3750 Transou Road.
Pfafftown, NC 27040
(336) 703-6776
(336) 922-1752 fax
August 27, 2012
Dear Parent(s)/Guardians(s)/Student,
Welcome to the Physical Education program at Reagan High School. My name is Bob Berlinger and I am extremely excited about starting a new semester. Please read through this letter and sign your name at the end. If you would like a copy of this letter and any other document from my class, please visit my website under the physical education page in the faculty webpages at:
First, let me tell you a little about myself. I was born and raised in Ansonia, Connecticut. In 1993 I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT. Then in 1996 I received a Master of Arts in Teaching at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. In 2000 I achieved National Board Certification as an Early Adolescence Generalist and renewed my certification in 2009. I am entering my 18th year of teaching. During my career I have taught 5th grade through 12th grade in Wake, Davidson, and Forsyth Counties. I have taught 5th grade, math, science, PE, Health, Life Skills, and Weight Training during my teaching career. Besides teaching PE/Health, I also teach Speech/Debate at Reagan High School. I have also been coaching various sports for 22 years. I coached football for 20 years, baseball for 10, and now I am in my 2nd year as the head softball coach at Reagan High School.
Physical Education in WSFCS focuses on four essential standards: Motor Skills, Movement Concepts, Health Related Fitness, and Personal/Social Responsibility. PE will consist of the following sports/activities: badminton, corn hole, football, team handball, basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, softball, ultimate Frisbee, track & field, and other individual and team sports. Some sports/activities may be omitted due to facility availability or weather conditions.
Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools requires each student to pay a $3.50 fee in order to participate in physical education. Payment should be made by the end of the first week of the semester.
During PE class, students will be leaving campus to experience various activities as they are offered to the public. Potential activities include golf, bowling, roller skating, and disc golf. Students will ride a school activity bus driven by their PE teacher to the off-campus activity. Students will not miss any of their classes. This will be done during this class time, only. Improper behavior will not be tolerated. Failure to abide with school rules will result in losing this class privilege. If students miss the bus they will report to the gym or Room 204 to wait until the class gets back. This semester we will be bowling at Rural Hall Lanes (336-969-5149). The students will need to pay $1.50 each game in order to participate. We may also skate at Roll-R-King in King (336-985-0282). The students will need to pay $3.50 to skate.
Students are required to be in the locker room by the time the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in a tardy and will be recorded in NC WISE. Students CANNOT be tardy for class unless excused by a teacher or administrator. During PE every student will have access to a PE locker and lock in the locker room. Students will only be allowed to use their locker during their assigned PE class period. All valuables should be locked up during PE class. Most thefts in the locker room occur because students leave valuables in their backpack and DO NOT lock up their backpack. PE teachers will monitor the locker rooms. Students are expected to use the locker room for changing purposes only. Locker rooms are not an area designated for “hanging out”. The physical education locker room and bathroom facilities are to be used for physical education classes only. Students should change into their PE uniform in the locker room and immediately enter the gym. Once the students enter the gymnasium they are required to immediately sit in their attendance “squad” lines.
Students are expected to change clothes for physical education. A change of clothes is defined as clothing other than what the student wore to school and will wear after physical education class. Proper physical education attire should consist of a t-shirt, athletic shorts (no cargo or jean shorts), socks and sneakers. Students are expected to dress out even if they are feeling ill or injured unless the injury prevents the student from changing clothes. Students should keep sweat pants and sweat shirts in their physical education locker for cooler weather. Physical Education clothing should adhere to the standards outlined in the Reagan High School Student Handbook under Dress Code. Students are required to wear sneakers during physical education class. No flip flops, sliders, boots, boat shoes, etc. Students are not permitted to wear hats in physical education class. Students will be permitted to wear hats when physical education classes are conducted outside.
Physical Education teachers stress safety first and foremost when instructing students in various games and activities. Occasionally accidents do take place resulting in injuries. All accidents or injuries no matter how major or minor they may be, must be reported to the physical education teacher instructing the class. All students reporting an injury will be sent to the nurse for further examination. Accident Reports will be filled out by the discretion of the school nurse.
Students are not permitted to use any electronic devices during physical education classes. This includes cell phones, IPODS, Walkmans, Discmans, MP3 players, calculators, Gameboy or any other device that the teacher feels is a disruption to the class or is inappropriate for a physical education setting. All electronic devices must remain secured in the locker room during physical education class. No exceptions will be made.
All students are required to participate in physical education class. Students are required to demonstrate proficiencies in the various skill sets associated with each unit. Students will be graded on their effort, improvement, and overall ability to actively participate in planned activities. Students are required to complete ALL stretching exercises and warm-ups to earn participation points. We will complete some type of running exercise everyday. One of the major goals of the North Carolina Healthful Living curriculum is physical fitness. Students will work everyday to improve their fitness level. If a student is absent from PE class, he or she must present an excused note the next class he or she attends to receive credit for the missed class.
Your grade in Physical Education will be broken up into four categories:
· Daily Participation – 75%
Students will earn 100 points each day of PE. The 100 points are broken up as follows:
· Game/Daily Participation 20 points
· Having proper clothes 20 points
· Attitude 20 points
· Sportsmanship 20 points
· Cooperation 20 points
· Skill Development and Assessment – 15%
Throughout each activity student skill development will be monitored and assessed. Improvement in skills is expected by the end of every unit. There will also be weekly fitness and endurance tests which will be graded following a rubric.
· Written Tests – 10%
Every unit will consist of a study guide that will inform students about the sport or activity that will be taught. The study guide will include information pertaining to the history, rules, and strategies of a particular sport or activity. There will be a written test after every unit.
· Final Exam 25% of Final Grade
This will be discussed in class prior to the final exam day.
If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me here at Reagan High School (703-6776) or via email at:
Bob Berlinger
Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature
If any emergency services are needed for proper care I give my permission for these.