Yay...thank you for your interest in booking an Online Facebook Party with me! This is honestly one of the easiest ways to throw a party with your friends and earn FREE clothes. You can invite anyone you want from any part of the country to shop. Your friends get a chance to shop and you get a chance to get some beautiful FREE clothes. Remember, for every 10 pieces that are sold while you are the “HOSTESS” for that party, you get 1 item of your choice for FREE. You will also get 25% off a future purchase as well as a “Mystery Gift”.



Okay...I have a scheduled sale for my LuLaRoe every Friday that starts at 5pm MST and ends the next day at 5pm MST. During that time I will announce that you are my guest “PARTY HOSTESS” for the duration of that sale. You invite all your friends to shop that sale (along with all my usual customers) and all they need to do is mention your name in the “NOTES” section of the checkout form as the hostess. I will see how many items your friends buy and you will earn your FREE clothes according to those numbers.

NOTE: I only allow one hostess per sale. I do not want a lot of hostesses at one time, because it may make it difficult for your friends to actually claim an item and purchase if there is too much competition. This being will be the only hostess scheduled at this time! I think it makes it easier for your friends to shop and for you to earn FREE clothes!


●  I will create customized invitations for you to email to your friends and pass out to anyone and everyone you may know.

●  I will create an “EVENT” 1 week prior to the online sale and have you add as many friends as you can. This event is essentially an online invitation for people to join the party and shop. I will add you onto my Facebook account as an “administrator” so you have access to do this. Just go to the “EVENT” tab on my Facebook shopping page, look for your scheduled event and start adding your friends! I will notify you as soon as I get the event scheduled and have you start adding at that time. You can also just tell you friends to go to my Facebook page LuLaRoe Katrina Malone VIP and I can add them as well!

●  Please note: Although, you will be administrator to add friends, I kindly ask that you not do anything else in regards to this position. Sometimes people want to post things to my page and ask to join. I will be the only one to respond to those. Thanks!

●  I will post notifications throughout the sale that you are our guest hostess.

●  I will record the number of items purchased by your friends and tell you how many FREE pieces of clothing you earned.


●  Email, post, and invite as many people as you can with the invitations I send you.

●  Invite your friends to the party via the “EVENT” that I scheduled. Your friends have to be members of my LuLaRoe Katrina Malone VIP shopping page in order to be invited to an event. If they already are members, you are good to go. If not, please add them to the group!

●  Remind your friends about the sale.

●  Please have your friends visit my website to become familiar with the clothing styles, pricing, etc… prior to the sale. This will make it easier for them to shop, because they know what to expect.

●  Have your friends register with “Shop The Roe” prior to the sale ( This is the program I will be using to have people claim and purchase items. You only have to register 1 time and then you are always in the system. This will just save time, so they don’t have to do it during the sale. I will have a reminder in the scheduled event for your friends to do this.

●  Comment on the clothing and posts! You will have access to do this as “administrator”, so please say something about how cute the dress looks, tag a friend to take a look, etc…

●  Remind your friends to pay their invoices!! I will be submitting invoices after the party or the next day. I can not tally up how many items were purchased under your hostess name until they are paid.

●  Be positive during the sale and most importantly just have fun!

That is pretty much it for running an online Facebook party! Essentially, your friends just shop with the rest of my customers, but they need to add your name as the hostess on the checkout form for you to get credit towards your FREE clothes! Please let me know if you have any questions or need me to clear anything up. I will be in contact with you soon!!

Thanks So Much!

Katrina Malone
