Kirn Primary School Parent Council AGM
21st November 2013
Present: / James Wylie, Liz McFarlane, Iain Stirling, Lindsay Brodie, Shirley Donald, Alex Macinnes, Robyn McIlroy, Claire Macleod, Stacey McKinven, Christine Togwell, Karen Bancks
Apologies: / Nareenah Wakefield
Minutes Taken By: / Karen Bancks
Liz opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking all for their attendance.
Expectations of the PTC:
James requested that that item to be carried forward to the next meeting alongside a review of the constitution which would be conducted by the chair. / JW / Chair
Previous Minutes:
Minutes from the last AGM were provisionally approved at the PTC meeting following the AGM. Official confirmation was sought.
Proposed: Claire Macleod
Seconded: Alex Mcinnes
Matters arising from previous minutes: Spelling of Claire’s surname
Treasurers Report:
Balance £1069.86
The only expense for the year has been the cost of the AGM advert.
James suggested that consideration should be given if these monies could be used towards the communication strategy of the school. / ALL
Secretaries Report:
Confirmation was given that all lets and correspondence was up to date and nothing was outstanding. Claire advised that there had been little need for adverts and let submission and Karen Bancks had been doing the minutes.
Chairperson Report:
Liz started with A BIG THANK YOU FOR ALL for what she felt had been a great year, which saw a review of Maths, homework and was pleased to see new faces appearing at the parent council meetings. Liz briefly shared her experience of the HMI inspection and the fact that she felt privileged to be involved.
Heads report:
James felt it had been a positive year so far and expressed the importance of keeping the momentum going. The school had received good recognition for partnership working and the involvement of the pupils and the consideration of their needs.
The school has received a lot of new children with the enrolment currently at 252 with the potential of an additional 4. James shared his delight to have so many children joining and focus was required on sustainability, balance and discipline.
James shared his delight at all the fantastic learning experiences; stating too many to mention and that fact these have been driven with dedication and determination of the school. James felt that all these brought positive outcomes and they were all planned, relevant and tied to learning.
The school underwent 5 audits this year: 2 internal and 3 external which included: Council financial review; Care commission which received 4 excellent, 2 very good which an overall result of very good; children services and the HMIE which went very well.
Next steps:
Scotland focus now is on Pre-5
Commonwealth Games
Independence Vote
James advised of ongoing key development within maths and writing.
A review & assessment of the minor points the HMI advised will be conducted.
James finished by thanking all in attendance and all involved who help contribute and inputted into the results that we successfully achieved.
Nomination of office bearers:
Liz McFarlane resigned from chairperson
Iain Stirling resigned from treasurer
Karen Bancks Resigned from Minute Secretary
Position: Nomination: Proposed: Seconded:
Chairperson Iain Stirling Liz McFarlane Shirley Donald
Vice Chairperson Alex Macinnes Claire Macleod Lindsay Brodie
Treasurer Alex Macinnes Claire Macleod Lindsay Brodie
Secretary Claire Macleod Shirley Donald Karen Bancks
Minute Secretary Claire Macleod Shirley Donald Karen Bancks
School Reps: Robyn McIlroy, Lindsay Brodie
Parents Reps: Liz McFarlane, Karen Bancks, Shirley Donald, Stacey McKinven, Tracy Coy
James concluded by thanking Liz and Karen for their time on the committee.
Meeting closed
Next Scheduled PTC Meeting:
2nd Thursday of each month @ 7.30pm
Next date: 12.12.13