Department of Education / POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE / PCP No. ______/ Revision Code: 00
Position Title / Schools Division Superintendent / Salary Grade / 26
Parenthetical Title
Office Unit / Division Office / Effectivity Date
Reports to / Asst. Regional Director, Regional Director / Page/s
Position Supervised / ASDS Education Program Supervisors, District Supervisors, School Heads
Account for learning outcomes in the Division viz-a-viz goals and targets for basic education (formal and non-formal) and ensure efficient and effective deployment and use of resources
  1. CSC Prescribed Qualifications

Education / MA in Educ. or its equivalent
Experience / 5 years relevant experience involving management & supervision and 1 year as ASDS
Eligibility / CES
Trainings / 32 hours of training in management & supervision
  1. Preferred Qualifications

Education / Master’s Degree in Education with at least 12 units in Doctoral Degree in management & administration
Experience / 5 years of relevant experience & at least 2 years as ASDS
Eligibility / Licensure Examination for Superintendent or EMT and CES
Trainings / 60 hours of training in management & supervision for the last 5 years
  1. Develops and implements the Division Education Development Plan (DEDP)

  1. Plans and manages the effective and efficient performance of all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the division including professional staff development

  1. Hires, places and evaluates all division supervisors and school district supervisors as well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel including school heads except for the Asst. Schools Division Superintendent

  1. Monitors the utlization of funds provided by the national government and the local government unit to school and learning centers

  1. Ensures compliance of quality standards for basic education programs and for this purpose strenthening the role of division supervisors as subject area specialists

  1. Promotes awareness of and adherence by all schools and learning centers to the policies , rules & regulation of DepEd

  1. Supervises the operations of all public and priivate elementary, secondary and integrated schools and learning centers

  1. Performs such other functions as may be assigned by the Secretary and/or Regional Director

  1. Has the disciplinary authority only over the non-teaching ppersonnel under his jurisdiction

Major Final Outputs (MFOs) / Key Result Areas
(KRAs) / Objectives / Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • Planning
  • Developed and implemented the DEDP
  • Planned the effective and efficient performance in the Division
  • DEDP developed and implemented
  • Division performance planned

  • Resource Management
  • Managed the physical and fiscal resources
  • Monitored the proper utlization of funds
  • Physical and fiscal resources managed
  • Utilization of funds monitored

  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Ensured compliance with quality standards for basic education programs
  • Encouraged adherence of schools to accreditation standards
  • Supervised the operations of public and private schools in the division
  • Compliance with quality standards ensured
  • Adherence to accreditation standards attained
  • Operations of private and public schools supervised

  • Human Resource Development and Management
  • Managed the performance of personnel
  • Hired, placed and evaluated teaching and non-teaching employees
  • Managed professional development
  • Effected disciplinary authority over non-teaching personnell
  • Performance of personnel managed
  • Employees hired, placed and evaluated
  • Professional development managed
  • Non-teaching personnel well-managed

  • Special Tasks/Other Assignments
  • Responded to legal concerns and issues of the division
  • Recommended priorities for SEF allocations
  • Approved proposed researches and studies
  • Established linkage with stakeholders
  • Evaluated and indorsed applications for establishment of new schools, separation of annexes, integration of schools
  • Implemented DepEd memoranda and orders
  • Legal concerns and issues responded to
  • Priorities for allocations recommended
  • Researches and studies approved
  • Linkage with stakeholders established
  • Applications evaluated and indorsed
  • DepEd memoranda and orders implemented

Performance Indicators
Objectives / Outstanding
(5) / Very Satisfactory
(4) / Satisfactory
(3) / Unsatisfactory
(2) / Poor
  • Developed and implemented the DEDP
  • 130% and above of DEDP developed and implemented
  • 115-129% of DEDP developed and implemented
  • 100-114% of DEDP developed and implemented
  • 51-99% of DEDP developed and implemented
  • 50%and below of DEDP developed and implemented

  • Planned the effective and efficient performance in the Division
  • 130% and above of Division performance planned
  • 115-129% of Division performance planned
  • 100-114% of Division performance planned
  • 51-99% of Division performance planned
  • 50% and below of Division performance planned

  • Managed the physical and fiscal resources
  • 130% and above of physical and fiscal resources managed
  • 115-129% of physical and fiscal resources managed
  • 100-114% of physical and fiscal resources managed
  • 51-99% of physical and fiscal resources managed
  • 50% and belowof physical and fiscal resources managed

  • Monitored the proper utlization of funds
  • 130% and above proper utilization of funds monitored
  • 115-129% proper utilization of funds monitored
  • 100-114% proper utilization of funds monitored
  • 51-99% proper utilization of funds monitored
  • 50% and belowproper utilization of funds monitored

  • Ensured compliance with quality standards for basic education programs
  • 130% and above of compliance to quality standards ensured
  • 115-129% of compliance to quality standards ensured
  • 100-114% of compliance to quality standards ensured
  • 51-99% of compliance to quality standards ensured
  • 50% and below of compliance to quality standards ensured

  • Encouraged adherence of schools to accreditation standards
  • 130% and above adherence to accreditation standards attained
  • 115-129% adherence to accreditation standards attained
  • 100-114% adherence to accreditation standards attained
  • 51-99% adherence to accreditation standards attained
  • 50% and belowof adherence to accreditation standards attained

  • Supervised the operations of public and private schools in the division
  • 130% and above operations of public and private schools supervised
  • 115-129% operations of public and private schools supervised
  • 100-114% operations of public and private schools supervised
  • 51-99% operations of public and private schools supervised
  • 50% and below of operations of public and private schools supervised

  • Managed the performance of personnel
  • 130% and above of performance of personnel managed
  • 115-129% of performance of personnel managed
  • 100-114% of performance of personnel managed
  • 51-99% of performance of personnel managed
  • 50% and below of performance of personnel managed

  • Hired, placed and evaluated teaching and non-teaching employees
  • 130% and above of employees hired, placed and evaluated
  • 115-129% of professional development managed
  • 100-114% of professional development managed
  • 51-99% of professional development managed
  • 50% and below of professional development managed

  • Managed professional development
  • 130% and above of professional development managed
  • 115-129% of professional development managed
  • 100-114% of professional development managed
  • 51-99% of professional development managed
  • 50% and below of professional development managed

  • Effected disciplinary authority over non-teaching personnel
  • 130% and above of non-teaching personnel well-managed
  • 115-129% of non-teaching personnel well-managed
  • 100-114% of non-teaching personnel well-managed
  • 51-99% of non-teaching personnel well-managed
  • 50% and below of non-teaching personnel well-managed

  • Responded to legal concerns and issues of the division
  • 130% and above of legal concerns and issues responded to
  • 115-129% of legal concerns and issues responded to
  • 100-114% of legal concerns and issues responded to
  • 51-99% of legal concerns and issues responded to
  • 50% and below of legal concerns and issues responded to

  • Recommended priorities for SEF allocations
  • 130% and above of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended
  • 115-129% of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended
  • 100-114% of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended
  • 51-99% of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended
  • 50% and below of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended

  • Approved proposed researches and studies
  • 130% and above of proposed researches and studies approved
  • 115-129% of proposed researches and studies approved
  • 100-114% of proposed researches and studies approved
  • 51-99% of proposed researches and studies approved
  • 50% and below of proposed researches and studies approved

  • Established linkage with stakeholders
  • 130% and above of linkage activities established
  • 115-129% of linkage activities established
  • 100-114% of linkage activities established
  • 51-99% of linkage activities established
  • 50% and below of linkage activities established

  • Evaluated and indorsed applications for establishment of new schools, separation of annexes, integration of schools
  • 130% and above of application evaluated and indorsed
  • 115-129% of application evaluated and indorsed
  • 100-114% of application evaluated and indorsed
  • 51-99% of application evaluated and indorsed
  • 50% and below of application evaluated and indorsed

  • Implemented DepEd memoranda and orders
  • 130% and above of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented
  • 115-129% of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented
  • 100-114% of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented
  • 51-99% of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented
  • 50% and below of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented