Uintah FFA
Vernal, UT
Chapter Officer Handbook
David Wilson, Advisor
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."
Warren G. Bennis
"Leadership is an action, not a position."
Donald H. McGannon
“Act Today . . . Impact Tomorrow!”
Table of Contents
IntroductionPage 3
Parent LetterPage 4
Chapter Officers and ResponsibilitiesPage 5
Officer ApplicationPages 6-8
Officer Code of ConductPages 9-11
Final Application InstructionsPages 12
Officer Eligibility and Schedule of EventsPage 13
Officer Attendance GuidelinesPage 14
Agreement Page (signatures required)Page 15
Officer Selection Score CardPage 16
Dear Chapter FFA Officer Candidate:
Becoming a Chapter FFA Officer is a challenging process, yet a very rewarding opportunity. Through this chapter officer candidate process, you will grow as a person and advance in leadership development and career preparation. Congratulations on deciding to run for office!
Although Chapter FFA Office takes a great deal of hard work and dedication, officers will gain experiences and contacts that will last their lifetimes. The skills gained will help prepare them for future careers, opportunities in college, and leadership roles in other organizations. Chapter officers serve the Uintah FFA members and advisor. They make a positive difference in the lives of many people.
This handbook is to help you prepare for your candidacy for FFA Chapter Office. In it, you will find everything you need to get you on your way. Please review all the enclosed information thoroughly as you prepare for the chapter officer selection process.
Remember, this handbook is only the beginning! As a candidate, you will need to study FFA information as well as practice interviewing and presenting yourself in front of people. It will take your personal commitment and dedication to truly prepare for this process. You know the areas where you need self improvement. We wish you the very best.
If you have any further questions, regarding the responsibilities of Chapter FFA Officers or the Selection Process, please contact your chapter advisor or current chapter officers.Congratulations on taking the next step in developing yourself as a leader! Good luck!
Mr. Wilson
Uintah FFA Advisor
Parent Letter
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Congratulations on your child’s interest in serving as a Chapter FFA Officer. Becoming a Chapter FFA Officer is a challenging process, yet a very rewarding opportunity. Through this chapter officer candidate process, your child will grow as a person and advance in leadership development and career preparation. You should be proud of your child’s interest in leadership and service.
Although Chapter FFA Office takes a great deal of hard work and dedication, officers will gain experiences and contacts that will last their lifetimes. The skills gained will help prepare them for future careers, opportunities in college, and leadership roles in other organizations. Chapter officers serve the Uintah FFA members and advisor. They make a positive difference in the lives of many people.
This handbook is to help your child prepare for candidacy for a Chapter FFA Office. In it, he/she will find everything he/she needs to get ready. Please review all of the enclosed informationthoroughly with your child as he prepares for the chapter officer selection process.
Remember, this handbook is only the beginning. As a candidate, your child will need to study FFA information as well as practice interviewing and presenting himself in front of people. It will take his personal commitment and dedication to truly prepare for this process. Even though you child knows himself best, together you can you’re your child recognize the areas where he needs improvement. We wish him and you the very best.
If you have any further questions, regarding the responsibilities of FFA Chapter Officers or the Selection Process, please contact the chapter advisor or current chapter officers.
Congratulations again on your child’s success in the FFA!
Mr. Wilson
Uintah FFA Advisor
Chapter Officers and Responsibilities
There will be a minimum of six chapter officers for the school and the possibility of one other, as decided upon by the nominating committee. Selection results for the Uintah FFA Chapter Officer team will be announced at the Uintah FFA Chapter Banquet May 9th.The unique duties of each office is combined together to make the most productive team. In the following outline is the description of the major duties for each office.
President (Chapter FFA Degree Required)
- Preside over meeting, according to accepted rules of parliamentary procedure.
- Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio (non-voting) member.
- Coordinate the activities of the chapter and evaluate the progress of each division of the Program of Activities (POA).
- Represent the chapter in public relations and official functions.
- Does not have supreme power over the chapter.
Vice President (Chapter FFA Degree Required)
- Assume all duties of the president, if necessary.
- Develop the Program of Activities (POA) and serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the POA committees.
- Coordinate all committee work.
- Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress towards meeting chapter goals.
- Establish and maintain a chapter resource file.
- Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting.
- Prepare and post the minutes of each chapter meeting.
- Place all committee reports in the designated area in the FFA chapter books.
- Be responsible for Chapter correspondence.
- Maintain attendance and activity records and issue membership cards.
- Receive, record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts.
- Present monthly treasurer’s reports at chapter officer meetings.
- Collect dues.
- Maintain a neat and accurate record of Chapter FFA accounts.
- Prepare and submit the membership roster and dues to the Utah FFA Association.
- Release news and information to local and regional news media.
- Assist in the publication of a chapter website and chapter scrapbook.
- Send local stories to area, district and state reporters.
- Serve as the chapter photographer.
- Assist the president in maintaining order.
- Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition.
- Welcome guests and visitors.
- Keep the meeting room comfortable.
- Take charge of candidates for degree ceremonies.
Historian (if elected)
- Develop and maintain a scrapbook of memorabilia to record the chapter’s history.
- Research and prepare items of significance of the chapter’s history.
- Prepare displays of chapter activities and submit stories of former members to the media.
- Assist the reporter in providing photography for chapter needs.
Being a Chapter Officer is an educational, demanding and rewarding, but fun experience. To be a Chapter Officer, you must meet several requirements set forth by the National and State FFA Associations and by the Uintah FFA Chapter Constitution. Before completing this application, please refer to the Expectations/Requirements for Chapter Officers’ sheet to find out if being a chapter officer is for you.
Please complete the below application. It would be beneficial if you typed this application. You may type out the question answers on a separate sheet and attach them to this application.
Name: Address: ______
Phone: Age: Date of birth: ______
Grade in School: Cumulative GPA: ______
Years in FFA: # of Ag. Classes you have taken:______
1. For which office are you applying? (Circle the office.)
President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel
2. Would you accept another office? YES NO
If so, what would be your second choice? President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel (Circle the office.)
3. Do you have a basic understanding of what parliamentary procedure is? Explain your parliamentary procedure experience. (If you have little or none, it is okay.We will help you learn.)
4. Are you willing to spend the time and make the full commitment to be a chapter leader? (That means putting FFA first before other activities.)
5. Describe why you are interested in serving as a Chapter Officer.
6. Briefly, explain what you would like to improve in the chapter and how you would do it.
7. List all leadership activities you have participated in, such as FFA, 4-H or other organizations. List awards or accomplishments earned.
8. Do you have complete parental/guardian support in being an FFA chapter officer? Please explain.
9. Briefly, describe your Supervised Agricultural Experience Program. (Your record book will be reviewed by Mr. Wilson, on The AET.)
10. Please list all other high school or community activities/organizations you are involved in and to what extent you are involved.(We are looking for candidates whowill put FFA as their top priorities.)
11. My plans for the remainder of next school year include: Be specific as possible as to what your goals are for the next year, what you plan to accomplish and what commitments do you have other than FFA. Examples would includework, early graduation, rodeo, sports, other clubs and/or organizations. (We are looking for candidates who are not so involved in other things that will prevent FFA from being their top priorities.)
12. If you have a job, on average, how many hours a week do you work?
13. Please type and attacha short essay (one page or less) as to why you should be selected as a Uintah FFA Chapter Officer.
14. FFA Officer Candidates are expected to be our most active FFA members. To help establish your involvement in our chapter, please answer the following question: Did you participate in the following Uintah FFA activities? If you were not yet a member, just state not a member yet in the box. You will not be penalized.
Activities / Please circleYes or No / If you answered no, please explain why.
If you answered yes, explain your contribution.
2013 Chapter Banquet / Yes No
2012 Closing Social / Yes No
2012 Opening Social / Yes No
2012 Uintah County Fair Little Red Barn / Yes No
Did you help with the FFA Homecoming Parade Float? / Yes No
Did you go to the Snow College CDEs? / Yes No
Uintah Rec. FFA Halloween Spook Alley / Yes No
Did you assist with poinsettia sales? / Yes No
Did you participate in the speaking contest? / Yes No
Did you go to ULC? / Yes No
2013 Utah FFA State Convention / Yes No
Other activities not mentioned (Please explain.) / Yes No
Officers’ Code of Conduct
The Uintah FFA Officers are overseen by the FFA Advisor, who also serves as the agricultural teacher, and assistant FFA Advisor and with a school administrator who provides support.
To participate in the Uintah FFA Chapter Officer program, officer candidates must meet all of the eligibility requirements:
- Have and maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher.
- Have and maintain a clean school discipline and attendance record.
- Have acquired the Greenhand FFA Degree; Chapter FFA Degree, if positions of President or Vice President are desired.
- Attend the summer Chapter Officer Retreat and officer training scheduled for July 2013.
- Have a signed and completed application on file with the chapter advisor, including the Officer Contract.
- Have a signed and completed chapter Code of Ethics on file with the chapter advisor.
- Be a member of the local FFA chapter for the current school year.
- Review the Chapter Officer Handbook.
- Go through the chapter selection process June 19-21, 2013. (It will be only a couple of hours one of these dates.)
It is a both a privilege and responsibility to be elected an officer of the Uintah FFA Chapter. The following guidelines are written to help you approach the year with a clear understanding of what is expected.
All Officers Are Expected to:
- Observe both the FFA Code of Ethics, as printed in the Official FFA Manual and the Uintah High School Student Handbook.
- Strictly forego any use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and profanity anytime anywhere, especially on school property or at FFA events.
- Maintain a professional relationship at all times with other officers, teacher and administrators.
- Maintain high academic achievement by carrying a minimum 2.0 GPA at all times.
- Follow instructions given by the FFA advisor and other high school faculty.
- Be willing to make the Uintah FFA chapter your first priority for the coming year.
- Be punctual and prepared for all assignments and activities.
- Avoid places and/or activities that, in any way, raise questions as to your moral character.
- Accept suggestions, feedback, and criticism in a mature way.
- Follow accepted standards of behavior and etiquette in public places.
- Observe all of the above guidelines in all areas of life for the coming year. You represent this chapter 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Complete all assigned officer tasks by appropriate deadlines and make every effort to assist the other members of the team with their assignments.
Furthermore, it is recommended that all Officers:
- Refrain from speaking negatively about anyone.
- Refrain from reckless operation of motor vehicles, including speeding.
- Plan ahead to be in attendance at all chapter activities. Notify the advisor as soon as possible if you will not be able to attend.
- Keep your advisors informed of any problems you encounter or mistakes you make.
- Become knowledgeable about agriculture, agribusiness, agricultural education and the FFA.
- Attempt, through preparation and practice, to develop yourself into an effective public speaker.
- Periodically evaluate your personality and attitudes, making every effort to improve yourself.
- Maintain and protect your health.
- Treat ALL FFA members equally, not favoring one over another.
- Behave in a manner that conveys and commands respect.
- Maintain dignity while being personable, concerned and interested in the people around you.
- Serve as a member of the team, always maintaining a cooperative attitude.
In the event an officer has a problem following these guidelines:
- The advisor shall meet with the officer in question privately to discuss the situation.
- If the officer continues to display problems meeting the requirements of this agreement, a written notice will be sent to the officer, the officer’s parents, and the high school administration. At that time, a meeting may be held between the advisor, officer and parents to resolve the situation.
- If problems continue, the officer will be dismissed from office. If requested, a meeting with an administrator, advisor and parents can be arranged to discuss dismissal or the officer’s resignation.
In the event an officer no longer wishes to serve as an officer:
- The officer shall submit an official letter of resignation, stating his/her reason for vacating his duties to the advisor or chapter president.
- The advisor shall meet with the officer in question privately to discuss his intent and the situation.
- The officer team will be presented with the request for resignation and will decide as a team how to divide the remaining responsibilities from the vacated position.
- If the officer in question wishes to be reinstated to his office, he shall submit a letter of intent to the chapter president, and the officer team will have full power to accept or deny reinstatement in a private meeting with the advisor.
Discipline Guidelines
All Chapter FFA Officers will be placed on behavior contracts for any of the offenses listed below. The chapter officer is allowed two chances to improve his behavior, with the third offense resulting in removal from the office.
- Not abiding by the FFA Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct.
- Unexcused absences: Anything but an illness or family emergency.
- Receiving of discipline referrals from school administration or faculty/staff.
Offenses could result in the immediate removal from Chapter Officer Team:
- Use and/or possession of alcohol or drugs
- Use and/or possession of tobacco
- Stealing or possession of stolen goods
- Use and/or possession of weapons
- Defiance of school faculty and/or staff
- Two grading periods below a 2.0 GPA
- Fighting
- Bullying
The parent and/or officer have the right to request a hearing regarding this action. The hearing will be held as soon as possible with a panel consisting of an administrator, advisor, officer’s counselor, and one other teacher. The officer and parent will be given the opportunity to present reasons for this action to be voided. The decision of the hearing panel will be final.
1. Attendance at all chapter meetings, activities, and all officer meetings is mandatory. Two excused absences will be allowed during the year. To be excused, you must have a legitimate reason and have personally contacted the advisor. A two-week notice is also required, unless an emergency. Officers with more than three absences will be automatically released of their position and duties of chapter office. When meetings and activities are being held, it is expected that officers will arrive early and will assist in setting and cleaning up. Chapter officers are required to be enrolled in Uintah High School full time (at least four classes) all three trimesters while serving in office. All Chapter Officers must also be actively enrolled in Ag Science Classes during the school year.
2. Officers are to be positive and cooperative during meetings. All meetings are to be productive and for the benefit of the chapter. Officers are expected to be on time for all meetings and act professionally.
3. Being a Chapter Officer requires a large commitment and a great deal of time. FFA is an intra-curricular activity and should be given a top priority. Parental support is absolutely necessary as time and transportation demands are large. If you are heavily involved in other extracurricular activities, work or organizations, such as sports, or are heavily distracted by personal and social relationships (boyfriends/girlfriends), then being anFFA officer is not for you. (You don’t have time.) It is expected of all chapter officers that FFA be their first priority after family and academics. A Chapter Officer must be available throughout the summer and school year.