SUBJECT: Sabbatical Study

DEPARTMENT: Policy / Recommendations

ELIGIBILITY: All professional members and such health care providers as determined to be eligible by the Executive Committee shall be eligible to apply for a sabbatical study period after five (5) years of Clinic service.


A. Types of Sabbatical:

1) Any medically oriented program, e.g. home study, tour hospitals, research lectures, or medical philanthropy. The physician will not receive any payment from Clinic for this type of sabbatical.

2) Structured education program at a recognized medical center teaching program with formal arrangements for duties and learning objectives whether or not compensated. This type of sabbatical may be considered for Clinic support at the discretion of the EC. Level of support is discussed below.

B. Duration:

The duration shall be no less than two or more than twelve consecutive weeks. The sabbatical may be divided into as many as six sections, all of one type or divided between the two types. A sabbatical may be taken every five (5) years dated from the end of the previous sabbatical.

C. Overhead Costs:

No overhead costs except individual expenses will be charged to the physician while on sabbatical. Any remuneration or stipend the physician receives from non-Clinic sources will be treated as outside income for that physician. The physician may receive up to $1,000 per week at the discretion of the Clinic EC, if there is less than $1,000 per week received by that physician and if the physician’s program meets all other requirements.


The application will include at least the following information, together with such other data, as the Quality Management Committee shall determine advisable:

1. Statement of education objectives.

2. Dates of study and location.

3. Dates of intended absence.

4. Letter of acceptance from institution of study.

5. Minutes of meeting of the department of which applicant is a member,

indicating that the department finds it satisfactory for the member to be

absent during the weeks requested.

6. A statement that the applicant understands the following:

a.) Within one month after my return, I will prepare a brief summary of what I did, what personal benefits were derived, and what benefits resulted for Clinic.

b.) I understand that this is an application and the Executive Committee is to make a determination based on its judgment whether the application, if granted, will serve the best interests of the Clinic and its patients. There will be no more than three Clinic members approved in each calendar year, except under special circumstances approved by the Executive Committee.

c) I understand that summer sabbaticals will not be granted except under extraordinary circumstances.

d) I understand that the sabbatical stipend cannot be used as termination or severance pay, and that the application will not be approved if less than one year of employment

is expected beyond the completion of the sabbatical study period. If the applicant leaves the Clinic for any reason within one year of the date of applicant's return from the sabbatical, the amount of the sabbatical stipend will be deducted from applicants’ last distribution or paycheck. If there is not sufficient pay to cover these costs then the amount paid in the stipend will be directly refunded to Clinic by applicant.

e) I understand that if I am a member of a department with three or less persons, the Executive Committee may deem it necessary to hire a locum tenens in my absence. The locum tenens would be expensed to the individual physician and any income derived from the locum tenens would be credited to the individual physician.

f) I understand that expenses such as travel, lodging, and meals will not to be reimbursed