Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th March 2018

at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.


Cllr Vaughan (Chairman)

Cllr Chapman

Cllr Mr Ruth

Cllr Mrs Ruth

Cllr Cullender

Cllr Wright

Cllr Kerr

Cllr Hamer

Sally Upshall – Clerk Left at 7-50pm

Cllr Westbrook – NDDC Councillor

Cllr Carr-Jones – NDDC and DCC Councillor.

There were 12 members of the public present.

  1. Welcome & Domestic Notices

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notices.

Planning Meeting

2/2018/0084/OUT Land off Kentisworth Road, Marnhull – Develop land by erection of 9 dwellings and form vehicular access.

Resolved: No Objection.

A note to be added by the clerk regarding the section 106 payments.

2/2018/0024/LBC Southwell, Carraway Lane, Marnhull – Replace fire door and French doors and repair or replace chimney. Replace the lime mortar around the chimney and carry out all internal and external repairs in relation to this.

Resolved: No Objection.

2/2018/0035/FUL Meadowlands Ham Lane Marnhull - Demolish existing dwelling and erect 2 No. dwellings. Form vehicular access and parking spaces.

Resolved: Objection.

For the following reasons:

Out of keeping of the area, Overdevelopment of the site, Loss of privacy for the neighbours.

If NDDC are minded to approve the application, then MPC request that it is heard by the Development Control Committee.

2/2018/0074/house – The bungalow, Phillips Road, Marnhull – Erect detached double timber framed garage and log store.

Resolved: No Objection.

  1. 2018/012 Declarations of Interest Regarding

a)Agenda Items


b)Grant of dispensations regarding Disclosable Pecuniary Interests when setting the Annual Precept


  1. 2018/013 Public Consultation

Mr Eveleigh spoke over is concern regarding the Corner Close sign that the developers had still not removed. Cllr Carr-Jones explained to the Council that a new developer had been found and work should commence in the next month.

Mr Eveleigh asked about the Section 106 payments and why one wasn’t requested for the Burton Street/Sackmore Lane application. The Chairman explained that unfortunately this was not requested at the time of the planning.

The Chairman said that he would ensure that he would do all that he couldto make sure that Section 106 payments for dwellings built in Marnhull would go to infrastructure and projects in Marnhull.

Council Session

  1. 2018/014 Apologies for Absence.

Cllr Wiles

  1. 2018/015 Chairman’s Urgent Business

During the next month the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on the 20th April at 7pm in the Village Hall.

  1. 2018/016 Minutes

The minutes for the 5th of February 2018 were agreed and signed.

  1. 2018/017 Matters arising from the previous minutes (not on agenda)

Bin on Sackmore Lane – Discussion occurred over the bin on Sackmore Lane and the broken bench. Both are not in good working order and the bin is not thought to be on the list for emptying. In the past this has been emptied by a resident living nearby but this has not happened recently. The thought is that if they are unusable then it may be better to remove them, but this is ongoing. There was also discussion regarding the bin in the Crown car park and whether this was on the list for emptying. The Chairman confirmed that it wasn’t and if it is in the car park of the Crown then this is their responsibility to empty.

Overgrown Hedge – There was discussion regarding a report of an overgrown hedge in Love Lane. Cllr Hamer has followed this up with the residents of the property and there is no cause for complaint and the hedge is in good order and is not overgrowing onto Love Lane. Cllr Mrs Hamer felt that this complaint was not substantiated in any way and asked that this was fed back to the complaint.

Cricket club SLA – Cllr Kerr and the Chairman raised concerns that this had not been dealt with by the clerk yet, the Chairman to speak to the clerk to get it finalised.

  1. 2018/018 Financial Matters

a)Payment Schedule.

Payment Schedule for March for £1867.51was signed by the Chairman.

Profit and Loss Cllr Mr Ruth went through the profit and loss account. There is vat to be reclaimed and Cllr Kerr requested that the Chairman chase the clerk to check this has been completed.

The Chairman read out a thank you letter from the Lunch Club for the donation.

Cllr Hamer to put something in the Messenger to thank the local shops that stayed open during the snow and to wish the proprietor of Robin Hill Stores good luck in his up and coming marathon.

  1. 2018/019 Planning Matters

Cllr Chapman noted some information from the Local Development Plan and that there is not a specific number of houses that they are saying need to be built it is what is necessary to meet local need.

The Chair to circulate the results of the 2017 survey that was carried out by the Neighbourhood planning committee at the time.

10.2018/020 Councillors’ Reports

NDDC – Cllr Carr-Jones explained that he keeps the Chairman updated with as many updates as he can via email over the month. He explained that Dorset did well in the bad weather compared to some neighbouring counties.

Cllr Westbrook reported that Dorset was one of the areas that was trialling the new integrated care system.

Parish Councillors reports

Men’s Shed – The Chairman of the Men’s Shed attended the meeting to explain what the Men’s Shed was all about. The purpose is to create a community space for men to meet to help tackle social isolation. Funding is being applied for and a temporary solution is being looked at until a shed can be found. There request was that the shed been placed on the Recreation Ground and their thoughts were to go between the Cricket nets and Tennis Club. They are looking for a shed around 30 square metres to avoid the need for a planning application. Another member is also trying to contact another option of an existing premises in the Village. Cllr Chapman asked that they continue to look for other existing premises and to come back to the Parish Council when they are clearing on their funding.

Street Litter Picking – The Council were asked to fund some equipment for the litter picking. The Chairman has since found out that the highways department will loan all the necessary equipment and then come and pick it up once it has been finished with.

It was suggested that the Chairman put a thank you to John Seear in his next mutterings in the Messenger.

Chris Woods Contract – Cllr Hamer explained that all the contract seemed quite confusing about what he is supposed to be doing. Discussion followed. It was decided that Cllr Hamer would go away and look at the SLA with Chris Woods and discuss it with him and Tony Clark and this will be reviewed to incorporate St Gregory’s Churchyard and then she will report back to the Council.

Group Speeding – Plans from the Parish Council’s have been sent into Highways.

Trees – Cllr Hamer has three quotes for the tree work and has gained three quotes. These incorporate the dead willow at the bottom of the Recreation drive. Cllr Chapman proposed that we accept the quote from David Harness and this was seconded was Cllr Kerr all were in favour and Cllr Hamer will contact him to get the work completed asap.

Finger Post Signs – Cllr Chapman investigated this, and he reported that when one was broken near his house the DCC came out and fixed the sign.

The clerk will update further.

Telephone Boxes – The paperwork is with the clerk and will be signed at the next meeting. This is also to go into the mutterings in the Messenger to see if anyone would like to take on the other telephone box.

  1. 2018/021 Clerk’s Report/s
  1. Correspondence –
  1. 2018/022 Date and time of next meeting

Council Meeting Tuesday 3rd April 2018 in the Village Hall at 7pm

The meeting concluded at 9.20 pm.

Chairman…………………………. Date…………………….