Amal Hassan Fadlalla

Curriculum Vitae, Winter 2013

The University of Michigan

Departments of Women’s Studies, Anthropology,

And Afroamerican and African Studies

Director of Graduate Studies (WS)

505 South State Street, 4700 Haven Hall

Ann Arbor Michigan, 48109-1045

Tel.: 734-936-6661(CAAS), 734-764-6146 (WS)




PhD in Anthropology, Northwestern University (2000)

Certificate in Population and Development, Harvard University (2001)

Graduate Certificate in Gender Studies, Northwestern University (2000)

Graduate Certificate in African Studies, Northwestern University (1999)

MS in Anthropology, University of Khartoum, Sudan (1992)

BA (honors) in Economics and Anthropology, University of Khartoum, Sudan (1986)

Academic Employment and Professional Experience

Associate Professor, Departments of Women’s Studies, Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies (present).

Women’s Studies Director of Graduate Studies (2011-2013).

Assistant Professor,Departments of Women’s Studies and Afroamerican and African Studies (2003-2009)

Adjunct Assistant Professor,Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, (2003-2009)

Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University (1996-1997)

Lecturer, Ahfad University, Faculty of Medicine, Khartoum (1992)

Consultant,Danish Red Cross, Khartoum, Sudan (1992)

Assistant Professor,Department of Anthropology, University of Khartoum (1991-1992)

Assistant EditorBulletin of Sudanese Studies, Volume 11, Oct. 1991, Afro-Asian Institute, University of Khartoum, (1991)

Field Assistant,Red Sea Area Project, University of Khartoum, University of Bergen (1989-1992)

Research Interests

Cultural Anthropology: Gender Studies, medical anthropology, population and development; transnational feminism, and Diaspora studies; focusing on analyses of production and reproduction, identity, human rights and humanitarianism, population and development and the situation of such analyses in gender dynamics and representations; social inequalities, cultural worldviews, and local and global political economies; Africa, the Middle East, and the Diaspora.

Courses Taught

Fighting with Human Rights: Humanitarianism, Justice, and Development in Africa (Center for International Comparative Studies, CICS 401), Winter 2013.

Refugees of Unjust worlds: Globalization, Gender, Human Rights ( DAAS/WS 304), Fall 2012)

Population of the Black World: Development, Gender, and Humanitarianism in Africa (DAAS 103), Winter 2012

Introduction to Women’s Studies (501), Women’s Studies Department, University of Michigan (Fall 2011).

Global perspectives ongender, health, and reproduction, Women’s Studies Department and Center for Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan (WS 345/CAAS 358, Winter 2003, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Winter 2009; Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Winter 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Winter 2013).

Gender and transnationalism: Globalization, identity, human Rights [(WS 345/ CAAS 358 Fall 2009; 2010 (CAAS 211)].

Gender, poverty, and medicine, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies and Women’s Studies Department (CAAS 458/WS 458, Winter 2004; WS483, Fall 2004).

Gender and migration: Identity, race, and place, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies and Women’s Studies Department (CAAS 304, Winter 2005; CAAS/WS 304, Fall 2005)

Gender, population, and development,Women’s Studies Department (WS 151, Winter 2005, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Winter 2009; Winter 2011).

Dynamics of the black diaspora, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies (CAAS 211, Fall 2006; Fall 2010).

Gender and transnationalism: Globalization, identity and place, Women’s Studies Department, Department of Anthropology (WS 698/ Anthro. 658 Fall 2007).

Introduction to Africa and its Diaspora, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies(CAAS 111, Winter 2008, Fall 08) and the honor sections (CAAS 111-006).


Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (September 2013- May 2014)

Sabbatical leave, Winter 2010, fieldwork and writing on new project.

Nurturance leave, Winter 2007. Conducted fieldwork for project, “Transcending the Nation: Gender, Citizenship and the Imaginings of Sudan in America.”

Fellowships, Grants, Awards, Recognitions

Woodrow Wilson Center International Scholars Fellowship (Fall 2013-Summer 2014)

Center for International Comparative Studies’ Human Rights Award (Fall 2012)

University of Michigan

Associated Professor Fund Award (Fall 2012)

Finalists for the Sherman Emerging Scholar Prize

History Department, University of North Carolina at Wilmington (May 5, 2008)

Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan, grant for the “Gender and Human Security in Africa” lecture series, co-organized with Howard Stein, (2008-2009)

Rackham Faculty Research Grant, University of Michigan, (2007)

Office of the Vice President for Research and College of Literature, Science and Art, University of Michigan, Grant for Preliminary Research, (2006)

Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan, seed grant for new project, “Transcending the Nation,” (2006)

Office of Vice President for Research,University of Michigan, Subvention Grant for book publication, (2004)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Women’s Studies and Center for Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan (2002-2003)

David Bell Fellow,Center for Population and Development Studies, Harvard School of Public Health(2000-2002)

Center for Development Studies, University of Bergen, dissertation write-upaward(1999-2000)

Population Council, dissertation write-upaward (1998-1999)

The Rockefeller Foundation, African Dissertation Internship Award (1997-1999)

Program of African Studies, Northwestern University, Hans E. Panofsky Pre-Dissertation Award(1996)

African Studies Program and Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University, Gwendolen M. Carter Graduate Studies Fellowship(1994-1995)

Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University, Graduate Fellowship – Teaching Assistantship (1995-1997)

Intercultural Institute, New York, small research grant for Masters Studies (1992)

University of Khartoum and University of Bergen, Graduate Fellowship – Masters Studies (1989-1992)



Embodying honor: fertility, foreignness, and regeneration in eastern Sudan (2007). Madison: Wisconsin University Press.

Gendered insecurities, health, and development in Africa, co-edited with Howard Stein, Forthcoming, Routledge 2011.

Articles, Book Chapters, Reviews:

Vulnerability Unvield: Lubna’s Pants and Humanitarian Visibility on the Verge of Sudan’s Secession. In Veiling in Africa. Elisha Renne, ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012.

State of Vulnerability and Humanitarian Visibility on the Verge of Sudan’s Secession: Lubna’s Pants and the Transnational Politics of Rights and Dissent, Signs, 37 (1):159-184, 2011.

Book review of “ ‘Brothers’ or Others: Propriety and Gender for Muslim Arab Sudanese in Egypt,” by Anita Fabos. In American Ethnologist 37 (3), 2010.

Contested Borders of (In)humanity: Sudanese refugees and the mediation of suffering and subaltern visibilities, Urban Anthropology 38 (1), 79-120. 2009.

The neoliberalization of compassion: Darfur and the mediation of American faith, fear, and terror (2008). InJane Collins, Micaela di Leonardo, and Brett Williams, (eds.) New landscapes of inequality: Neoliberalism and the erosion of democracy in America.Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press.

Modest women, deceptive jinn: identity, alterity, and disease in Eastern Sudan. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power12 (2), 2005.

Book Review of Gender Politics in Sudan: Islamism, Socialism, and the State. Boulder: Westview Press (Sondra Hale. 1997).in Arab Studies Quarterly 23 (2), 2001.

Honor and descent among the Hadendowa (1991). Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop of the Red Sea Area Project, Sinkat, Sudan.

Public discourse and private wisdom: The concept of honor in the Hadendowa society (1990). Proceedings of the Second Annual Workshop of the Red Sea Area Project, Khartoum, Sudan.

Women’s strategies of coping with famine in Eastern Sudan (1988). Conference Proceedings of the First Annual Workshop of the Red Sea Area Project, Khartoum, Sudan.

Literary Work: Poetry and Short Stories

Mugarar Amal-Hasad alhurqf (Hope Curriculum- harvest of letters, poem in Arabic), March 8, 2013;

Ghunia lialsabah aljai (song for the nearing dawn, Poem in Arabic); January 1, 2013;

‘firi’a yasmin,’ (Jasmin branch), poem in Arabic(published in several Sudanese Newspapers: in Sudanile ( and in Alayam, newMedianile, Alahram alyum July 16, 17, 2011, in Almidan, July 27, 2011 and in Hurriyat, October 16, 2011 (

‘husn alkhitam,’ (Happy Endings), poem in Arabic, Ajras alhurriya (Freedom Rings) newspaper, Khartoum, Sudan, August 2010.

‘asfaur ya watan, (Sparrow O’ Nation, poem), Sudaneseonline May 2009.

Khatain tawazi(gendered-lines), Poem in Arabic, 2004. Sudanese American Community Development Organization, URL:

Yadaka qaws qwsah (The memory of your hands is a rainbow), Poem in Arabic, 2005. MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies 5, and Sudanile web journal URL: In Evelyn Alsultany et al, Arab Feminisms, Syracuse University Press 2010 (translated by Khaled Mutawa).

Qariban fi almatar (two boats in a rainy day), short story, 1989. Al-Siyasa newspaper, Khartoum, Sudan.

Tarbat shams (sun stroke), short story, 1988. Al-Siyasa news paper, Khartoum, Sudan.

In Progress:

Books, Articles, and Journal Issues

Transcending the Nation: Gender, Citizenship, and the Imaginings of Sudan in America.

Fighting with Human Rights: Conceptualizing Humanitarianism, Justice and Development In Africa, Journal Issue to be submitted to Humanity, April 20, 2013. (coedited with Omolade Adunbe)

‘Clooneyal’ Phantoms: Subaltern Visibilities and the Fragmentation of the Sudan, to be submitted to the journal Humanity as part of the issue “Fighting with Human Rights: Conceptualizing Humanitarianism, Justice and Development in Africa,” Journal Issue to be submitted to Humanity, April 20, 2013. (coedited with Omolade Adunbe)

Book Reviews, Media Interviews

University of Michigan International Institute (II) Journal. “Sudan’s Secession and the Future a head” Fall 2011, article 2. An interview.

Review of poem Frai’a Yasmin (Jasmin Branch), by ‘aiz Aldeen Mohamed Ali, Almidan News Paper, Khartoum, Sudan, September 20,2011.

Sudan: The Next Killing Fields, podcast, Hammer museum, UCLA, California, March 3, 2011

Yale globalist“Redefining Sudan, ” December 3, 2010. by Sarah Juster

Al-Ahram Weekly Egyptian News paper, January 2011

American Ethnologist 37(3), 2010, by Sondra Hale (book review)

Alahdath (current events) Newspaper, Sudan, Khartoum, March 2009.

And Sudanile, online, (March 2009). (book review by professor Ahmad Abushauk, Malysisa.

Ajras Alhuriyya (Freedom Rings)Newspaper, Sudan, Khartoum, May 9, 2009

And SudaneseOnline, (May 8, 2009) (interview)

African Studies Review, Vol 51 (3), 2008. (book review)

Vatican Radio, Portuguese Africa, December 2008. Rome, Italy.


Professional Activities

Conferences, Talks, Panels, Guest Lectures, and Book Launches:

“The March of Humanitarianism: ‘Clooneyal’ Visibilities and the Fragmentation of the Sudan,” PICS Human Rights Fellow Lecture, Michigan League, March 15, 2013.

“‘Clooneyal’ Visibilities: Neoliberalism and the Fragmentation of the Sudan,” paper presented at the African Studies Association Meeting, Philadelphia, November 2012.

“Sudanese Women in Transnational Worlds,” panel organized for the Sudanese Studies Association meeting, “Sudan in the World,” Paper presented entitled “Subaltern Visibilities: Sudanese Women in Transnational Media.” Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, May 18-20, 2012.

“Human Rights and Humanitarianism: Conceptualizing, Justice, Security, and Development in Africa,” a panel (prepared) for the African Studies Association meeting (Organizer and Co-Chair), Philadelphia, November 2012.

Participated by invitation to Oxfam America’s International Women’s Day summit on “Feeding the future,” Washington DC, March 6-8, 2012.

“Nationhood and the challenge a head: A Conversation with Susan Page (US Ambassador to South Sudan,” a roundtable, International Institute, University of Michigan, February, 14,2012

“State of vulnerability,” talk presented as part of the conference “Gender, Art, and Social Movements in the Middle East and the Global South,” UCLA, October 27-30, 2011.

“Ghettoizing the Nation: On the Verge of Sudan’s Secession.” Talked prepared for the UCLA Hammer Program, Hosted by Journalist/Radio host Ian Masters. Los Angeles March 30, 2011.

On the verge of Secession: Lubna’s Pants and Sudanese Transnational Politics of Rights and Dissent. Talk, Anthropology Department, University of Michigan, March 18, 2011.

State of Vulnerability and Humanitarian Visibility: Lubna’s Pants and Sudanese Politics of Rights and Dissent, panel on the “Circulation of the Human Rights Discourse in the Middle East,”American Anthropological Association Meeting, New Orleans, November 2010.

Talk on “Embodying Honor,” Swedish house, Khartoum, Sudan, August 2010.

“State of Vulnerability: Gender Violence and the Politics of Dissent in Sudan,” paper presented to the workshop on “The Practices of Human Rights,” New School, September 24-26, 2009.

Talk on “Culture and Methods of Interventions,” to the Global Campaign for Microbicides meeting, Washington DC, March 23-27, 2009.

Talk on Embodying Honor, to Sudanese American Women Organization, Washington DC, March 21, 2009.

Guest lecture on neoliberalism and humanitarianism to Graduate Africa Certificate Class, (professor Howard Stein), February 2009.

Guest lecture on Darfur conflict to (Introduction to African Studies class, Professor Adam Ashforth), October 2008.

Lecture on Darfur and the politics of compassion, organized by Association of Women Historians and Griot Library, Rome, Italy (December 21, 2008).

Interview with Radio Vatican (December 2008), on Embodying Honor and Darfur and humanitarianism in Africa.

Saving Darfur: Neoliberalims, Humanitarianism, and politics of compassion,” presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual meeting, San Francsico, November, 2008.

Book Launch for Embodying Honor (Invited), annual conference, “Interrogating diversity: Representation, power, and social justice,” American University, March 21-22, 2008.

Book Launch for Embodying Honor (Invited), Program of African Studies, Northwestern University, March 7, 2008.

“Darfur’s skeleton,” panel discussion and dialogue with film director Hisham Haj Omar, Michigan Theatre, March 6, 2008.

“Africa: globalization, resource use, health and human security,” panel discussion, University of Michigan, March 5, 2008.

“Genocide in Darfur,” talk to University of Michigan Chapter of Physicians for Human Rights, University of Michigan, December 12, 2008.

Book Launch for Embodying Honor, Shaman Drum Book Store, Ann Arbor, MI , November 15, 2007.

“Gender, health and reproduction in eastern Sudan,” talk presented as part of the inauguration of the Sudan Institute for Research and Policy (SIRP) symposium: “The Sudan Today: Challenges and Possibilities,” College of Franklin and Marshall, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, November 10, 2007.

“Darfur and Humanitarian Aid,” guest lecture for Sociology 340, Drexel College, November 9, 2007.

Book Launch for Embodying honor, Department of Culture and Communication, Drexel College, November 9, 2007.

“Saving Darfur: Displacement, sexual violence, and Africa’s tales of horror,” paper presented at the Sudan Studies Association Meeting, University of Pennsylvania, May 2007.

“Current perspectives on the Sudan,” guest lecture for Center for Afroamerican and African Studies 111, University of Michigan, December 7, 2006.

“Perspectives on Darfur,” talk presented to First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor, November 12, 2006.

“Embodied familiarities: Of gender, spirits, and reproductive suffering in eastern Sudan,” presented at “CAAS at 35: The Future of Black Studies,” April 13-14, 2006.

“The New Landscapes of Inequality,” participant scholar and discussant in the Advanced Seminar, at the School of American Research, March 12-16, 2006.

“Infertility and the negotiation of medical practices in eastern Sudan,” paper presented at the joint African Studies and Middle Eastern Studies Association meeting, Washington D.C, November 19-21, 2005.

“Arab feminism in the 21st century,” organized around the visit and performance of Mauritanian singer/activist Malouma, University of Michigan,April 9, 2005.

“Gender, identity, and place in the Hadendowa narratives of belonging,” talk presented as part of “The Representations of the Human in the Middle East Series,” sponsored by the Center for North Africa and Middle Eastern Studies and Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan,April 8, 2005.

“Theory and practice in medical anthropology,” guest lecture for Anthropology 547, University of Michigan,April 7, 2005.

“Gender in Humaid’s poetry,” talk presented to a panel organized by the Sudanese American Community Development Organization (SACDO), on Sudanese Poetry and Activism, Washington D.C, May 22, 2004.

“Gender, infertility, and medical practices in eastern Sudan,” paper presented to the Anthropology Department, Northwestern University, April 26, 2004.

“Infertility and the negotiation of medical practices in eastern Sudan,” paper presented at the Medical Anthropology meeting, Dallas, Texas, March 31-April 4, 2004.

Member of the organizing committee for the Population Association of America Annual Conference, Bostin, MA, April 1-3, 2004.

“Khatain tawazi (Gendered lines),” poem (in Arabic), presented to the Sudanese American Women’s Organization (SAWO), Alexandria, Virginia, March 8, 2004.

“Personal histories and disciplinary practices: Engendering Middle East and North African Studies,” panel member, Women’s Studies Department and the Center for Middle East and North African Studies, University of Michigan, February, 18, 2004.

“Practical knowledge: addressing the gap between academia and activism,” panel, Sudan Studies Association meeting, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. July 31-August 3, 2003.

“Cultural perspectives on fertility,” panel, Population Association of America meeting, Minnesota, May 1-3, 2003.

“Negotiating familiarity: of baraka, halafa and belligerent jinn,” paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Anthropology of Religion, Providence, Rhode Island, April 25-27, 2003.

“The state of women’s studies in the Sudan,” talk presented to a panel on the “Global turn in gender studies,” Women’s Studies Department and Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan, April 8, 2003.

“On choice and the health of the poor,” talk presented as part of the Students for Choice conference, University of Michigan, January 25, 2003.

“Poverty and women’s health in eastern Sudan,” talk presented to Women’s Studies Department colloquium series on “Research and action in gender and international health,” University of Michigan, Fall 2002.

“The social life of the tent: gender, space, and inter-familial relations in eastern Sudan,” paper presented at the Workshop on the “Impact of poverty on family forms and functions in Africa,” Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, May 2-3 2002.

“Managing misfortune: perceptions of gender, fertility, and health among the Hadendowa women,” paper presented to the Center for Population and Development Studies, Harvard University, February, 26, 2002.

“Marginal voices: Hadendowa women Speak,” paper presented at the Sudan Studies Association Conference, East Lansing, Michigan, May 24-26, 2001.

“Perceptions of danger and disease among the Hadendowa of eastern Sudan,” paper presented to the Center for Population and Development Studies, Harvard University, February 13, 2001.

“Embodying honor: spirits as metaphors of otherness,” paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 15-19, 2000.

“The cultural dynamics of gender preference,” talk presented to a graduate seminar on culture and medicine, University of Chicago, February 9, 2000.

“Wealth in sons: the path to “proper” fertility and motherhood,” paper presented to the Program of African Studies, Northwestern University, February 19, 2000.

“Contesting the narratives of the past: rituals and strategies of fertility and infertility among the Hadendowa of eastern Sudan,” paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 16-21, 1999.

“The Symbolic representation of gender in eastern Sudan,” paper presented at the Sudan Studies Conference, Boston, April 21-23, 1994.