Ag I Class
Chapter 23
Beverages Unit of Study #1
Name points earned
10 possible points
1. After reading pages 415 to 422 (start of bottled waters), write a summary over what you read and learned? (A summary consists of 2 to 3 paragraphs with each paragraph consisting of 4 to 5 quality sentences).
2. Describe how carbonated nonalcoholic beverages are manufactured.
3. Discuss how two beverages meet demand for a healthful drink.
Ag I Class
Chapter 23
Beverages Unit of Study #2
Name points earned
10 possible points
- After reading pages 422 to 428 (start of coffee), write a summary over what you read and learned? (A summary consists of 2 to 3 paragraphs with each paragraph consisting of 4 to 5 quality sentences).
- Develop a survey that could be done to determine a person’s preference on or over bottled waters. (Survey should have a rating system, set criteria to evaluate for, and a minimum number of brands to evaluate).
- Triangle test – a triangle test is where there are 3 samples set out and your job and/or task is to decide which one is different than the other two (2). One at a time go to the back room to take the ‘triangle test’. Which one is different than the other two:
Ag I Class
Chapter 23
Beverages Unit of Study #3
Name points earned
10 possible points
- After reading pages 428 to 432 (end of chapter), write a summary over what you read and learned? (A summary consists of 2 to 3 paragraphs with each paragraph consisting of 4 to 5 quality sentences).
- Identify the plants that produce coffee and tea.
- Activity: Compare tea to herbal teas.
Ag I Class
Chapter 23
Beverages Unit of Study -- Milk
Name points earned
10 possible points
In this assignment, you will be viewing the video by Modern Marvels over “Milk”. At the conclusion of the video, you are to develop a PowerPoint summary that refelcts upon the main points of the video. As we go through the video, write down notes to yourself that you will use on your PowerPoint summary.