The Department's objectives for the D/M/WBE program are to provide firms with an opportunity to compete for work and also to create a situation in which they can obtain meaningful work that will enhance their marketability and growth. Specifically, the D/M/WBE work should possess the following characteristics.

! D/M/WBE services must result in a product which is distinguishable from the prime's product.

! D/M/WBE services must be for elements of the contract which can be and are completely performed, supervised and managed by the D/M/WBE.

! The D/M/WBE must perform significant tasks which can be considered commercially marketable.

CUF assignments, which already make up the vast majority of subconsultant assignments, should result in subs being more visible and participating in the mainstream of project activities and being present at scoping, negotiating, Get Start, and progress meetings related to the CUF. These assignments should result in Department staff being more aware of the work of the subs. This does not, however, alter the present system of contracting between the State and the prime consultant by which the prime is responsible for delivery of all of the work of the project in compliance with the requirements of the State.

The following table provides specific examples of a CUF & non-CUF sub-consultant services by project type:

Highway & Bridge
(All Phases) / *Perform all design services for one PIN under a multiple PIN agreement.
*Perform final bridge design or final highway design of a distinguishable portion of the project.
*Provide plans for maintenance & protection of traffic, signals, signing, culvert, utility relocation, cost estimating, etc.
*Perform an environmental study, e.g., a noise study, and document the results in a report.
*Design Survey & Mapping
*Right-of-Way Survey & Mapping
*Identify & make preliminary evaluations of distinguishable portions of design alternatives.
*Perform in-depth bridge inspection / *Providing staff which support the prime's efforts but which produce no distinguishable D/M/WBE product, e.g., providing a portion of a survey crew or design support staff.
*Performing only drafting or other non-engineering services.
*Hiring another firm to perform services for the D/M/WBE.

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Inspection Services / *Managing, scheduling, inspection, quality control and related bridge inspection contract tasks for assigned bridges.
*Performing bridge inspection and related services for assigned bridges.
*Performing quality control of inspection reports for assigned bridges.
*Providing hydraulic, steel or other bridge vulnerability assessments.
*Performing Level I load rating. / *Providing staff which support the prime's efforts but which produce no distinguishable D/M/WBE product; e.g., providing only administrative or clerical staff.
*Providing incomplete bridge inspection teams such as only assistant team leaders or additional team members.
Services / *Perform all inspection services for one or more PINs under a multiple PIN agreement.
*Perform inspection of a distinguishable portion of the project.
*Provide inspection for speciality items of work such as signals, signing, or culvert installation, or inspecting the contractor's efforts in maintenance & protection of traffic.
*Provide identifiable, specialized professional services such as a Resident Engineer (RE), Office Engineer (OE), Critical Path Method (CPM) Scheduler, etc. / *Providing staff which support the prime's efforts but which produce no distinguishable D/M/WBE product, e.g., providing a portion of a survey crew or inspection crew.
*Hiring another firm to perform services for the D/M/WBE.
Services / *Perform all surveying and/or mapping services for a project (single PIN) under a multi-project agreement.
*Perform all relevant field work and make all Right-of-Way maps for one or more PINs. / *Providing staff who support the prime's efforts but who produce no distinguishable product, e.g., providing survey crew personnel, or providing a survey crew to work under the direction of the prime on portions of a project.

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(Continued) / *Perform all field data collection and create all digital design mapping and terrain models for one PIN. This also includes field checking and supplementing photogrammetric mapping on the given project.
*Perform the complete horizontal and vertical control survey for one PIN, including reconnaissance, monumentation, primary control and benchmarks, baseline and photo control points (if any), and preparation of the control report.
*Perform all aerotriangulation, photogrammetric stereocompilation, and generate the finished mapping for one PIN. / *Collecting field data which is turned over to the prime for processing and production of the finished mapping. The prime may, however, be involved in converting finished digital mapping from the subconsultant's format into the format specified by the Department.
Planning & Development Studies / *Perform data collection tasks: Speed/delay surveys, vehicle classification/occupancy counts, queuing study, origin-destination survey, data collection and survey reduction, survey form design, collection of traffic volumes, collection of physical inventory data, and arranging data.
*Development of Community Participation Program:
Arranging facilities, preparing newsletter & handouts, prepare meeting minutes, and community participation plan.
*Development of non-traditional transportation alternatives:
Growth management, transportation demand management.
*Collection, plotting of accident data:
Preparation of collision diagram. / *Provide machine traffic counts.
*Provide staff which support the prime's effort but which produce no distinguishable D/M/WBE product, e.g., providing a portion of a survey crew or planning support staff.
*Performing only drafting or other non-planning or non-engineering services.

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Planning & Development Studies (Continued) / *Funding Assessment:
Congestion pricing, Impact Fees,
Public/private shares.
*CADD Mapping
*Traffic simulation modeling.

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