Position Title / Schools Division Superintendent / Salary Grade / 26
Parenthetical Title
Office Unit / Division Office / Effectivity Date
Reports to / Asst. Regional Director, Regional Director / Page/s
Position Supervised / ASDS Education Program Supervisors, District Supervisors, School Heads
Account for learning outcomes in the Division viz-a-viz goals and targets for basic education (formal and non-formal) and ensure efficient and effective deployment and use of resources
- CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education / MA in Educ. or its equivalent
Experience / 5 years relevant experience involving management & supervision and 1 year as ASDS
Eligibility / CES
Trainings / 32 hours of training in management & supervision
- Preferred Qualifications
Education / Master’s Degree in Education with at least 12 units in Doctoral Degree in management & administration
Experience / 5 years of relevant experience & at least 2 years as ASDS
Eligibility / Licensure Examination for Superintendent or EMT and CES
Trainings / 60 hours of training in management & supervision for the last 5 years
- Develops and implements the Division Education Development Plan (DEDP)
- Plans and manages the effective and efficient performance of all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the division including professional staff development
- Hires, places and evaluates all division supervisors and school district supervisors as well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel including school heads except for the Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
- Monitors the utlization of funds provided by the national government and the local government unit to school and learning centers
- Ensures compliance of quality standards for basic education programs and for this purpose strenthening the role of division supervisors as subject area specialists
- Promotes awareness of and adherence by all schools and learning centers to the policies , rules & regulation of DepEd
- Supervises the operations of all public and priivate elementary, secondary and integrated schools and learning centers
- Performs such other functions as may be assigned by the Secretary and/or Regional Director
- Has the disciplinary authority only over the non-teaching ppersonnel under his jurisdiction
Major Final Outputs (MFOs) / Key Result Areas
(KRAs) / Objectives / Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
- Planning
- Developed and implemented the DEDP
- Planned the effective and efficient performance in the Division
- DEDP developed and implemented
- Division performance planned
- Resource Management
- Managed the physical and fiscal resources
- Monitored the proper utlization of funds
- Physical and fiscal resources managed
- Utilization of funds monitored
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Ensured compliance with quality standards for basic education programs
- Encouraged adherence of schools to accreditation standards
- Supervised the operations of public and private schools in the division
- Compliance with quality standards ensured
- Adherence to accreditation standards attained
- Operations of private and public schools supervised
- Human Resource Development and Management
- Managed the performance of personnel
- Hired, placed and evaluated teaching and non-teaching employees
- Managed professional development
- Effected disciplinary authority over non-teaching personnell
- Performance of personnel managed
- Employees hired, placed and evaluated
- Professional development managed
- Non-teaching personnel well-managed
- Special Tasks/Other Assignments
- Responded to legal concerns and issues of the division
- Recommended priorities for SEF allocations
- Approved proposed researches and studies
- Established linkage with stakeholders
- Evaluated and indorsed applications for establishment of new schools, separation of annexes, integration of schools
- Implemented DepEd memoranda and orders
- Legal concerns and issues responded to
- Priorities for allocations recommended
- Researches and studies approved
- Linkage with stakeholders established
- Applications evaluated and indorsed
- DepEd memoranda and orders implemented
Performance Indicators
Objectives / Outstanding
(5) / Very Satisfactory
(4) / Satisfactory
(3) / Unsatisfactory
(2) / Poor
- Developed and implemented the DEDP
- 130% and above of DEDP developed and implemented
- 115-129% of DEDP developed and implemented
- 100-114% of DEDP developed and implemented
- 51-99% of DEDP developed and implemented
- 50%and below of DEDP developed and implemented
- Planned the effective and efficient performance in the Division
- 130% and above of Division performance planned
- 115-129% of Division performance planned
- 100-114% of Division performance planned
- 51-99% of Division performance planned
- 50% and below of Division performance planned
- Managed the physical and fiscal resources
- 130% and above of physical and fiscal resources managed
- 115-129% of physical and fiscal resources managed
- 100-114% of physical and fiscal resources managed
- 51-99% of physical and fiscal resources managed
- 50% and belowof physical and fiscal resources managed
- Monitored the proper utlization of funds
- 130% and above proper utilization of funds monitored
- 115-129% proper utilization of funds monitored
- 100-114% proper utilization of funds monitored
- 51-99% proper utilization of funds monitored
- 50% and belowproper utilization of funds monitored
- Ensured compliance with quality standards for basic education programs
- 130% and above of compliance to quality standards ensured
- 115-129% of compliance to quality standards ensured
- 100-114% of compliance to quality standards ensured
- 51-99% of compliance to quality standards ensured
- 50% and below of compliance to quality standards ensured
- Encouraged adherence of schools to accreditation standards
- 130% and above adherence to accreditation standards attained
- 115-129% adherence to accreditation standards attained
- 100-114% adherence to accreditation standards attained
- 51-99% adherence to accreditation standards attained
- 50% and belowof adherence to accreditation standards attained
- Supervised the operations of public and private schools in the division
- 130% and above operations of public and private schools supervised
- 115-129% operations of public and private schools supervised
- 100-114% operations of public and private schools supervised
- 51-99% operations of public and private schools supervised
- 50% and below of operations of public and private schools supervised
- Managed the performance of personnel
- 130% and above of performance of personnel managed
- 115-129% of performance of personnel managed
- 100-114% of performance of personnel managed
- 51-99% of performance of personnel managed
- 50% and below of performance of personnel managed
- Hired, placed and evaluated teaching and non-teaching employees
- 130% and above of employees hired, placed and evaluated
- 115-129% of professional development managed
- 100-114% of professional development managed
- 51-99% of professional development managed
- 50% and below of professional development managed
- Managed professional development
- 130% and above of professional development managed
- 115-129% of professional development managed
- 100-114% of professional development managed
- 51-99% of professional development managed
- 50% and below of professional development managed
- Effected disciplinary authority over non-teaching personnel
- 130% and above of non-teaching personnel well-managed
- 115-129% of non-teaching personnel well-managed
- 100-114% of non-teaching personnel well-managed
- 51-99% of non-teaching personnel well-managed
- 50% and below of non-teaching personnel well-managed
- Responded to legal concerns and issues of the division
- 130% and above of legal concerns and issues responded to
- 115-129% of legal concerns and issues responded to
- 100-114% of legal concerns and issues responded to
- 51-99% of legal concerns and issues responded to
- 50% and below of legal concerns and issues responded to
- Recommended priorities for SEF allocations
- 130% and above of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended
- 115-129% of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended
- 100-114% of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended
- 51-99% of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended
- 50% and below of prioritie for SEF allocations recommended
- Approved proposed researches and studies
- 130% and above of proposed researches and studies approved
- 115-129% of proposed researches and studies approved
- 100-114% of proposed researches and studies approved
- 51-99% of proposed researches and studies approved
- 50% and below of proposed researches and studies approved
- Established linkage with stakeholders
- 130% and above of linkage activities established
- 115-129% of linkage activities established
- 100-114% of linkage activities established
- 51-99% of linkage activities established
- 50% and below of linkage activities established
- Evaluated and indorsed applications for establishment of new schools, separation of annexes, integration of schools
- 130% and above of application evaluated and indorsed
- 115-129% of application evaluated and indorsed
- 100-114% of application evaluated and indorsed
- 51-99% of application evaluated and indorsed
- 50% and below of application evaluated and indorsed
- Implemented DepEd memoranda and orders
- 130% and above of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented
- 115-129% of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented
- 100-114% of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented
- 51-99% of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented
- 50% and below of DepEd memoranda, orders implemented