PAGE Mongolia National Logframe (1 Mar 2015) - Draft

Intended Results / Indicators / Sources/Means of Verification / Assumptions/
External Factors / Supporting PAGE Agencies/Fund holder* and Partners
Impact [Overall Long Term Goal, by 2030] / Impact Indicators
Mongolia is transforming its economy to eradicate poverty, increase social equity and decent jobs, strengthen livelihoods and environmental stewardship, and sustain growth in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (from global log-frame) / ·  Increased decoupling of growth from resource
·  consumption & environmental degradation
·  increased number of decent green jobs (disaggregated by gender)
·  Increased number of people with access to safe water,
·  Clean energy, sanitation and other environmental amenities and social services / ·  SDGs monitoring reports
·  Mongolia country reports of WB, IMF, ADB
·  Reports from International Resource Panel (IRP)
·  Global Environment Outlook (GEOs)
·  ILO reports
·  Human Development Reports (HDRs) / ·  Long-term political commitment
·  Cohesive national development planning / ·  All PAGE Partners
·  Government
·  Social Partners
·  Other development partners
Outcomes** [Medium Term Objectives, 2014-2017] / Outcome Indicators
Overall Outcome: Mongolia reframed economic policy around sustainability and put in place enabling policy conditions, reforms, incentives, business models, and partnerships to catalyze greater action and investment in green technologies, and natural, human, and social capital [based on global log-frame] / ·  Priority national sustainability targets including at sector level announced
·  Investment increased to achieve the targets
·  Fiscal, industrial/sector and labour policies made conducive to greening of economic structure
·  A regular capacity development mechanism in place to support ongoing green economy policy process / ·  National media
·  Government budget
·  Policy documents / ·  Stakeholders agree on priority sustainability targets
·  Required investment or shift in investment takes place
·  Enabling policies implemented and stable
·  A prominent national
·  Institution designated for providing ongoing technical support / ·  All partners
Specific Outcome 1: Mongolia has reinforced and integrated inclusive green economy (IGE) goals and targets into SDG-aligned national economic and development planning through multi-stakeholder collaboration [based on global log-frame] / ·  National Green Development Strategy (GDS) and Implementation Action Plans adopted
·  Green indicators used for monitoring of GDS implementation
·  GE integrated into the legal, regulatory and methodological base for national development planning, monitoring and budgeting / ·  Decision by Parliament
·  Action Plans/policy reforms adopted by Government / ·  Governance stability
·  Political commitment / ·  All partners
Specific Outcome 2: Mongolia has implemented evidence-based sectoral and thematic reforms in line with national IGE priorities [based on global log-frame] / ·  At least 2 sectors/thematic areas reflect IGE approach and GE targets / ·  Decisions by Government
·  Action plans/policy reform documents adopted by Government / ·  Governance stability
·  Political commitment / ·  All partners
Specific Outcome 3: Mongolia has strengthened Individual, institutional and planning capacities for IGE action [based on global logframe] / ·  Number of new institutions capacitated to engage in green economy action through PAGE support
·  Number of decision-makers and experts trained who engage in green economy action
·  GE knowledge base among national and sub-national stakeholders established / ·  Workshop reports
·  Annual PAGE Reports / ·  / ·  All partners
National Outputs per Specific Outcome / Relates to Global Output # * / National Output Indicators / Sources/Means of Verification / Assumptions/
External Factors / Supporting PAGE Agencies/Fund holder* & National Partners
1. National Outputs for Outcome 1 [Mongolia has integrated and reinforced inclusive green economy (IGE) goals and targets into national economic and development planning though multi-sectoral/multi-stakeholder collaboration and aligned with the SDGs]
Note: Individual capacity development activities that directly contribute to outcome 1 outputs is included below. Additional broader capacity development activities are included under outcome 3
1.1. Stock-taking and IGE priorities identified with multi-stakeholder input / ·  1.1
·  1.2 / ·  Stock-taking report completed and agreed through consultative process
·  Key recommendations considered in priority setting and PAGE implementation / ·  Stock-taking publication / ·  Buy-in by government and stakeholders / ·  UNEP*/UNITAR
1.2. National Green Development Strategy/Policy and Implementation Action Plans developed / ·  1.1
·  1.2 / ·  Policy and implementation plan available
·  Policy and plan endorsed by key sectors and stakeholders / ·  Draft policy document and implementation plan
·  Attendance list of events to review policy/plan / ·  Commitment of decision makers / ·  UNDP*/All partners
1.3 Green economy modelling and policy assessment to support GDS implementation completed / ·  1.1
·  1.2
·  3.2 / ·  Generation of green economy scenarios relevant for GDS implementation
·  Policy assessment of high quality prepared and considered by decision-makers
·  National experts trained and contributing expertise / ·  Modeling and Policy Assessment Reports
·  Annual PAGE report
·  Press releases / ·  Buy in and commitment of decision-makers
·  Availability of data / ·  UNITAR*/UNDP/ILO*/UNEP
·  Ministry of Finance
1.4 Green economy indicators developed to monitor implementation of Mongolia’s Green Development Strategy / ·  1.1
·  1.2
·  3.2 / ·  GDS implementation plan includes green economy indicators
·  National experts trained and contributing expertise / ·  Implementation plan for GDS / ·  Commitment by government decision-makers / ·  UNITAR*/UNEP*
·  National Statistics Office
2. National Outputs for Outcome 2 (Mongolia has implemented selected sectoral and thematic policy analysis and reform in line with national IGE priorities) Note: Individual capacity development which directly contributes to outputs included below.
Note: Individual capacity development activities that directly contribute to outcome 2 outputs is included below. Additional broader capacity development activities are included under outcome 3.
Theme/Sector 2.1: Sustainable Public Procurement
2.1.1 Policy analysis for public procurement law available / ·  2.1
·  3.2 / ·  Policy analysis completed and agreed through consultative process
·  National experts trained and contributing expertise / ·  Policy analysis report
·  Annual PAGE report / ·  Commitment by Ministry of Finance / ·  UNEP*
·  Ministry of Finance
2. 2.2 Public Procurement Law drafted including sustainability considerations / ·  3.2 / ·  Draft procurement law includes green purchase provisions
·  National experts trained and contributing expertise / ·  Draft law
Theme/Sector 2.2: Green Schools
2.2.1 Analysis for greening the design, construction, operation and maintenance of schools in Mongolia available / ·  2.1
·  3.2 / ·  Analysis completed and agreed through consultative process
·  National experts trained and contributing expertise / ·  Analysis report / ·  Commitment by Ministry of Construction / ·  UNEP*/ILO
·  Ministry of Construction
2.2.2 Public procedures and policies for greening the design, construction, operation and maintenance of schools in Mongolia developed / ·  2.2 / ·  Draft policy for green schools available / ·  Draft policy document
2.3.3 Financing partners initiate action to invest in green school / ·  2.3 / ·  Evidence by financing partners to invest in green schools / ·  Communications by financing partners
·  Press releases
Theme/Sector 2.3: Waste Management/Recycling
2.3.1 Policy analysis for waste management/ recycling policy available / ·  2.1
·  3.2 / ·  Analysis completed and agreed through consultative process
·  National experts trained and contributing expertise / ·  Policy analysis report / ·  Commitment by Ministry of Environment and Green Development / ·  UNIDO*/UNEP
2.3.2 Waste management/recycling policy drafted / ·  2.2 / ·  Draft waste management/ recycling policy available / ·  Draft policy
2.3.3 Private sector committed to implement policy and invest in recycling / ·  2.3 / ·  Evidence by financing partners to invest in recycling / ·  Communications by private sector partners
·  Press releases
3. National Outputs for Outcome 3 (Individual, Institutional and Planning Capacities for IGE Action Strengthened)
3. 1 Institutional Capacity Development
3.1.1 Capacity of Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism strengthened to plan, and coordinate PAGE in support of Green Development Strategy / ·  3.1 / ·  Number of PAGE Workstreams effectively coordinated by Ministry Dedicated staff in Ministry to support PAGE coordination / ·  Annual work plan of Ministry
·  Annual PAGE report / ·  Commitment by Ministry of Environment and Green Development / ·  UNITAR*/UNDP
3.1.2 Inter-ministerial coordination for green development and PAGE in place / ·  3.1 / ·  Inter-ministerial committee formally established
·  PAGE Technical committee and Inter-Agency Working groups are functioning to address GDS targets / ·  Government communiqué on establishment of committee
·  Committee meeting reports / ·  Commitment of all concerned ministries / ·  All partners
·  MEGDT/other Ministries
3.1.3 Strategic plan for green economy learning in Mongolia developed and capacity of national learning institutions strengthened / ·  3.2 / ·  Green Development Learning Strategy/Action Plan developed through participatory process
·  Number of learning action implemented by national learning institutions / ·  National Strategy document / ·  Commitment by Ministry of Environment and Green Development / ·  UNITAR*
·  National University
3.2 Individual Capacity Development (in addition to individual capacity development activities included under outcome 1 and 2)
Training of Trainers to Deliver Green Economy Learning in Mongolian / ·  3.2 / ·  Number of Mongolian nationals capacitated to serve as trainers / ·  / ·  / · 
Strengthening Capacities of the Media and Local Decision-makers to Support Green Economy Action / ·  3.2 / ·  Number of journalists and local decision makers trained
·  Knowledge gained used in professional context / ·  / ·  / · 
3.3 National Planning, Coordination and Communication
3.3.1 Key sectors and stakeholder groups engaged in national PAGE planning / ·  3.1 / ·  Number of sectors, and stakeholder groups engaged in PAGE planning / ·  Workshop/PAGE reports
·  Ex-post-evaluations / ·  Commitment by participation institutions / ·  UNITAR*/UNEP*
3.3.2 Medium-Term 2014-2017 PAGE Programme and Results-Framework developed as a coordinated response of PAGE partners addressing country needs / ·  3.1 / ·  2014-2017 PAGE Programme Document developed
·  High-level buy-in and commitment from decision-makers / ·  Government press releases and reports / ·  Commitment by government decision-makers / ·  UNITAR*/All
3.3.3. Partnerships with other green economy development partners developed / ·  3.1 / ·  Number of development partners engaged in PAGE Mongolia activities / ·  PAGE Reports / ·  Commitment by Partners / ·  All
3.3.4. Communication products developed and shared at the national and international level / ·  3.1 / ·  Number of documents published and widely shared / ·  Websites / ·  Endorsement of communication materials by key parties / ·  All
1. Key Activities in 2014-2015 under Outcome 1 Outputs / Comments
Key Activities Stock-taking, Foundational Learning and Initial Priority Setting (Output 1.1)
·  Commissioning of Stock-taking Report, 4th Q 2013
·  Stock-taking Validation Workshop, 2nd Q 2014
·  Publication of Stock-taking Report, 3rd Q 2014
·  n.a
Key Activities: Green Development Strategy (Output 1.2)
·  High Level Green Economy Forum, 4th Q 2013
·  Regular Meeting with Decision Makers, 2014
·  Adoption of Green Development Strategy by Parliament
·  Concept to develop Action Plan for Green Development Strategy Implementation, 2nd Q 2015
Key Activities Modelling and Policy Assessment (Output 1.3)
·  Modeling and systems analysis skills development workshops, 2nd Q 2014
·  New Modules for T 21 developed, 3rd & 4th Q 2014
·  Modeling and systems analysis skills development workshops, 1st Q 2015
·  Green economy modeling scenario report, 1stth Q 2014
·  Green policy analysis/assessment report, 2nd Q 2015
·  Launch meeting of green policy analysis/assessment report, 2nd Q 2015
Key Activities for Green Indicators (Output 1.4)
·  Initial proposal developed by government lead agency, 2nd Q 2014
·  LOA Signed with Ministry of Environment and Green Development, 2rd Q 2014
·  Green Economy Study Tour for Decision-makers, 2nd Q 2015
·  Development of Concept Paper, 2nd Q 2015
·  National Workshop on Green Indicators, 2rd Q 2015
Key Activities for 2014-2017 Medium Term PAGE Programme and Results Framework (Output 1.5)
·  Development of a National PAGE Programme Document 2014-2017 Results Framework
·  High Level Meeting with Government, May 2015
·  Meeting of UN Partners, May 2015
·  Identification of medium-term national level funding opportunities and mechanisms
2. Key Activities under Outcome 2 Outputs
Sustainable Public Procurement (Outputs 2.1.1 to 2.1.3)
Key Activities
·  Initial proposal developed by government lead agency, 2nd Q 2014
·  Scoping and planning mission, 4rd Q 2014
·  Training and inception workshop, 4rth Q 2014
·  LOA with MEDG
·  Analysis of procurement laws, policies and practices and prioritization of sectors
·  Analysis of market readiness and gaps in supply side
·  Development of action plan
Green Schools (Outputs 2.2.1 to 2.2.3)
Key Activities
·  Initial proposal developed by government lead agency, 2nd Q 2014
·  Scoping and planning mission, 3rd Q 2014
·  LOA with MEDG, 4th Q 2014
·  Development of prototype design for green schools
·  Training workshop
·  Analysis of economic, social and environmental benefits of green schools
·  Development of road map for greening schools in Mongolia
Waste Management/Recycling (Outputs 2.3.1 to 2.3.3)
Key Activities
·  Inception Mission by UNEP IETC
·  Initial proposal developed by UNIDO, 4th Q 2014
·  National Waste Management Workshop, 4th Q 2014
3. Key Activities under Outcome 3 Outputs
3.1 Institutional Capacity Development
Key Activities Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism (Output 3.1.1 )
·  Secondment of National PAGE Coordinator to Ministry
·  Secondment of National Coordinator to Ministry
Key Activities Inter-ministerial Coordination (Output 3.1.2)
·  Regular Meetings of PAGE Technical Inter-ministerial Committee
·  Regular Meetings of PAGE Technical Inter-ministerial Committee
Key Activities Learning Strategy (Output 3.1.3)
·  Initial proposal developed by national partner, 2nd Q 2014
·  Meeting of Learning Institutions to Advance Green Learning in Mongolia, 2nd Q 2014
·  LOA completed with MEGD, 4th Q 2014
·  Development of Green Economy Learning Package in Mongolian, 1st Q 2015
·  Planning Meeting for Green Learning Strategy, 1st Q 2014
·  Green Learning Strategy and Launch, 2nd Q 2015
3.2 Individual Capacity Development (in addition to individual capacity development activities included under outcome 1 and 2)
Key Activities Training of Trainers
·  Identification of potential Mongolian trainer (s), 1st Q 2015
·  Coaching of Trainer (s) on substantive and methodological aspects of green economy training, 1st Q 2015
·  Development of a training package in Mongolian, 1st Q 2015
Key Activities Training of Media and Local Decision-makers
·  Workshop for Journalists and the Media, 2nd Q 2015
·  Workshop for Decision-makers, 2nd Q 2015
3.3 National Planning, Coordination and Communication
Key Activities National Planning
·  National PAGE Inception Workshop, 4rd Quarter 2013
·  National 2014 PAGE Implementation Workshop, 2nd Q 2014
·  National PAGE Inception Document, 1st & 3 Q 2014
·  National PAGE Week, May 2015
Key Activities Medium Term Programme and Results Framework
·  Development of medium term results-framework, 2nd Q 2015
·  Development of 2015-2017 programme document, 2nd Q 2015
Key Activities Partnerships with Development Partners
·  Meeting with Development Partners, 2nd Q 2015
Key Activities Communication
·  Development of website for PAGE Mongolia, 2nd Q 2015

* Indicates which PAGE agency is holding PAGE funding provided through the global PAGE trust fund