Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday 3rd December 2014held in

Nether Currie Primary School

Present – Neil Anderson,Jean Cairns, Jack Cairns, Barbara Chambers, Irene Collier,

Colin Collier, Mark Hutchison, Ann Ireland, Ian Ireland, Sheila Nicol,

Gordon Porteous, Alex. Preston, Jo Walton and Val Wardle.

Mark opened theMeeting and welcomed all those in attendance.

Irene and Colin Collier were welcomed as it was their first attendance.

1. Apologies – Donald Kennedy, Sarah Hollis and David Hollis.

2. Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday 3rd September 2014.

Minutes wereaccepted as correct – Proposed by Alex. Preston and

Seconded by Jack Cairns.

3. Matters arising from3rd September 2014 Meeting.

Four new half -barrel planters and plants were installed in park on 14 November

2014. One existing planter was re-sited beside the bench next to the wildflower


Cutting the vegetation a metre wide at the side of the path will be tried next year.

May prove difficult with machinery.

Ian had spread super glue on the owl sculpture cracks to help minimise splitting.

One waste bin had been moved to a spot behind the goal posts on 13 November


Basal tree growth had been cut – Craig stated that the Rangers can assist with this

and other tasks.

Still waiting on a new bin beside the swings.

Re. Green Flag Assessment , neither Formal nor Community Judges are allowed to assess their own park.

No formal Budget allocated to individual Parks. £50,000 has to be shared between

30 Public Parks.

Mark was given a copy of the latest Risk Assessment for Muir Wood Park and he

went over some of the comments.

The results of the recent camera work on the drains were not yet to hand.

4. Report on Family Events.

This item was brought forward at Jo’s request as she had to leave early.

Four events have been held to date with one more to take place on

Sunday 7th December. All had been very successful and fully attended – over 132 so

far. The Bush-Craft was very popular but the Bat Walk was a bit early and it was not

dark enough for the bats to come out. Over £200.00 has been raised and donated to

the Friends Group. We thank Jo and her friend Jess from “Under the Trees” for this

gesture and also for running these popular and successful events.

It is hoped that they may be repeated next year – dependent on Forestry

Commission grants being available.

5. Treasurer’s Report – Annual Audit.

Ian passed round copies of the Audit Report which had again been carried out by

Kathryn Cowin MICB,CB.Dip at the very reasonable cost of £40.00.

Although the Accounts show a deficit of £11.91 for the current year we are owed

around £380.00 from Jo for the Family Events. This is because she is unable to claim

the Grant she received until after the last event (7th December) has been run.

Also Jo has contributed over £200.00 from the Events.

The £6,300.00 Grant for the Football Pitch has still not been claimed by the Council!

It was suggested that this money should be transferred to an Interest bearing


Approximately £1,200.00 in the Accounts belongs to the Friends Group.

6. Meeting with Police re Vandalism.

Ian met with the Police on Thursday 25th November 2014.

a)No regular patrols to the Park unless a number of complaints have been received. It is therefore essential that all cases of vandalism etc are reported by phoning101.

b)A Schools Liaison Police Officer is based at Currie High School and he is to be contacted re the problems.

c)A leaflet is to be prepared to issue to all houses surrounding the park asking for their co-operation in reporting disturbances etc to the Police on 101.

7.Green Flag Assessment Scores.

Jack and Ian had attended a Meeting with all the Friends Groups in Edinburgh and had

obtained a copy of the Green Flag Assessment Scores – copies were circulated.

Discussion followed on the markings but it was agreed that as the major failing was

grass maintenance this was down to the Council and in the present economic climate

this was likely to get worse.

Other items were to be dealt with or advised to Craig – ie drain cover, Management

Rules missing, number of bird boxes, possible management of Ivy.

8. A.O.C.B.

Ian said that new football nets had been bought and installed on Tuesday 18th

November –existing nets were damaged through extensive use.

Between Friday 21st and Saturday 22ndNovember both nets had all the pegs pulled up

and all the clips removed.

After some discussion it was agreed that the nets should be removed for the Winter

period. This had in fact been one of the suggestions from the Police.

There being no further business, the Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Date of next Meeting - Wednesday 4thMarch 2015

in Nether Currie Primary School