Study Meeting
October 2, 2013
The Study Meeting of the Board of Education of South Haven Public Schools of Van Buren and Allegan Counties, Michigan was held October 2, 2013, in the Lincoln Elementary School Cafeteria.
The meeting was called to order by President Bryan Lewis at 6:32 p.m.
Present: Annie Brown, Bryan Lewis, Joe DeGrandchamp and Keith Nelson
Absent: Corey Davis, Cindy Liscow and Mike Rainey
Motion was made by Keith Nelson, supported by Joe DeGrandchamp to approve the agenda as printed/revised. The motion was passed unanimously.
Community Comments: None at this time
Superintendent’s Report:
Dr. Herrera introduced Carey Frost, Principal of Lincoln Elementary, who presented the Board with an update on one of their two committees, the Behavior and School Improvement Committee which focuses on behavior and school climate (their other committee, the Academic Committee, focuses on academics and will be presented at the next Board meeting). Mrs. Frost explained their behavior tracking program and the information they use to monitor the school’s behavior incidents and offenders which allows them to address issues and tailor their instruction to identify “hot spots” (problems areas) and when and where they occur and address them on a timely basis. Parapro Tracy Hiatt and a group of Lincoln students demonstrated their Peace Making strategies they have learned through the Marvin and Jessie Program brought to Lincoln five years ago with the help of Cheryl Postma. The Program consists of eight life skills which help improve school climate and ensure students have the skills necessary to handle situations and control their behavior. She invited everyone to attend one of their monthly Life Skills kick-off assemblies at Listiak Auditorium. Lincoln’s next life skill is “Service” and the school will be doing a project to help stock the We Care pantries. Mrs. Hiatt also reported that Trelleborg Vibracoustics and Midwest Civil Engineers made donations which allowed every child at Lincoln to have a Life Skills t-shirt this year. Justin Postma also gave a report on the Eagle Scout project he is doing for the school which will provide six stations to go along with the Life Skills program designed to allow students time to readjust and regroup following a behavior incident.
Dr. Herrera reminded everyone of the Non-Homestead renewal vote in November and that next week written material will be distributed and information will be available on the radio.
Action Items :
a. Motion was made by Joe DeGrandchamp, supported by Keith Nelson to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of minutes from the September 18th Regular Meeting and the September 18th Closed Session Meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion Items:
a. Kevin Dee presented an overview of the status of the district’s six main copy machines, three of which are quite owned and old. Our current lease is expiring and three proposals will be solicited with the goal of updating our district-wide copying, printing, faxing and scanning abilities which will include maintenance, supplies and updated technology enabling wireless printing which would result in a cost savings for the district. Annie Brown requested that Pat’s Pronto Print be allowed to bid on any services they may be able to provide.
b. The selection of a delegate for the MASB Delegate Assembly scheduled for Thursday, October 24th, at the Lansing Center was discussed. Annie Brown is interested and Keith Nelson would be willing if Annie cannot attend.
Committee Reports:
a. Bryan Lewis gave an update on the Policy Committee which met with NEOLA, a company who offers a service for updating and maintaining Board Policies along with providing the forms necessary to ensure the district is in compliance with current laws. Bob added that it would ensure the district is using the most current forms and making decisions based on the most current laws. There is a charge for the service, however, the return on investment would be compliance with current and new legal requirements and time savings. This will be discussed further at the next Policy Committee meeting.
b. Joe DeGrandchamp gave an update on the last Finance/Facilities Committee meeting. The committee reviewed the Tech Audit and there is a need to purchase a mower for the district.
c. Dr. Herrera gave an update on the Strategic Planning Committee as none of the attendees were present. They had also reviewed the Tech Audit which contains a wealth of information relating to curriculum.
Public Forum: No participants at this time.
Annie Brown thanked everyone who helped make Maple Grove’s Fun and Fitness Fest a huge success. She also thanked Carey Frost and Lottie Resek for cleaning up and reseeding the butterfly garden in front of Lincoln School.
Closed Session: Not held as five (5) Board members are required for a Closed Session.
Motion was made by Joe DeGrandchamp, supported by Keith Nelson to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.
The motion passed unanimously.
Cindy Liscow Julia Wood
Board of Education Secretary Administrative Secretary