The price is $25.00 per person. St. Michael Parish will pay for anyone 18 and under attending. There are no tickets, so please let Fr. Basil know if you are attending.

There will be a presentation of certificates to the Wedding Jubilarian’s who have anniversaries of 25, 50, and multiples of 5 years after 50 (55, 60, etc.) Those couples who have these anniversaries are guests of the parish. So if you are attending, please let Fr. Basil know. Bishop Milan will distribute the marriage certificates. Even if you are not attending the banquet, please let Fr. Basil know by Sunday, November 19, 2017 if you have one of these anniversaries.

CHRISTMAS LITURGY SCHEDULE: Although it is still a while until Christmas, here is the schedule: CHRISTMAS EVE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2017: 4:30pm – Christmas Compline and Singing of Christmas Carols; 5:00pm – Vigil Vesper Liturgy for the Feast of the Birth of Christ; CHRISTMAS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2017: 10:00am – Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Birth of Christ.

ON RETREAT: Every other year the priests of the Eparchy must make their own retreat. Father Basil will be making his retreat with the priests and deacons of the Eparchy of Phoenix and will visit with Fr. Joseph after the retreat. Father Basil will be away from Sunday afternoon, October 22 until Saturday November 4. If you have an emergency or need to contact Fr. Basil, please call the rectory number (219-980-0600).