Immediate Senior Officer / Clinical Director for Information Services (ISD)
Strategic Business Unit / Public Health & Intelligence
Location / Meridian Court Glasgow / Gyle Square, Edinburgh


The post holder will provide clinical leadership, medical advice and support to Public Health & Intelligence (PHI) and contribute to the strategic business of PHI. The post holder will lead in a number of key areas, agreed within a job plan, with a focus on maternal and sexual health. In addition the post holder will provide general medical advice as required, for example in relation to information requests, parliamentary questions, clinical coding, media enquiries and research projects. The post holder will engage with a wide range of relevant strategic partners and stakeholders within their areas of responsibility and will have the opportunity to develop interests in relevant research and teaching.


The post holder will provide strategic, clinical leadership to PHI in relation to the provision of Data Management, Information and Intelligence in the specific areas of maternal and sexual health. With regard to the specific work areas, the post holder will:
·  provide clinical support to routine maternity and sexual health publications including those on births in Scottish hospitals, termination of pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, long acting reversible contraception and IVF waiting times
·  provide advice (including clinical advice) to colleagues internally to support work on information requests, parliamentary questions and research related to maternal and sexual health
·  provide clinical advice to support the development of the relevant national datasets including those on maternity inpatient care (SMR02) and termination of pregnancy (AAS)
·  support the inclusion of maternal and sexual health information in Discovery and other quality improvement products
·  represent ISD on relevant standing and short life policy groups, including the Reproductive Health Expert Advisory Group, the Sexual Health and BBV National Monitoring and Advisory Group, and SG Maternity and Neonatal Review
·  contribute to UK and European-wide maternity work including EuroPeristat
Whilst the post holder will not line manage team members they will provide strategic, professional and clinical leadership to teams in the key result areas. The post holder will not assume budget-holder responsibility but will, through the development of business cases e.g. bids to government, require to understand the NSS business case process and requirement to operate within the Standing Financial Instructions.
See Appendix (below).
Public Health and Intelligence (PHI) is a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) of NHS National Services Scotland (NSS). PHI brings together Information Services Division (ISD) and Health Protection Scotland (HPS), the agencies responsible for health information (ISD) and for communicable diseases and environmental health (HPS). The mission of PHI is “To transform information into evidence for action to improve public services for the people of Scotland.” The present post is located within the service areas covered by Information Services (previously ISD).
PHI provides health information and intelligence, statistical services, data management and advice that support the NHS in progressing quality improvement in health and care and facilitates robust planning and decision making. PHI works in partnership with a wide range of organisations – NHS Scotland, NHS Boards, Scottish Government, general practitioners, Health and Social Care Partnerships, local authorities, voluntary organisations, and many other care and service providers, using national datasets to support the collection and management of information.
Our Mission: To transform information into evidence for action to improve public services for the people of Scotland.
Our Vision: Delivering accessible, integrated and predictive public service intelligence to drive improved outcomes for the people of Scotland.


·  provide public health leadership and medical advice to support the development, collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of information in the area of maternal health including the development of databases and data quality, clinical advice to support publications, advice on answering information requests and parliamentary questions and the provision of clinical advice to external researchers;
·  develop strong links with relevant stakeholders, particularly from the clinical community;


·  provide public health leadership in information and intelligence and medical advice to support the development, collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of information in the area of sexual health including the development of databases and data quality, clinical advice to support publications, advice on answering information requests and parliamentary questions and the provision of clinical advice to external researchers;
·  develop strong links with relevant stakeholders, particularly from the clinical community;


·  develop and maintain close working links with key stakeholders e.g. NHS Scotland, NHS Boards, Scottish Government, Academic Bodies, General Practitioners, Health and Social Care Partnerships, Local Authorities, voluntary organisations, as appropriate.
·  seek feedback from stakeholders on their needs for PHI services and how well these are being met.


·  foster the use of national clinical databases for research purposes by assisting customers in the specification, presentation and interpretation of analyses;
·  as opportunities arise, contribute to in-house research projects which exploit national data to explore questions concerning maternal and sexual health;


·  provide expert medical and public health advice on answering information requests from stakeholders, including the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, the press and the public;
·  foster links with other colleagues working in similar organisations in other parts of the UK;
·  provide expert medical and public health advice to policy makers in Scottish Government and NHS Boards in the interpretation and use of information and intelligence;
·  promote the work of PHI at conferences, seminars and workshops, both nationally and internationally, via presentations and lectures etc.;
·  contribute to the training of professionals attached to PHI (including acting as an attachment supervisor for public health trainees as opportunities arise);
·  participate in consultant appraisal, audit and appraisal of any staff for which the post-holder is responsible;
·  ensure adequate involvement in a programme of CPD in accordance with Faculty of Public Health requirements, and undertake revalidation or other measures required to remain on the GMC Register;
·  assist PHI/NSS in carrying out other appropriate duties agreed with line manager as part of the annual Job Planning process.
·  there are no on call duties associated with this post


The post holder will be managerially and professionally accountable to the Clinical Director for Information Services (ISD), in the Public Health and Intelligence Strategic Business Unit of NHS NSS. The post-holder’s work will be subject to annual appraisal under the NHS consultant appraisal scheme.
Working with the Clinical Director for Information Services, PHI’s Medical Director and those with line management responsibility for the relevant specialist services, the post holder will develop an annual job plan. The objectives will be aligned to the business and strategic objectives of PHI in their areas of responsibility and with the Personal Development Plan arising from their appraisal and agreed by their line manager. .


The post holder will liaise with colleagues from other disciplines and clinical groups – they may also be required to carry out duties in other teams or other areas of the organisation if required.
The post holder will also play a major part in continuing the close working relationships between PHI and its stakeholders. Within each area those of particular importance are:-
·  Maternal health: Scottish Government, Health Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, NHS Boards and key clinicians (including hospital consultants, medical and nursing directors, heads of midwifery), clinical academics, National Records for Scotland, UK and international colleagues such as National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, EuroPeristat;
·  Sexual health: Scottish Government, Health Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, NHS Boards and key clinicians (including hospital consultants, medical and nursing directors, ), clinical academics
The post holder will be expected to communicate effectively with staff at all levels within stakeholder organisations on sometimes contentious issues, and will require to adapt the complexity of information presented as necessary. The post holder will be required to communicate effectively with policy makers, NHS staff, researchers and the media as required and provide complex information/ intelligence on a wide range of medical and public health issues at a level appropriate to the audience. Sometimes this will need to be done within short timescales.
The post holder will represent PHI, providing expert medical and public health leadership in information/ intelligence in a number of arena/networks, including attendance at meetings, seminars and conferences at local, national and international levels. This might involve engagement with and briefings of senior Scottish Government and NHS officials and occasionally, Scottish Ministers.
The post holder may be expected to lead multi-disciplinary and multi-agency groups charged with co-ordinating the delivery and assessment of major information developments. This will entail effective chairing, robust decision making and clear reporting for accountability purposes.


Maintaining consistently high standards in assessing, interpreting and communicating information and intelligence and in providing expert advice (including medical advice) in a way that meets the needs of stakeholders.
Exercising expert judgement in a consistent, clear and understandable way in relation to assessing complex information governance risks.
Communicating decisions to stakeholders, who may be sceptical about the decision.
Being adaptable and flexible in responding to competing demands and priorities in a rapidly changing professional and organisational environment.
Demonstrating leadership when faced with significant professional and organisational challenges.


The post holder will be expected to utilise standard packages such as Microsoft Office and have or rapidly develop an understanding of packages used for the interrogation, extraction, manipulation and presentation of data.


Physical Effort

The position is desk based, in an office/ open plan environment, with the requirement to sit at, read from or input into a PC for the majority of the day. As part of their role the post-holder is required to travel within Scotland, but may occasionally be required to travel elsewhere in the UK or abroad.

Mental Effort

Frequent requirement for intense concentration (e.g. report-writing, undertaking literature reviews or complex statistical analyses), as well as the ability to change activity on request. Expected to meet demands at short notice whilst also providing leadership to others.

Emotional Effort

The post requires an ability to cope with the demands associated with rapidly changing priorities, expectations of an immediate response and dealing with issues which can attain high public and political profiles.
Office / open-plan office setting. Requirement to use Visual Display Unit equipment for long periods. Requirement to use printer, photocopier and fax machine.



·  The applicant must be a registered medical practitioner who is on the Public Health Specialist Register of the General Medical Council or is within six months of inclusion on the specialist register at the expected date of appointment;
·  postgraduate qualification in Public Health or equivalent experience.

Knowledge & Understanding

·  awareness of the social and political environment within which PHI operates;
·  understanding of the NHS in Scotland, especially its public health services and those related to information and intelligence;
·  ability to communicate the clinical interpretation of information and intelligence in a way that is clear to medical and non-medical colleagues;
·  strong quantitative data skills, including the ability to rapidly interpret complex data presentations, assess the quality and validity of data sources and interpret basic statistical methods;
·  ability to communicate information and intelligence to colleagues, policy makers, the NHS, the media and the public clearly and accurately through both verbal and written routes;
·  appreciation of methods of research, critical appraisal of evidence, guideline development and basic statistics;
·  commitment to Continuous Professional Development.

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* The vacant post sits within the area managed by the Clinical Director for Information Services

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Factor / Essential / Desirable /
Education/ Qualifications / Inclusion in the UK Specialist Register of the General Medical Council for Public Health.
Applicants who are Specialist Registrars in Public Health Medicine, but not yet on the UK GMC Specialist Register, must provide signed documentary evidence that they are within 6 months - i.e. 6 months beforehand - of inclusion in the Specialist Register at the expected date of appointment. / Membership of the UK Faculty of Public Health
Postgraduate qualification in Public Health or equivalent experience
Personal qualities / Strong commitment to public health principles
Commitment to team-working, and respect and consideration for the skills of others
Able to prioritise work, and work well against a background of change and uncertainty
Self-motivated, pro-active and innovative
Ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team
Strategic thinker
High standards of professional probity
Flexibility in working practices; willingness to take on new projects as required.
Experience / Experience of working in multidisciplinary teams / Experience at consultant level in an NHS Board
Practical experience in facilitating change in clinical practice / Three or more years’ experience of public health practice at senior level
Project management / Experience in hospital medicine/ general practice
Staff management
Scientific publications, presentation of papers at conferences, seminars etc.
Skills / Excellent oral and written communication skills, including the ability to communicate the clinical interpretation of information in a way that is clear to medical and non-medical colleagues / Understanding of statistical methods
Effective interpersonal, motivational and influencing skills
Strategic thinker with proven leadership skills
Good presentational skills
Experienced negotiator with practical expectation of what can be achieved
Highly developed analytical skills, including the ability to rapidly interpret complex data presentations, assess the quality and validity of data sources and interpret basic statistical methods
Computer literate
Knowledge and Understanding / Detailed knowledge of NHS / NHS and Scottish Government policy development as it relates to the main areas of responsibility
Understanding of epidemiology and statistics, public health practice, health promotion, health economics and health care evaluation / Knowledge and understanding of relevant areas of maternal, neonatal and sexual health.
Knowledge of methods of developing clinical quality assurance and evidence based clinical practice
Understanding of social and political environment
Understanding of local authorities and social services
Methods of research, critical appraisal of evidence