
Help protect wildlife – Join us today

Please select a membership category. All rates quoted are minimum amounts (please give a donation if you can). Send completed form to: Scottish Wildlife Trust, Membership Department, Harbourside House, 110 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6NF)

Annual Single Payment

Individual (adult) £33 r Life £800

Concession £18 r Senior Citizen Life £500

Joint (2 adults at one address) £46 r Joint Life £1,200

Joint concession £24 r Senior Citizen Joint Life £700

Family * £53 r

World membership £35 r

Watch (junior membership) £18 r Additional annual donation £……..

*Includes junior membership, Scottish Wildlife Watch. Please write names of children and date of birth, if appropriate.

Title / First Name / Surname / Date of Birth
Primary member
Secondary member
Daytime Telephone No / Evening Telephone No

Data Protection: We will use your data to manage your membership and claim Gift Aid (if appropriate). We will always handle your information in the strictest confidence, we will never sell your details to a third party nor will we share them with anyone other than those acting on our behalf.

Contact Preferences

Join in! Hear about nature conservation, events and how you can help support our vital work. Opt-in to communications below

Email / Yes / No / Phone / Yes / No / Post / Yes / No / Text / Yes / No

Gift Aid Declaration

I/We enclose a cheque/postal order (please delete as applicable)

Or, please debit my credit card/debit card (excluding American Express) the sum of £………………………………

Card number Security code

Valid from Valid to Switch issue number

Name on card: …………………………………………………………………………………

Signature of cardholder: ……………………………………………………………………………..

The Scottish Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland (registered number SC040247) having its registered office at Harbourside House, 110 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6NF. It is also a Scottish registered charity (charity number SC005792)