Present -: Cllrs. A MacCreadie (Chairman) (AM), R Toms (RT), G Bone (GB), P Waller (PW), E Green (EG), D Laud (DL), M Harvey, H Farmer (HF), P Harris (PH), C Allision (CA) & Mrs M Vale

Also attending -: Mrs K Rees (Clerk), Cllr. Mr A Harvey & 19 members of the public

078/17 / Public Safety Announcement:
Condolences were expressed to the family of Joan Brimacombe who passed away recently. A minutes silence was held.
079/17 / Apologies:
080/17 / Co-Option of Councillors:
There were two vacancies – one for St. Newlyn East Ward and one for Mitchell Ward. Four candidates put themselves forward for co-option – Maria Drewett, Clifford Allison, Maggie Vale & Guy Waller. Each candidate introduced themselves and gave a brief statement. It was discussed that although none of the candidates were from Mitchell, it was already well represented on the Parish Council. A written vote was taken, following which Maria Drewett was eliminated. A second written vote was taken, Maggie Vale received the highest number of votes and was duly co-opted. A third written vote was taken. Clifford Allison received the highest number of votes. RESOLVED: Maggie Vale was co-opted to represent the St. Newlyn East Ward, Clifford Allison was co-opted to represent the Mitchell Ward. They duly signed the Declaration of Office.
081/17 / Urgent Business Identified After Circulation of Agenda:
AM declared a non-registered interest in agenda item 11 (a) Anti-Social Behaviour at The Pheasant. PH to take the Chair while the item is discussed.
083/17 / Public Session:
Jo Widdecombe from Situ8 Planning spoke in support of her client’s application to build 3 houses on land at Pillars Close, Mitchell. A pre-application has not been submitted. The access to the site was discussed at length. Jo Widdecombe advised that the existing parking would not be affected. However, this had been disputed by a neighbour who claimed that they owned the piece of land where the access is proposed.
Maureen King spoke in support of her planning application for a change of use from agricultural to seasonal event use on land at Trethvas Farm. A permanent licence has been applied for as the number of events will exceed those permitted on a temporary licence. The events will primarily be equestrian events although the car boot sale may return to the site in the future. The entrance to the site is via the A3076 although there is an alternative access, if required.
Mr Batley spoke in support of his application for an extension at Lee Mere Farm. He confirmed that the extension would be on the same footprint as the existing derelict building.
PH took the Chair. Several residents spoke about the noise levels at the The Pheasant. This has become a nuisance and local residents have had to ring the Landlord several times to ask for the noise to be reduced. This reached a head on 13th May when the Skate Park Event took place. The police had to be called and the incident has been reported to Environmental Health.
The Landlord of The Pheasant advised that on the 13th May, he had asked the bands to reduce their noise levels. The third band did not turn the music down so were told to stop. The music was finished by 11.30pm which is allowed under the terms of the licence.
084/17 / Minutes:
Present: MH departed at 9om, not 8pm. RESOLVED: With the above amendment, the Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 15th May 2017, as circulated, were correctly recorded. These were signed by the Chairman.
The location of the meeting was the Primary Room, not the Oxnam Room. RESOLVED: With the above amendment, the draft minutes of the AGM held on 15th May 2017 were accepted as a true record.
085/17 / RESOLVED: To bring agenda item 11 (a) Anti-Social Behaviour at The Pheasant Pub forward on the agenda.
It was discussed that both sides have now had a chance to air their grievances and that there should be a cooling off period to see if there are any further issues. The local residents were advised to keep a log of any incidents and it was RESOLVED that there would be an update at the next meeting.
086/17 / Cornwall Councillor Report:
Cllr. Harvey (AH) thanked Parishioners for electing him. A meeting will be arranged shortly with Sarah Newton MP, Jeff Brown (new transport portfolio holder) & the Parish Chairs to discuss funding for the proposed works at Cubert Crossroads and how this project can be moved forward. AM to attend this meeting. The Chairman requested that AH follow up the repainting of the double yellow lines & virtual pavement white lines as this still has not been done.
087/17 / Planning Application, Appeals & Decisions:
PA17/04033 / Lee Mere Farm / SUPPORT / P/S: MH/DL
PA17/0433 / Land South of Pillars Close / OBJECT / Concerns were expressed that the proposed access to the site is not suitable and not large enough for an emergency vehicle. In addition, the ownership of the land where the access was queried.
PA17/04366 / Land at Trevethas Farm / No Decision / It was discussed that once a licence is granted, control over the events is lost. Further information is required on the nature of the proposed events.
PA17/04970 / Churchgate Cottage / SUPPORT / P/S: DL/PH
The decisions were read out.
The Clerk advised that she had been contacted by a Planning Consultant who is representing a developer who intends submitting a planning application to build houses on land at the Fruit Farm in Mitchell. This land is not in St. Newlyn East Parish. The Planning Consultant will be attending a Parish Council meeting in the near future to present the plans.
088/17 / Matters Arising
a)  Highway Issues: RT advised that the resurfacing job along Penscawn & Pencourse Lanes is extremely poor. Although the verge has been strimmed, the 30mph speed limit sign at Rose Cottage, Fiddlers Green is still not visible. The bolt on the fingerpost at Cargoll Crossroads has rusted and need repairing. RESOLVED: Clerk to report issues to Highways and contact contractor who painted the fingerpost. EG confirmed he is still keeping a log of parking problems along Halt Road.
b)  ‘Welcome to St. Newlyn East Signage’: Installation should be imminent. NOTED.
c)  Installation of a Multi-Use Sports Court: PH advised that the planning application will be submitted shortly. The Clerk read out a letter from the solicitor confirming that the Conveyance dated 23rd October 2019 did not contain any covenants preventing the MUGA being installed. Following discussions, it was RESOLVED to confirm the installation of the MUGA and infrastructure for the floodlights. Grants for floodlights to be investigated.
d)  Neighbourhood Plan Update: PW gave a report. The Steering Group would like to display 3 x maps on the wall of the Primary Room showing the area designation. RESOLVED: Permission Granted.
e)  Update - Purchase of the Methodist Chapel: The Solicitor has advised that there has been no progress and he will chase the Chapel’s solicitor. A letter has been received from the Chapel regarding the contents included in the sale and future storage. RESOLVED: Clerk to reply advising that every effort will be made to accommodate the requests.
f)  Maintenance Work in the Parish Play Areas: The seats for the exercise equipment have now been delivered and the work will be undertaken shortly. The Mitchell Village Association will sell the swings & climbing frame for £900. RESOLVED: HF & PH to look at the swings and report back.
g)  Installation of a Handrail at the War Memorial: HF advised that the wall is in a poor state of repair and maybe mundic. Ideas for landscaping the area were discussed. RESOLVED: HF to contact Kim Parish to ask her to look at some landscape designs for the area.
h)  Maintenance Issues in the Cemetery including Tree Works & Broken Paving Slabs: Colin Hawke has undertaken a survey which contains a list of recommended works and potential solutions to the broken paving stones caused by the tree roots. RESOLVED: Clerk to ask TMS to undertake the work. Broken paving stones to be removed and replaced with turf. Granite edging to be installed around the remembrance area.
089/17 / Business Matters:
(a)  Anti-Social Behaviour at The Pheasant: See 085/17.
(b)  Broadband Problems in the Parish: This item was discussed at length but it is difficult to find a solution. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact Openreach to find out the capacity of the local exchanges.
(c)  Maintenance of BT Phonebox & Fingerpost in Mitchell: RESOLVED: Clerk to contact BT to ask them to paint the phonebox & get quote to repaint the fingerpost.
(d)  Flytipping at The Stiles: This appears to be a regular occurrence. RESOLVED: Clerk to put note in Village Newsletter advising that flytipping is illegal and will be reported.
090/17 / Correspondence:
Sally Sanders / Emergency Plan Grant / RESOLVED: Clerk to chase plan for Explosive Site so that amendments to the plan can be made.
Cornwall Council / Consultation on Cornwall Site Allocations Plan – Cornwall’s 10 main towns / RESOLVED: Councillors to look at document. Agenda item next month.
091/17 / Reports from Outside Bodies:
PW, AM, DL & RT attended Code of Conduct Training.
Thanks were expressed to Chris Tankard who recently resigned from the Parish Council.
092/17 / Finance:
a.  Accounts: RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £1552.26 were approved for payment (appendix 1).
b.  Urgent Financial Matters: None.
093/17 / Items for the July 2017 Agenda:
094/17 / Closure:
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance. He advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 10th July 2017 at 7.00pm in the Primary Room, St. Newlyn East Methodist Chapel. The meeting closed at 10.04pm