(To be completed by parent or guardian)
I wish to apply for Training only membership of Chichester City Colts Football Club and agree to abide by the club rules and the Code of Conduct. (Copies available on request).
I understand that Access to Training Only Membership is the decision of the Team Manager and that it may not be available (depending upon the training needs of the Match Playing Members or due to limited spaces).
Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms) …………………………………..Tel. No ………………………
……………………………………………………………. Post Code ……………………
Email address…………………………………………………………(please print clearly)
Training Only members: (please provide full name etc for each player)
Player 1: name ………………………………………. Date of birth ………………
School …………………………… year group ……… Team : Under……………...
Player 2: name……………………………………… … Date of birth……………….
School …………………………… year group……….. Team : Under……………..
I hereby permit the child/ren named above to play football and participate in other activities or events within the club, being fully aware that, except where it is negligent, the club accepts no liability whatsoever for personal injury, loss or damage of any kind. I also confirm that the children named above are free from financial or other liabilities to any other football club. I understand that to give false information can result in membership being cancelled.I undertake to pay training only fees for the Season 2016/17. This payment must be received by 1 October 2016. I understand that appropriate Kit will be provided, but that this remains the property of the Club and I commit to return any Kit when requested to do so by the Manager and/or a representative of Chichester City Colts Football Club. I hereby give permission for the child/ren named above to have their photographs used within the CCCFC official website.
Training fees:£63 per child (£53 per child if more than one player in the club)
1) For Cardless Payment log on the website chichestercitycolts 2) By Cheque payable to “Chichester City Colts Football Club” and 3) By Cash (if 1)/2) are not available to you
Total paid:£ ______(Online/Cheque/Cash – Please delete as appropriate).
Relationship to player/s …………………………………………………………………………………
NB. Parents are advised to arrange personal injury insurance for playing members.The club has Public Liability Insurance, but only limited insurance for injury via its registration with the Sussex County Football Association.