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Date: May 13, 2009

Subject: Little Naches Closed

Contact: Doug Jenkins (509) 653-1468,

Little Naches Drainage Closed

For Immediate Release

(Naches Ranger District, Naches, WA.) The Naches Ranger District announced today that much of the Little Naches River drainage, a popular recreation destination, will be closed to motorized entry through Memorial Day weekend and perhaps later. Lingering winter weather, heavier than normal snow pack, wind thrown trees, and very wet or snow-covered roads and trails prompted the closure.

“The combination of late snowfall and a very late spring, following a January thaw and wind event have created an unfortunate situation for those anticipating an early season outing in the Little Naches. We now have trees down on roads and trails, some of which still have significant snow on them. Our first priority is for the safety of the public and with conditions being what they are we reluctantly came to the conclusion that a temporary closure was our best option,” said District Ranger Randy Shepard.

“This is an unusual event but bottom line very little is accessible and we don’t anticipate enough change over the next couple of weeks to warrant opening the drainage. In addition to visitor safety, we also have to look at protecting the trails and other resources from damage during these very wet conditions,” said Mike Rowan Recreation Manager for the Naches District.


Little Naches Closed/2

The closure includes all trails and roads accessing the Little Naches, Forest Service roads system 1900. The Little Naches and Kaner Flat Campgrounds will be open, but everything beyond Kaner Flat will be closed to motorized entry, including trails accessed from those areas.

The closure area begins at the intersection of Forest Service Road #1900/1902 (Crow Creek), west to the bank of the Little Naches River and south to State Route 410. From this point the closure follows State Route 410 to the Norse Peak Wilderness boundary north to the Naches/Cle Elum Districts boundary. The closure area then follows the district boundary along Manastash Ridge to Forest Service road # 1708, Milk Pond, and then southwesterly back to State Route 410. All trails and roads west of Milk Pond Road, FS road #1708 are closed.

The closure is effective immediately and will remain in effect until conditions warrant lifting the closure. Crews will monitor conditions on a regular basis and once they change enough to warrant lifting the closure the area will open.

“With what we know now, it is difficult to predict when conditions will improve,” said Shepard. “Hopefully more seasonable weather will prevail and we can address the downed trees and other repairs by early in June. Until then, we are encouraging people to look into alternative areas for their motorized recreation activities.”

“The calendar says mid-May, but we are still receiving snow squalls at even mid elevations. Winter has not completely released its grip and the majority of trails in the mid-to- higher elevations for off-road enthusiasts won’t be accessible either due to snow or windfalls,” said Doug Jenkins, Public Information Specialist. “Please call ahead for the latest information, but don’t expect any miracles until we get some major weather changes.”

For more information please call Doug Jenkins at the Naches Ranger Station, (509) 653-1411 or leave a message at (509) 653-1468; you can also go to our website at


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