Corrimal Anglican Application Form 2017


First names:

Nickname/Preferred name:

Date of birth:

Mobile phone number:


Address 1 (your family address):


Address 2 (your address if different from the above):


Expected Date of Arrival:
(Please note that there are two official move-in times for 2017: Fri 10 th /Sat 11 th and Fri 17 th / Sat 18th /February .

Where are you currently studying/working?

What do you intend to study?

What year of study will you be in?

Name, address & phone number of a relative/friend in Wollongong / Sydney
(who could be contacted in an emergency):

Name & phone number of next of kin
(to be notified in the case of serious illness/accident –incl. country & area codes):

Name & phone number of a referee
(who could speak to us about you)

In what capacity does this person know you?

Please state when would you prefer to come for an interview :-
r late November/ early December

r late January/early February

r No preference

Are there any dates around these times that you are unavailable?

(Please note we do not offer telephone interviews. All applicants wishing to be considered for a place must be willing to attend a face to face interview in Corrimal)

What are your reasons for wanting to live at Corrimal Anglican UniHouse?

Have you lived out of home before? (Please provide a detailed history)

How did you hear about Corrimal Anglican UniHouse? (Please tick or highlight one box below)

r A friend/ family member

r Church/School

r Southern Cross
r Corrimal Anglican Website
r University Accommodation Service (incl. website)
r Other: (please specify)

Are you under medical supervision of any kind?

If yes, please give details:

What do you consider your strengths to be?

What do you see as your weaknesses?

In approx 150 words, please write about yourself – your interests, goals, family, character etc

(take as much space as you like, or complete on a separate page)

Before completing this application form:

·  Please ensure that you understand and are willing to abide by Corrimal Anglican’s Expectations as outlined in ‘UniHouse Ministry’ handbook and Internet User agreement.

After completing this application form:

·  please return by email to or post to the following address

Corrimal UniHouse

Corrimal Anglican Church

121 Princes Highway

Corrimal NSW 2518


·  Along with your application, you will need to forward (by mail if you are unable to scan and email) a passport sized photo of yourself.

Once your application is received and processed we will email or telephone you to set up a time for a face to face interview.


ph: 4284 4113

121 Princes Highway, Corrimal 2518