Digital Champion Volunteer Role Description

What is a Digital Champion?

Our Digital Champions support people who want to find out more about technology and broadband in particular, and how it can help them. They advise their local communities on progress on installing superfast broadband in Leicestershire, making the most of improvements to the broadband infrastructure, and encourage take-up of faster broadband services for those who would like it.

Where do they volunteer?

Digital Champions work in their own communities, in other areas if they want to, and are part of a network covering the whole of Leicestershire. We do not recommend that you meet in your own home, or a learner’s home. A public venue like a library, a café or pub with wi-fi, or a wi-fi enabled community hall is ideal.

Who do they work with?

Our Champions work with anyone who needs help or advice with broadband. This might be an older person who has limited experience with a computer, a large family that needs advice on multi-use of broadband, or a homeworker who would like to know more about using social media.

What does a Digital Champion do?

We try not to be too prescriptive, as each volunteer will contribute in their own way, and agree this with the Community Broadband Co-ordinator at Leicestershire County Council. A Digital Champion might:

  • Distribute information about broadband improvements or activities, through a village website, their own blog, or by putting up posters and handing out leaflets locally
  • Make people aware of online resources that could help with their specific needs
  • Help people with the basics – sending emails, browsing online, filling in online application forms, using social networking, skype etc.
  • Pass on IT skills to people on a one-to-one basis, or to small groups in a library or other community venue
  • Offer informal advice on keeping safe online eg. guarding against identity theft, phishing and scamming
  • Locate and book appropriate venues for one-to-one or group activities as needed

All Digital Champions will:

  • Keep an accurate record of volunteering activities and share this with the County Council broadband team
  • Communicate regularly with the County Council broadband team
  • Attend a Digital Champion training session if required.

What skills and personal qualities should a Digital Champion have?

Our Champions need:

  • Good verbal and written communication skills, and an ability to explain things in simple terms without too much jargon
  • Confidence with a computer, laptop and smartphone
  • A good understanding of online basic skills
  • A sociable, caring and patient personality
  • Organisational skills and reliability.

Some Champions may have (but it’s not essential):

  • A knowledge of all Operating Systems (including Windows 8)
  • Ability to use different forms of social media
  • Teaching experience

When does this happen?

Digital Champions can choose when they would like to start, and how much time they would like to commit. Activities can be undertaken at a time that’s convenient to both the Champion and the learner.

What resources and help is there for Digital Champions?

For all our Champions, we offer an induction session to talk through volunteering good practice, legal issues and logistics in setting up any activities. We have relevant advice sheets, template volunteer record forms and posters to download, as well as links to other online resources. There will not be a need for much travelling, but we offer a mileage allowance or vouchers for bus travel where appropriate.

The Community Broadband Co-ordinator at the County Council is a point of contact for communication and help, as and when the Champions need it.

How do I join the Digital Champions or find out more?

Our application form is online at under the heading Want to be a Digital Champion? If you have questions before you apply, please email .