Dunshaughlin Area Meeting 9th December 2008
Ashbourne Civic Offices 9.00 am
Councillor Oliver Brooks Presided.
Members Present
Councillor Oliver Brooks
Councillor Nick Killian
Councillor Noel Leonard
Councillor Joe Bonner
Councillor Charles Bobbett
Councillor Brian Fitzgerald
Officials in Attendance
Michael Killeen, Area Manager
Alan Roger, Area Administrator
John Joe O’Reilly, Area Engineer
Jennifer Murtagh. Assistant Planner
1.0Confirmation of Minutes
1.1Confirmation of Minutes of Monthly Meeting held onTuesday 10th November 2008. Proposed by Councillor Noel Leonard. Seconded by Councillor Joe Bonner.
1.2Confirmation of Minutes of Special Area Meeting held on Monday 1st December 2008. Proposed by Councillor Noel Leonard. Seconded by Councillor Joe Bonner.
2.0Expression of Congratulation and Sympathy
The Members expressed congratulations to the following:
- Kilmessan Hurling Team on winning Leinster Final
- Moynalvey Hurling Team on winning Leinster Junior Football Final
- Expressed sympathies to the family of Muriel Sweeney.
3.0Matters arising from the minutes.
- Cllr. Nick Killian expressed concerns at continued issues arising out of sewerage contract being undertaken by Ward & Burke in Ratoath.
Cllr. Nick Killian requested a full report for January meeting.
The Members also requested reports on the following for the January Meeting:
- Kilcloone Sewerage Scheme
- Dunshaughlin Water Scheme
- Sewerage Schemes Taken in Charge in Ashbourne (including Water quality issues)
Nick Killian Thanked the Water Conservation Team for their good work in Ratoath.
4.0Report from Protocol Committee
4.1Planning Applications
Councillor Noel Leonard
File Reference / Applicants Name / Decision DateDA/802934 / Kevin Savage / F.I. Reqs’d 2/12/08
DA/802977 / Roisin Gogan & Richard Stewart / 17/12/08
DA/803012 / Geraldine McGovern / 17/12/08
Councillor Nick Killian
File Reference / Applicants Name / Decision DateDA/802995 / Barry Brady / 15/12/08
DA/802129 / Noel Conway / 22/12/08
DA/803009 / Gerard Tinnelly / 22/12/08
DA/803016 / John Ferris / 22/12/08
DA/803109 / Hutchison 3G Ireland Ltd. / 16/01/09
Councillor Charles Bobbet
File Reference / Applicants Name / Decision DateDA/802977 / Roísin Gogan & Richard Stewart / 17/12/08
DA/802129 / Noel Conway / 22/12/08
Councillor Brian Fitzgerald
File Reference / Applicants Name / Decision DateDA/802934 / Kevin Savage / F.I.reqd 02/12/08
DA/802977 / Roísín Gogan & Richard Stewart / 17/12/08
DA/803012 / Ger McGovern / 17/12/08
DA/803018 / James Crosbie & Sarah Crosbie (Nee Clancey) / 18/12/08
DA/803015 / Grainne Smith / 12/12/08
DA/803016 / John Ferris / 22/12/08
DA/803056 / Drumree GAA / 8/01/09
Councillor Joe Bonner
File Reference / Applicants Name / Decision DateDA/803013 / Vodafone / 22/12/08
Councillor Oliver Brooks
The Members requested a Report regarding ‘Taken in Charge’ of Estates
4.2Waste Permits
4.2.1To receive an update on Waste Management Permit WMP-2008/029-Dean McEvoy, Kilbrew, Curragha, Ashbourne, Co. Meath.
Alan Rogers updated the members on the current status of WMP-2008/029-Dean McEvoy. Further Information was requested on 07/07/08. Further information response received on 28/11/08.
Application is now under consideration.
Michael Killeen, Area Manager advised Members that the applicant has also lodged an application for exemption from Planning and advised Members that he would discuss both applications with Environment and Planning Departments and ensure a co-ordination approach by Meath County Council in respect of application submitted.
5.0Other Statutory Business
5.1.1To receive a report on the replacement of poplar trees in Garden City Ashbourne.
John Joe O’ Reilly updated the Members on the statues of replacement of poplar trees and advised that:-
- 5 tenders had been received (and were now subject to Health and Safety assessment)
- Proposed to carry out phase 1 (removal and replacement of poplar trees) at an approx cost €60,000.00 (subject to H&S assessmentand procurement process)
Michael Killeen advised Members that the Tree Council of Ireland had carried out a survey approx 2 years ago which had identified risks associated with trees. Michael Killeen recommended to the Members that Meath County Council proceed with contract and fund it from Town & Village Amenity Works Programme under the Amenity Levies Scheme which currently had a fund of €322,000.00. Michael Killeen further advised due to the unique nature of this estate that this would not set a precedent for the further.
After some debate the Members generally welcomed the works and agreed to fund the scheme for Phase 1 as outlined by Michael Killeen the proposal of Cllr. Joe Bonner and seconded by Cllr. Charles Bobbett.
Michael Killeen further advised that there was an opportunity to seek a contribution from Eirgrid in respect of the proposed inter-connector line, for community purposes and that this fund would be used for the benefit of Batterstown, Ratoath, Ashbourne, subject to the member’s consideration.
Cllr. Brian Fitzgerald requested for the January meeting that consideration be given to the implication of the opening of M3 would have on the village of Batterstown. Michael Killeen advised that he would ask NRDO to attend meeting and to give an update on the construction of M3.
5.1.2To consider a report (and approve if thought fit) for funding allocation, for an application by Ashbourne District & Community Council for Community Facilities in Ashbourne as provided under Amenity Levy Scheme.
Michael Killeen presented a report, circulated at meeting, and recommended that €100,000.00 (being the maximum Grant payable) be paid to the ADCC in respect of Project Planning Development costs subject to 4 conditions outlined in the report.
The Members generally welcomed the report and it was agreed to proceed as recommended on the proposal of Cllr. Joe Bonner and seconded by Cllr. Nick Killian.
5.2.1To receive an update on allocations for Council and Private estate works under 2008 Road Works Program
John Joe O’ Reilly advised Members of Meath County Council proposals for Housing Estate Works under 2008 Road/works program. He also advised Members of the tight timeframe for completing these works prior to 31st December 2008.
Cllr. Brain Fitzgerald requested that the proposed footpath in Batterstown be set back to make provision for some car parking, John Joe O’Reilly to examine option.
Cllr. Noel Leonard raised concerns over races by cyclists whereby it appeared no prior notification of such races were given to the Gardaí or Meath County Council and requested that a Letter be submitted to CRE outlining concerns.
6.0Matter’s raised with the permission of the Cathoirleach
Councillor Brian Fitzgerald raised the following issues:
- Gritting of Regional Roads.
Councillor Noel Leonard raised the following issues:
- KilbrideCemetery – car park /access road require immediate repair
- CR571 at Moygaddy - who was carrying out road works at this location?
- SkateboardPark in Dunboyne – when will repair be complete
- Water pressure at Mylestown Dunboyne.
Councillor Nick Killian raised the following issues:
- 3 Lights on Curragha road
- Grating in Village outside Pepper Mill rest
- Thank John Joe O’ Reilly for railing on Ratoath Inner Relief Road
- Potholes on dunshaughlin Road at Bonestown up from Rackenstoen
- Yellow box in middle of village – needs replacement
- Ratoath Playground – Petition to remove graffiti, intimidation–of residents / children
Councillor Joe Bonner raised the following issues:
- Paths in Ashbourne extremely slippy
- Flooding Garden city Ashbourne
- Castle Street – Pedestrian crossing at Garden city
- Walkway along river –to be reopened
- Litter outside Tesco –and Take away premises
Councillor Oliver Brooks raised the following issues:
- Lights in Ardlea
- Supple park – Car burnt out
- Car on Blacklodge Road
7.0Items/Correspondence raised by the Area Manager
Next Area Meeting to be held on Tuesday13th January 2009 at 9.00am at Ashbourne Civic Offices.
December Area Meeting MinutesPage 1 of 5
Meath County Council, Dunshaughlin Civic Offices, Drumree Road, Dunshaughlin, CountyMeath