S.E.C. Meeting
October 11, 2017
Minutes by Professor Yannacañedo until 5pm
Present: Professors Ernest Ialongo, Chair; Tram Nguyen, Catherine Lewis, Natasha Yannacañedo, James Kennis, Hector Soto, Mr. Terrence Brown, Mr. Thierno Diallo, SGA President; Ms. Sakiyna Switzer, SGA VP for Academic Affairs.
- Call to Order
-Professor Ialongo called the meeting to order at 3:35
-We all introduced ourselves. All members of S.E.C. were in attendance.
2. Acceptance of the SEC Agenda
-We accepted the agenda and added 2 items for new business: Professor Soto wants to discuss clarification of our role with committees and administration. Professor Yannacañedo wants to discuss last senate meeting date.
3. Election of Vice-Chair
-Professor Lewis and Professor Nguyen were nominated for Vice-Chair of S.E.C.
-Professor Nguyen became Vice-Chair with 6 votes for her and 3 votes for Professor Lewis.
4. Recording Secretary
-Terrence Brown will do Senate minutes for the first round-October, November, December. And then Sakiyna Switzer and Professor Lewis will share beginning in January 2018. Professor Soto volunteered to do minutes at some point.
5. Corresponding Secretary
-We elected Professor Ialongo as Corresponding Secretary.
6. Committee on Committees
-Discussion of the role of the CoC, and the SEC working more closely with it.
7. Elections
-We discussed dilemma of elections not reaching numbers because people are not voting for the maximum number of nominees.
- Clickers update
-Professor Ialongo is investigating getting these implemented as soon as possible.
- SmartRooms
-There will be an update for SmartBoard classrooms at Senate. We want the report to include how many have been done and how many are left to be done.
- Discussion of role of administration, S.E.C., and Senate.
- Curricular Items
-Professor Figueroa discussed curricular items and clarified course numbers.
-(Notes begun by Tram Nguyen at 4:30 pm)
-Allied Health: STELMARK
Vote as a package
Course Revisions: XRA 113 = Y 11, N 0
XRA 123
Vote as a package
New Course: MAT 19 = Y 10, N 1
MAT 119
Vote as a separate course
Course Revision: MAT 120 = Y 11, N 0
Vote as a package
Course Revisions: GD 201 = Y 11, N 0
GD 205
HUM/PHI 100 = Y 11, N 0
LAC 202—>272 = Y 9, N 0
LAC 262—>350 = Y 8, N 1
New Course: ENG 255—>239
Vote as a package
Course Revisions: ENG 93
ENG 101
ENG 102
-Informational ONLY: BIO 123—>Pilot DAMARIS-LANG
-Terrence Brown brought up dilemma of ENG-93. Perhaps vote on 101 and 102 separately?
-Profs. Lewis and Yannacañedo needed to leave at 5 pm
-Mr. Brown: Registrar’s can’t differentiate between P and S for 93
Can’t stop students from taking 110 if
-Prof. Nguyen: 93 P/S rationale comes with great attention to advising students from English faculty about best options. Allows for case of exception students to skip 101 or 102 developmental sequence and spend less on financial aid.
-Ms. Switzer: Unfair for students who miss advising, end up in 110, fail it, and jeopardize financial aid. Unfair to the rest of class which is stronger. Professor might need to spend more time with the low-performing students.
-Prof. Kennis:Motion to split ENG 93 from 101 and 102 as voting package
Vote: 93 is separated from 101 and 102 - Yes 7; No 0
-Prof. Nguyen:Move ENG 239 to follow ENG developmental courses on the Senate Agenda
-Mr. Brown:Least contentious course should come first to clear the docket.
Vote: 239 moved to after Developmental Courses — Yes 6; No 1
End: 5:17