NAME ______


You good people, here today,

Know very well, the one true way.

Sit up straight and lend an ear,

A wonderful story, you will hear.


Babies are born, to every race,

In every age, in every place.

But none of them, caused such a stir,

As baby Jesus, born to Mary fair.


Think about it and bear in mind,

What this birth meant, to all mankind.

God our Fathers’, love for all,

Jesus His son, in an ox’s stall.


Mary and Joseph, with child yet unborn,

Travelled the roads, all weary and worn.

In Bethlehem Town they had to be,

Because of the Romans great decree


The Romans controlled, within their hands,

All the people, within their lands.

They needed taxes, to pay their army.

Ordinary people thought this was quite barmy.


To find the people, both young and old,

The Jewish Nation, had been told.

Upon a book, they must make their sign,

To show who lived, in these troubled times.

7. ***

They went to the town and the hotel places.

But no one wanted, to know their faces,

They wandered around, forlorn and quite lost,

No room could they find, not at any cost.


From the fields and deserts and mountains they’d come.

Bringing uncles - aunties and even their mum.

Joseph and Mary were late on the scene,

Because of her condition- you know what we mean.


The invading army, were always on show,

And nothing on earth - would persuade them to go.

To overthrow the Romans, you needed to be brave,

They needed a hero, who the people he’d save.


Tired and alone, desperate for sleep,

It was all they could do, just to keep on their feet.

There was only one inn, left for them to view,

Joseph was frantic, what else could he do.


Joseph told the keeper, just what they needed,

It’s for Mary my wife, he quietly pleaded.

They were anxious for a place, to lay their heads,

Oh what they’d give, for two warm beds.


In case this upsets you and your feeling glum,

We’ll tell you the good, news about Jesus’ mum

Cheer up - because, at the back is a cow shed,

About which I’m sure in the Bible you’ve read.


They settled down, in the soft warm hay,

It had really been, a difficult day.

In the early morning,Jesus was born,

They wrapped Him up snugly, to keep him warm.


In Bethlehem Town, on a cold dark night,

In an ox’s stable, warm and bright.

Joseph was as happy, as any man could be,

Jesus his step-son, for the world to see.



Three shepherds sat, on a cold wild hill,

While all about, was calm and still.

When suddenly, like tongues of fire,

Appeared from nowhere, an angel choir.


O men of God, to you this night,

Is born the Holy Lord of light.

In humble manger, you will see,

The God of all eternity.


The shepherds were good men, but rather slow,

And were not quite sure, of the way they should go,

A saviour, an angel, this cannot be right.

They discussed the matter, way into the night.


So as you will see, on this cold dark night,

The shepherds were told, of the wondrous sight.

From their sheep enclosures, way up on the hill,

They descended to Bethlehem to do God’s will.


The town theyapproached, at a rapid pace,

Wonder and awe, showed in each face.

“Come in,” said Joseph,“and see my child.”

The face of an angel, all gentle and mild.


A baby lamb, peeped round the door

And the donkey in the corner, began to snore.

The shepherds left, all full of smiles,

Even though, they had to walk miles.



Three Kings from Persian lands afar,

To Israel, followed the pointing star.

In Herod’s Palace, they asked for news,

Where was born, the King of the Jews.


But finding only angry men,

They left upon their way again.

Through hills and villages, they went on their way,

To seek the lord, born in the hay.


So as we have seen, from the verses so far,

The three wise men, travelled from afar.

Herod the ruler, the king of the Jews,

Was shocked and disturbed, at the sound of their news.


He was the ruler, the one in command,

No Jewish baby, would steal his land.

He sent his soldiers, servants and all,

To seek for the baby, born in the stall.



The Kings arrived and went down on one knee,

They’d travelled so far, this baby to see.

They held their gifts, up in the air,

The oldest king, ruffled Jesus’ hair


They had to go, they were feeling sad,

They said goodbye, to Jesus’ dad.

They warned him of Herod, with hate on his face

Joseph took Jesus to a safer place.



Herod was evil; he’d the devil within,

His soul was blackened and riddled with sin.

He shock and he quivered, in a jealous rage,

Not a single baby, would the soldiers save.


“Three Kings from lands far and near

Have told me a tale strange to the ear.

A King,a king,a King of great might,

Has been born in a stable here tonight.

Kill him,kill him,kill him I must -

Or my sons and my kingdom will crumble to dust.”


They marched from the palace, with stamping feet,

And knocked on every door: in the street.

Their weapons were made, with hardened steal,

The edge of the swords: would the young ones feel.


The blood flowed free, and the mothers screamed,

It was worse than anything, you could have dreamed.

The stable they found, was empty and bare,

Because Joseph had taken, Jesus from there.


What of Jesus our Saviour, on this fearful day,

An angel warned Joseph, to take him away.

The Holy Family, slipped out of the town,

Before the wrath, of Herod on them came down.



We’ve stopped our verses here, just after the kings.

It doesn’t finish here and we’ve missed out some


By using the shepherds, God gave a display,

That even the humblest, can live in his way.


On Christmas day we all eat drink and talk

But we hope of Jesus you will spare a thought

Just as the wise men paid a visit to the stable

We should think of Jesus if you are possibly able.

21/10/2018 A Curtis Class 5