Minutes of the SGEWBMH held on 22nd June 2015 at 09:30amat CCG Offices, Building A, The Apex.
PRESENT: / Sue Lightfoot (SL)(Chair), Head of Children’s, Mental Health and LD Commissioning, IW CCG
Michelle Jones (MJ), Commissioning Manager, IW CCG
Sue Jones (SJ), Project Support CCG
Michael Sones (MS), Head of Counselling YMCA
Su Morris (SM), Team Leader, CAMHS
Rosie Turner (RT), IW Youth Trust
Stuart Ashley (SA),Area Director Children’s Services IW Council
Eleanor Bell (EB), Children and Families, Public Health
Carol Foley (CF), Lead for Mental Health, Public Health, IW Council
Emma Meek (EM), Children’s Service Manager, Barnardo’s
MINUTED BY: / Rosie Campbell (RC), Team Administrator, IW CCG (Notes)
Action Initial
1. / Apologies for absence
Julie Davies, Sara Ellis, Sue Morris, Mark Isaacson, Rachel McKernan, Emma Butler-Hume, Kate Symes, Sam Guerrini, Tony Adams, Emma Corrina
2. / Minutes of the last Meeting (13.04.2015)
Notes Agreed.
3. / Commissioning Strategy – Emotional Well Being and Mental Health 2015-18
MJ has been re-framing the strategy, focussing on the latest National direction of travel on the Action Plan 2015-18.
There are 5 main priorities; the following is a brief summary of feedback given from the group as to what is required within these main priorities.
- Improving Access
- MASH-Multiagency Safeguarding Hub, led by Children’s Social care
- Early Help
- Local Offer
- Schools-AQP Workshops e.g. Drugs & Alcohol
-School Nursing
-Pastoral Support
- Children’s Threshold Chart
- “Anxiety” “Stress” “Depression”
- A common language used by all
- GP’s
- Workforce development
- To be linked to all 4 priorities
- A holistic approach to training
- Vanguard
- School Nursing-Training 2xband 6 + a back fill-band 5
- Planning
- On the job training
- Skills for professionals around keeping themselves emotionally well-psychology online, Silvercloud, Mindfulness etc.
- Integrated leadership
- Future planning for workforce development & training
- Training- Generic science of resilience& wellbeing
- Ensuring the most vulnerable are supported
- LAC, CPP (Threshold Chart), Disabled Children, LTC
- Parenting Courses- Outcomes
- Resilience groups for parents/ families/ carers
- Mental health/ behavioural problems
- Therapeutic support
- Key family workers
- Emotional Resilience
- To utilise current expertise, skill sets- meeting needs through more creative, innovative offers. Request to meet to discuss ideas coming forward from counsellors, play therapists etc.
- There are counsellors waiting to access schools & provide bespoke workshops on resilience within schools- funding is required.
- Developing Clear Care Pathways
- Children’s Threshold Chart
It was identified that a Glossary should be also included, to contain links to the service and to include acronyms.
It was remarked that the wording “Building” Emotional Resilience was not the right term, the language will be reviewed for next meeting.
The group agreed there needs to be an action plan for the public that is easy to read/ understand and a professional version for the Group to be created with more detail on what will be provided and how behind the public facing documents.
SA briefly explained MASH-a multi-agency Safeguarding Hub. SA to have a 15 minute slot at the next meeting to present to the group and help promote awareness and understanding. SA to forward info to MJ. The use of the Children’s Threshold Chart to be adapted for MH and Wellbeing was also discussed and agreed by the group.
CF, EB & MJ to work on a proposal for a new model of service for school nursing after today’s meeting. / SA/MJ
5. / Early Help Offer.
Rachel McKernon to present at the next meeting. Documents to be circulated to the group before next meeting. To be included in next month’s agenda. Updates on First Quarter performance, data- plus what is working well/ issues to be presented.
School Survey.
EB explained there has been a delay due to Children’s Trust requiring more participants to take part in the survey to make the results more comprehensive. Once the survey dates are closed analysis is to be expected in September. To be included in September/ October’s meeting agenda. / RM
6. / AOB
Sexual Health.
Carol Foley
Network meeting reflected questions on Mental health support for LGBT young people, especially that transgender support is lacking. The data linking in with self-harm/ suicide with this vulnerable group is high and there is improvement in transitions needed across the board. SL to link in with the Suicide Prevention Group and include representative from Children’s Services within this.
Transitions through Education- Conference
Eleanor Bell
A conference is due to take place in October with a speaker to talk about Emotional Resilience. Transitions from all school ages, including special schools, to look at good practice, and schools to specify changes that need to be made. This will then be reviewed in June and again in September 2016.
Sue Lightfoot
National Clinical Commissioners Network haveprioritised review of CAMHS. There is a need for Eating Disorder support, and Crisis Response, the IOW is currently reviewing this area and identifying gaps.
Whole Life Pathway approach for eating disordersis being worked on, alongsideParity of Esteem. The pathway will focus on a single point of contact, appropriately qualified staff to triage, signposting, appropriate levels of intervention (up to 72hrs), and therapeutic NICE evidence based treatment. A multidisciplinary approach is required and will need to include social care and 3rd Sector partners.
CAMHS Service specification has been reviewed and amended by SL and MJ and will be distributed to the group once it is finalised.
Vanguard Bid.
The initial phase 1 bids need to be in this week.Children & YP are to be included in Vanguard. The integration of commissioning will include CCG, PH, Adult Social Care, Supporting People(Housing). SA suggestedSL to contact Rob Winfield to invite to include disabled children in the discussion. A major service review is planned for Paeds.Under Vanguard, service review to include Paediatrics and CAMHS.
Paediatric Review.
Terms Of Reference. Paediatric review agreed. Working with Wessex lead to identify Clinical Leadership (National) to support review.
Health & Wellbeing Board.
SA mentioned at the last meeting, discussions on how to reshape the board to include a children’s sub group- The possibility of the SGEWMH to be a part of this was discussed and agreed by all as a positive way of moving forward and becoming an alliance.
A meeting to discuss this further will be scheduled withpossible members to include Children’s Trust, Health & Wellbeing Board, Children’s Safeguarding.Meeting to be arranged before the next Health & Wellbeing Board 16th July. / SL
7. / Date and time of the next meeting:
3rd August 2015 9.30am, CCG Offices, The Apex, St. Cross Business Park, Newport
Sue Lightfoot (SL)(Chair)
Stuart Ashley(SA)
Eleanor Bell (EB)
Kate Symes (KS)
Michelle Jones (MJ)
Michael Sones (MS)
Judi King (JK)
Carol Foley (CF)
Julie Davies(JD)
Carol Foley(CF)
Abigail Wilkinson (AW) / Su Morris (SM)
Emma Corina (EC)
Sarah Butler (SBu)
Sara Ellis (SE)
Jackie Boxx (JB)
Tony Adams (TA)
Sam Guerrini (AG)
Catherine Crocker(CC)
Emma Meek (EM) / In attendance:
Rosie Campbell (RC)
For Information Only:
Kathy Marriott (KM)