6.1 Need for the study:
Arogyavardhinivati is a formulation which comes under Khalwiya rasayana and has been described under visarpa roga-adhikara. The main ingredient of formulation is Katuki churna and the rest are Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Loha Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma, Triphala, Shuddha Shilajathu, Shuddha Guggulu, Chitraka mula churna, Nimba patra Swarasa.
Arogyavardhinivati is a popular formulation, manufactured by many of the Pharmacies and used widely. It has got much effect over the twak vikaras. It is specially indicated in kushta which is one among Ashta maha gada and it is also indicated in many diseases such as Visarpa, Medoroga, Jwara,etc Though many works are carried out on this preparation, very few are on pharmaceutical aspect. So, the present study is on pharmaceutical and analytical study on Arogyavardhinivati
6.2 Review of Literature
Reference of Arogyavardhinivati is traced mainly in Rasaratnasamuchchaya, however two more cross references including that of Rasa Chandamshu can be traced in Rasayogasagara.
The Shodhana, Marana and Amrutikarana of the ingredients are mentioned in most of the Rasashastra texts. However the references taken up for this particular work are –
Parada Shodhana and Dhanyabhraka explained in Rasendrasara Sangraha1 have been considered.
Gandhaka Shodhana, Loha and Tamra Samanya Shodhana, Loha and Tamra Marana, Tamra bhasma Amrutikarana, Abhraka Shodhana, Abhraka Marana, Shilajatu Shodhana explained in Rasaratnasamuchchaya2 have been considered.
Loha bhasma Amrutikarana explained in Ayurveda Prakasha3 has been considered.
Abhraka bhasma Amrutikarana and Guggulu Shodhana explained in Rasa Tarangini4 have been considered.
Previous works published
- Arogyavardhinivati ka Vicharchika par prabhav by Dr. Dive M. S. in NagpurUniversity, 1988.
- Gunatmaka study of Arogyavardhini rasa by Dr. Tiware R.E. in B.R.AmbedkarBiharUniversity, Muzaffarpur, Patna, 1991.
- Studies on Arogyavardhiniati by Dr. Pattagiri B.J. in B.H.U., 1998.
- Preparation of Arogyavardhini rasa and evaluation of its effect on Vicharchika by Dr. Udupa Vidya Venkatrama in S.D.M.AyurvedaCollege, Udupi, 2003.
6.3. Aims and Objectives of Study
- To carry out Shodhana of Parada, Gandhaka, Loha, Abhraka, Tamra, Shilajatu, Guggulu
- To carry out the Marana of Loha, Abhraka, Tamra and its Amrutikarana.
- To carry out the preparation of Arogyavardhini Vati.
- To carry out Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of the prepared Arogyavardhini Vati.
7 / Materials and Methods
7.1. Source of Data:
- Literary data will be collected from Authentic texts and other literature.
- All the raw materials will be collected from the Pansari shops.
7.2. Method of Collection of Data
- The text Rasendrasara Sangraha1 explains Parada shodhana by triturating it with Kumari swarasa and Haridra churna, then it is subjected to Urdhwapatana method.
- As per Rasaratnasamuchchaya2, Gandhaka shodhana is done by taking wide mouth vessel, filled with Go-Ksheera and cloth is tied on the mouth of the vessel. The powdered Gandhaka is spread on the cloth and covered by sharava. Upalas are spread over the sharava and ignited. Samanya shodhana of Loha and Tamra is done by Nirvapa in mentioned Drava dravyas i.e., Taila, Takra, Go-Mutra, Kanji, Kulattha Kwatha. Abhraka shodhana is done by Nirvapa method in Go-Ksheera for seven times. Loha marana is done by taking shodhita Loha in an iron pan. Equal quantity of ghrita is added to it and bharjana is done. This process is for five times. Then this mixture is triturated in the triphala kwatha, Chakrikas are prepared and subjected to four Gajaputa.
- As per Ayurveda Prakasha3, Loha bhasma amrutikarana is done, by taking equal quantity of Loha bhasma and Triphala kwatha and this mixture is subjected to Paka.
- As per Rasendrasara Sangraha1, Dhanya-abhraka is prepared by taking one part of shodhita abhraka and Shaali are taken in a piece of Kambal and Pottali is prepared. This Pottali has to be kept in water for three days and later rubbed vigorously.
- As per Rasarathnasamuchchaya2, Abhraka bhasma is prepared by taking Dhanya-abhraka and guda, bhavana is given with Eranda Patra swarasa and chakrikas are prepared. Vata patras are placed above and below the chakrikas and placed in Sharava samputa and subjected to three Gajaputa.
- As per Rasa Tarangini4, Abhraka bhasma amrutikarana is prepared by taking equal quantity of Abhraka bhasma and go-ghrita, mixed well and subjected to bharjana. Guggulu Shodhana done by swedana in Dolayantra by using four parts of Go-ksheera.
- As per Rasaratnasamuchchaya2, Tamra bhasma is prepared by mixing kajjali with Nimbu swarasa and applied to Tamra patra, then subjected to three Gajaputa. Tamra bhasma amrutikarana is prepared by taking Tamra bhasma and triturated with amla rasa, bolus is prepared out of it, and kept inside the tuber of surana, closed and covered with mud layer. It is then dried and subjected to Gajaputa. Shilajatu shodhana is done by Prakshalana with the help of Kshara, Amla, Go-mutra. Preparation of Arogyavardhinivati is done, by giving bhavana with Nimba patra swarasa as per Rasarathnasamuchchaya2.
- Thus prepared Arogyavardhinivati will be subjected to test for qualitative and quantitative analysis and other tests.
- Qualitative test
-Classical Bhasma pareekshas including apunarbhava pareeksha.
-Nambhuri phased spot test (N.P.S.T.)
- Quantitative test:
- Other tests
7.3. Does the study require any investigations or interventions to be conducted on patients or other human or animals? If so please describe briefly.
No, it does not require.
7.4. Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case of 7.3?
Not applicable.
8. / List of References
- Gopala Krishna Batta. Rasendrasara Sangraha, Commented by TripatiIndradev, 3rd edition 2003, Choukambha Orientalia, pp514.
- Vagbhata. Rasaratnasamuchchaya, commented by TripatiIndradev, 2nd edition 2000, Choukambha publications, pp418.
- Madhav Upadyaya. Ayurveda Prakasha, translated by Shri. Gulrajsharmamishra, Choukambha Vishwabharati, pp504.
- Shri Sharma Sadananda. Rasa Tarangini, edited by Shastri Kashinatha, 11th edition 1994, Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi, pp772.