I. Mission Statement………………………………….page 3



I. Referral Procedures..………………………………. page 3

1. Youth to be served

2. Referral Packet

II. Admission Procedures ……………………… ……page 3

1. Orientation

2. Family Involvement

III. Daily Program Schedule page 3

IV. Dress Code ……………………………………….page 3

V. Assessment of Mental Health/Substance

Abuse Services……………………………………page 4

VI. Counseling……………………………………… 5



I. Program System Procedures………………………page 5

1. Phase System……………………………………page 5

2. Point System…………………………………….page 6

3. Discipline and Punishment…………………… 7


  1. Supervision of Youth …………………………………………page 7

II. Program Safety/Security Procedures……………………..……….page 7

1. Youth and Visitor Searches……………………………………page 7

2. Definition of Contraband……………………………………….page 8

3. Instances Where Police/Resource Officer May be called………page 9


The primary purpose of our program is to support each youth and their family in the identification and understanding of their strengths and the ways in which they respond to issues at school, in the home and in the community. The program strives to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all youth so that the student may excel and gain skills needed to become a productive citizen.


I. Referral Procedures

  1. Youth to be served: Male and female adolescents who are in grades 7-12 that attend Barren County Middle School (BCMS) or Barren County High School (BCHS)
  2. Referral Process: All youth will be referred by a principal or assistant principal at the two schools mentioned. There are 23 slots for BCHS to use at their discretion and 12 slots for BCMS to use at their discretion.

2. Referral Packet: A referral packet will be completed by the referring


II. Admission Procedures

  1. Orientation of youth and parent or legal guardian of youth: During the interview process, parent and youth are oriented to the program by the counselor or staff who explains program rules, level system, and introduction is made of the staff who will be involved in the student’s education. Parents and youth are given a tour of the facility. An ILPA will be completed that will have specific goals that students must complete to be referred back to their home school.
  2. Family Involvement
  3. The program will encourage family involvement in the youth’s education to include parent/staff meetings which may be up to twice monthly.

III. Daily Program Schedule:

The Barren County Board of Education sets the start and ending time of the school

day. The class schedule is set by the Director with the input of Teachers and

IV. DRESS CODE and Authorized Materials to be brought to School: BRAALC has the following dress code:

1. Shorts/Skirts must be knee length

2. No caps, hats or bandanas are to be worn at school

  1. Shirts must have sleeves that cover at least the upper arm
  2. Underwear may not be visible at any time
  3. No low cut or high cut shirts, blouses or tops.
  4. NO SKIN should ever be visible from the waist to knees at any time. However, holes, rips, and tears will be allowed IF another article of clothing is worn underneath that falls at the knees or below such as ball shorts or tights that can be shown to staff at check-in.
  5. No undue attention may be brought to a students anatomy due to clothing
  6. No pajamas
  7. Clothing and accessories must be free of sexual, racist, gang or cult related attributes
  8. Coats, jackets and hoodies are to be hung up before first period class
  9. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum with nothing around the neck that would not break if pulled upon
  10. No wallet chains or long key chains
  11. Students are not to bring any educational accessory to school except a pencil that is non-mechanical unless given specific permission
  12. No Backpacks or Purses
  13. No Brushes, combs, picks etc
  14. No food unless a bagged lunch is brought and the lunch will be placed in the cafeteria until lunch time
  15. No cosmetics, lip balm or any other accessory
  16. No medicine including cough drops
  17. No Electronics

All Unauthorized Items Will Be Confiscated

First Offense – Item returned to student

Second Offense – Item returned to parent

V. Assessment of Mental Health/Substances Abuse Services:

Mental Health Services

  1. Youth who appear to be in need of mental health services will be referred to the

director. The director will provide student and caregiver with a list of community services.

In the event a youth tells a staff person that they are having thoughts of hurting themselves or others (suicidal or homicidal) the following procedures are to be followed:

  1. Staff is to notify the Director
  2. The Director is to contact the local social services. If the Director is not available it will be the responsibility of the staff member to contact social services.

VI. Counseling

a. All students and parents referred to BRAALC will be given a list of area counselors and mental health providers.

b. The Director will counsel students with any acute mental health symptomology until appropriate referrals can take place.


I. Program System Procedures:

The Barren River Area Alternative Learning Center(BRAALC) shall use a level system. This system shall be designed to provide graduated access to more privileges.

1. Orientation Phase - Each youth shall be assigned to this phase upon entering the BRAALC. The Orientation phase shall be characterized by an emphasis on the youth becoming aware of the program's expectations, services offered, the youth's rights, the phase system, and the initial treatment planning. The youth shall also familiarize himself with the staff.

2. Learning Phase - This phase shall involve services designed to help the youth begin to work on individual goals. The youth shall process how and why certain behaviors are inappropriate and begin to learn new behaviors. The youth shall also focus on what issues caused them to be placed at BRAALC.

3. Progress Phase - Movement into this phase shall be based on achieving goals. They should show consistent improvement in the youth's behavior. The youth may be given more responsibility and be expected to be a role model for others. The youth shall focus on practicing skills and behaviors being learned and work on preventing the return of behaviors that brought him to BRAALC.

4. Graduation Phase- The purpose of this phase shall be to focus on finalizing aftercare plans and release conditions for the youth prior to transition into BCHS/BCMS placement.

5. Post Graduation Phase – The purpose of this phase is to allow students who choose to stay in the BRAALC program the opportunity to have the same privileges as a student at the typical middle or high school.

5. Probation Phase-youth can be placed on probation phase for a serious offense as identified by the Director. An example of such an offence would be for fighting. Any student that is suspended out of school will automatically be placed on Probation Phase. Other reasons for probation phase status may be for a student who continues exhibiting the same negative behavior without change after intervention or when a student is not exhibiting behaviors appropriate for the phase they are currently on. Probation phase will cause a loss of all privileges for three days and a demotion of one phase level.

In addition to the “Phase System” the youth will also have a “Point System” which will be used to reinforce positive behaviors from the youth and to document advancement through the program.

The point system will be as follows:

  1. From the time the youth enters either a Barren county bus or the building to the time they leave the building or exit the bus, they will have an opportunity to earn points. These points will be based on behavior and effort shown during all the parts of their day. Sufficient daily points will allow them to earn a daily break if the student has achieved the learning phase or above. Points to earn break will be increased depending on which phase the student has achieved. These points will match their phase advancement goal.

Phase Advancement: This is the criteria for a student to move from one phase to another in a positive direction.

From Orientation to Learning

Students must attend go ten school days earning an average of 80% of the points possible with no days below 60%. If a student earns less than 60% of their points in a day, their process begins anew the next day. A student may be promoted in five school days if they attain 95% of the points available. Any unexcused absence will be assessed as 0% while on any phase.

From Learning to Progress

Students must go twenty school days earning an average of 85% of the points possible with no days below 65%. They must be passing all classes but one.

From Progress to Graduation

Students must go twenty-five school days earning an average of 90% of the points possible with not days below 70%. They must be passing all classes.

From Graduation to Post Graduation

Students must go fifty school days earning an average of 95% of the points with no days under 80% of the points possible.

Discharge Criteria: Attainment of Progress Phase and retaining that phase at the time of transfers. This is semester breaks for high school students and 9 week breaks for middle school students.

II: Discipline and Punishment used for violation of rules/policy that are unique to BRAALC or to the general guidelines set by the Barren County Board of Education

  1. Loss of points on point sheets
  2. Loss of break
  3. Office referral
  4. Writing sentences
  5. Alternative Classroom
  6. Restitution
  7. After School Detention
  8. Out of School suspension (automatic at 20 office referrals)
  9. Court Referral (automatic at 10 office referrals after suspension)


I. Supervision Procedures

The BRAALC will have adequate staff supervision at all times to ensure a secure and safe environment for youth and staff. At no time are youth permitted to be without supervision except for bathroom visits.

Upon arrival to the program the youth are to remain in entrance area until staff has searched them. Any available staff is to supervise the youth while awaiting entrance. No youth is allowed in the classroom without staff supervision. All students are to be searched. After search, the youth go to the classroom and are supervised by the teachers until all youth have arrived and been searched. Video cameras and recording systems will also be utilized in supervising students. Students outside of their assigned areas may receive an office referral.

A staff person shall be in charge at all times. Staff shall always make decisions.

II. Program Safety/Security

1. Youth and visitor searches- The staff of the BRAALC reserves the right to inspect any and all desks, clothing, persons, and the school facility if facts exist which give reasonable belief that articles and materials might be stored there which could be a threat to the maintenance of the discipline and order and/or endanger any persons. The staff reserves the right to make the same inspection if the facts are reasonably certain that items which were stolen might be found.

A staff member may temporarily remove items which may be considered disruptive or which could interfere with the educational process from the student’s possession. These items may be returned to the student by a staff member or through the Director. All illegal items that have been discovered or seized will be turned over to the proper authorities. In the event that a search is required of a youth, every effort will be made that a youth is not embarrassed, and that his/her dignity is maintained. Unnecessary force will be avoided at all times. A search will not be conducted at all unless it is absolutely necessary and/or youth has shown cause that a search be conducted. Should a youth not be cooperative with staff involving a search, law enforcement will be notified.

The staff shall use the hand held metal detector. Should the detector indicate that a person has some unauthorized object on his/her person, the student shall be removed from the presence of other students. The student shall then be asked to remove the object(s) and give to staff. If the students resists, law enforcement and parent/guardian will be notified. All staff will protect a youth's rights when conducting a search and/or seizure.

2. Definition of contraband- Contraband is considered to be any illegal or prohibited item found in youth’s possession.

3. Instances where police may be called –The following events may result in the police being called and possible charges being made against any youth involved in the event or act:

A. Youth comes to school presumed under the influence of alcohol or drugs

B. Youth is found in possession of alcohol, weapons, or medication not in proper container

C. Youth’s behavior is disruptive to the treatment environment to the point that consequences or counseling have failed to cease the behavior

D. Youth’s behavior becomes violent towards staff, another youth, or school property

E. Program is notified that a pick up order has been issued for a youth by the police


Revised 6/16