
This Supplemental Privacy Notice supplements the 12 YARD PRODUCTIONS LIMITED PRIVACY NOTICE FOR PROGRAMME APPLICANTS, PARTICIPANTS AND CONTRIBUTORS. It is not intended to override that notice; both notices should be read together.

When you apply to take part in the Programme, and/or are confirmed as a participant or contributor the Programme, we may ask you to provide information, which is known as ‘special category data’ and/or criminal record data. Generally, we will collect information about you in these categories directly from you and not from third party sources. We will specifically inform you at the time if we propose to collect special category data or criminal record data from third party sources.

Who are we?

Any reference to "we", "us" and "our" is to 12 Yard Productions (Investments) Limited of The London Television Centre, Upper Ground, London, SE1 9LT and its subsidiary companies. Unless otherwise stated below, we are known as the “data controller” of your personal data.

You can contact us at or more information about how we process your data, including how to exercise your rights as a data subject.

What do we mean by special category data?

Special category data is personal information which is more sensitive than other personal data and can include information about a person’s: health; race; ethnic origin; political opinions; sex life; sexual orientation; or religious beliefs.

What special category data do we process and why?

We have set out below specific information about the special categories of data we may process in relation to the Programme and why.

There may be circumstances where we have to use your special category data (or make such data available to third parties) without your consent, for example:

(1) where you clearly make your data public, for example, by agreeing that it may be included in the Programme and not withdrawing such agreement before the Programme is broadcast or by disclosing such data on camera during a live broadcast;

(2) in the event of a medical emergency, where you are physically or legally incapable of giving consent, in order to protect your ‘vital interests’ (that is, your health or your life); and/or

(3) in relation to a legal claim and/or court order;

otherwise, we will only use such data for the below purposes (or such other purposes as have been confirmed to you in writing) provided you have given us your explicit consent to do so.

We may use data relating to your physical and mental health to assess your suitability to participate in the Programme.

This data will be used by the relevant Programme production team for the purposes of making the Programme. It may also be shared internally with the Business Affairs, Health and Safety, and Insurance teams and externally with professional advisers if their advice is required. It may also be shared with our insurers and the insurers of the Broadcaster.

We may use data relating to your race and/or ethnicity as part of our commitment to on-screen diversity.

This data will be used by the relevant production team for the purposes of monitoring and increasing diversity on the Programme.

Information about criminal records

Additionally, where authorised by UK/European laws, we may also ask you to self-disclose personal information relating to: criminal convictions; current or pending criminal proceedings; county court judgments; and/or formal cautions. With your consent, we may also carry out our own background checks which may include a basic check of any unspent convictions on your criminal record with the Disclosure and Barring Service (the “DBS”) and/or Disclosure Scotland and/or Access NI via M G Care Executive Limited (who trade as “uCheck”) (and/or such other organisations as we will always specifically explain to you) on your behalf. uCheck are registered with the DBS to provide basic check services.

Your criminal records data will be used by the relevant production team to assess your suitability to participate in the Programme and/or to deal with any questions or complaints arising in relation to the Programme. It may be shared internally the Business Affairs, Health and Safety, and Insurance teams] [and externally with professional advisers if their advice is required. It may also be shared with our insurers and the insurers of the commissioning broadcaster.

Like special category data, there may be circumstances where we have to use your criminal records data (or make such data available to third parties) without your consent, for example:

(1) where you clearly make your data public, for example, by agreeing that it may be included in the Programme and not withdrawing such agreement before the Programme is broadcast or by disclosing such data on camera during a live broadcast; and/or

(2) in relation to a legal claim and/or court order.

How long do we keep this data?

Category / Retention Period
If you appear in the finished programme and your data is featured in the finished programme (either because you have clearly made your data public or we have your consent) / The period during which we have the right to exploit the programme.
If you appear in the finished programme and your data is not featured in the finished programme / The period during which we have the right to exploit the programme.
If you take part in the programme (including any auditions for the programme) but do not appear in the finished programme / Health data - A minimum of 3 years from the last date of the data subject’s contribution to the programme.
All other data - Up to 1 month following the last transmission of the final episode of the programme
If you do not take part in the programme (including any auditions for the programme) and do not appear in the finished programme / Up to 1 month following the last transmission of the final episode of the programme

What are my data subject rights and how can I use them?

Where we are processing your special category data and/or criminal records data with your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time. Please contact us anytime.
However, if you do not wish to give us your consent, or later withdraw your consent to any or all of the above purposes (and/or such other purposes as we will always specifically explain to you) then, depending on the information concerned, we may not be able to proceed or continue with your application or participation in the Programme.

Your personal details are very important to 12 Yard Productions and you understand that the information you supply will be handled and stored according to current data protection and privacy legislation, and the privacy notices referred to in this form. Please indicate below as to whether or not you consent to us processing your special category data in accordance with the above notice.


You consent to our processing of the special category data as identified above in accordance with the above [ ]

You do not consent to the processing of the special category data as identified above [ ]

Signature (if emailing this form type in your name):
Print Name: