1. ______is the study of Heredity. You inherit alleles (different forms of genes) from your parents. The genetic variation that produces unique individuals results from:
- ______during prophase I of meiosis I,
- ______during anaphase
2. Proteins are important because they determine a person’s traits (observed characteristics). Why is DNA important in protein synthesis (the making of proteins)?
3. 2 processes involved in protein synthesis: 1.______and 2. ______
4. Compare GENE / ALLELE: / 8. Remember a karyotype is a picture of an individual’s chromosomes.

  1. How would the karyotype of a person with Down’s syndrome (shown above) differ from a normal karyotype?
  1. What phase in Meiosis causes this to occur (we call this NON-DISJUNCTION – chromosomes did not separate properly?

7. Compare HOMOZYGOUS/HETEROZYGOUS: / 9. Find the gametes of the following genotypes:
  1. Aa
  1. TTYy
  1. BbAa
10. Genes are not always expressed (“turned on”). This process is regulated; however, what can influence the expression of genes?
11. Show all work in a Punnett square and give the genotypic and phenotypic ratios.
Traits and alleles: Y= Yellow seed, y=green seedR=round, r= wrinkled
Cross two plants heterozygous for seed color.
Genotype =
% =
Fraction (Probability)=
Phenotype =
% =
Fraction =
Ratio = / 12. Show all work in a Punnett square and give the genotypic and phenotypic ratios.
Traits and alleles: Y= Yellow seed, y=green seedR=round, r= wrinkled
Cross two heterozygous plants that have yellow, round seeds.
Parents = ______X______
Place Gametes on the sides of thePunnett Square:

only give phenotypic ratios:
13.What is a mutation? Most of the time mutations are what type and how do they get inherited?
14. Agenomeis an organism's complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. Eachgenome contains all of the information needed to build and maintain that organism. Why are we able to compare genomes of many different species, for example like monkeys and humans? / 15. If you crossed: AABb X Aabb, what percent of the offspring would be:AABb?
16. If you crossed AaBb X aabb, what percent will be heterozygous for both traits?