Name and surname, scientific or teaching position[1]
Name and surname, scientific or teaching position[2]
Name and surname, scientific or teaching position[3]
Abstract: This document presents a template for preparing the camera-ready papers that will be included in the Volume of Proceedings of LIMEN 2016 international scientific conference. We suggest your papers to be prepared in form of this template. Abstract should go up to 500 characters without spaces.
Key words: Document, conference, paper (sorted by importance)
Papers should be written in English or in Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Slovenian, Macedonian, Russian with title, abstract and key words in English. The page format is A4 (210x297mm). Use top, bottom, left and right margins of 2.5 cm. Pages should not be numbered.
The maximum volume of the text is 15,000 characters with spaces (the limit does not include figures, tables, references and appendices). Papers should be submitted electronically at the internet site:
In the middle of the first page of the paper write the title in English. Use font Times New Roman Bold 14 pt, capital letters. Autors' names (bold) and scientific or educational positions should be written in Times New Roman 12 pt, in the middle of the page. Institutions’ names, addresses and e-mail addresses in the footnote should be typed in Times New Roman 10 pt. An abstact with key words follows after the title and author's name written in Times New Roman bold and italic 12 pt.
Headings should be written in Times New Roman Bold, in capital letters font size 12 pt, as shown in this instruction. The paper should be typed with ordinary space, and a blank line should be left between paragraphs. Left and right margins are aligned (justified). Use font Times New Roman 12 pt only, as this instruction is given.
Equations should be centered and written with numbers to the right, as in this example:
For printing formula, use font that you choose but keep it the same in all formulas. Do not miss explanations of variables and their measurement units.
Figures and tables should be shown as in the following example. Make sure that they are within determined margins, centered, numbered and titled. Below the figure or table explanation should be given showing the importance of an illustration.
Figure 1: ______
Paper format / A4Top margin / 2.5 cm
Bottom margin / 2.5 cm
Left margin / 2.5 cm
Right margin / 2.5 cm
Table 1: ______
References should be given in Arab numbers in square brackets, in order of citation. For example, in [3] it is shown ... The multiple references [2], [3] each number has to be in separate square brackets [1] - [3].
Examples of references:
[1] Naisbitt, J. (1982) Megatrends, Warner Books, New York, pp. 30-31.
[2] Hunger, J. D., Wheelen, T. L. (2007) Essential of Strategic Management, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, pp. 20-21.
[1] Institution of the first author, address, e-mail address
[2] Institution of the second author, address, e-mail address
[3] Institution of the third author, address, e-mail address