A5.2 Corporate authors

Last updated: Feb 2010

There are strict criteria for when a corporate body should be entered as a corporate author (see AACR 21.1B -.C), and the document should be checked to ensure that a named body is accepting responsibility for the content. Where many logos or names appear on the cover, these may not all necessarily be corporate authors.

Enter corporate bodies under the full name by which they are normally identified. Sources of information to be used:

(a)items issued by the body

(b)bibliographical or reference sources (AACR 24.1)

  • Use the full version of the name in the first instance, and add cross references from abbreviations to the preferred full version using the Related Names field
  • If the name contains initials use the punctuation most often used.
    If there are a group of initials followed by full stops, put a space after each full stop

eg W.H. Hanbury

  • Only use if part of acronym (e.g. IM&T) , otherwise replace withand
  • Use capitals for the principal names, not for the, and, of etc.
  • If the name of the corporate body has changed enter under the new name and refer to the old name in the notes field
  • If there are variations in the form of the name use, in order of precedence :

(a) the form appearing in the chief source of information

(b) the formal name

(c) the predominant name

(d) a form that differentiates the body from others with the same or similar name (AACR 24.2)

  • If the name does not convey that it is a corporate body add a designation in the Identification field. This will display after the author as, for example


  • If there are two bodies with the same name add a geographical descriptor in the Location field to help differentiate them
  • Omit initial article of name unless first part of the name
  • Omit term indicating corporation e.g. Ltd, unless it is needed to make it clear it is a corporate body. (AACR 24.5C)
  • Governments: for publications issued by governments, use the geographic name of the area over which the government exercises jurisdiction. For United Kingdom use Great Britain(see section E for Government publications)
  • Entries for subordinate bodies: Enter all parts of the whole entry into the ‘Names’ field on OLIB.

Punctuation for entries for subordinate bodies -First name fullstop space Capital letter of related body

egUniversity of Southampton. School of Nursing

Enter a subordinate body directly unless it comes in one of the following categories:

a) It has a name that implies it is part of another organization e.g. Department, section, branch

egGreat Britain. Department of Health

b) It has a name that implies administrative subordination e.g. Commission, Committee, unless it is usually known by this name

eg Commission for Racial Equality = Great Britain. Commission for Racial Equality

c) It has a name that is general and needs clarification

eg Research Institute =American Dental Association. Research Institute

d) If a name includes the entire name of the higher body enter it as a subordinate heading

eg Yale University Library = YaleUniversity. Library

(AACR 24.13) See rule 24.14 for entering subordinate bodies that are part of a hierarchy of control

  • Joint Committees, Commissions: Enter a body made up of representatives of two or more bodies directly under its own name.

-Give corporate author entries for participating bodies.

eg Joint Working Party on the Organisation of Work in Hospitals (AACR 24.15)

  • Government Bodies: if a government body is known by its own name enter directly

eg Arts Council of Great Britain

not Great Britain. Arts Council (AACR 24.18)

Enter a government agency subordinately if :-

a) it is an agency implying it is part of another

eg for departments … Great Britain. Department of Health

or Ministry or Office, e.g. Great Britain. Home Office

b) or it implies administrative subordination

eg Great Britain. Commission on Civil Rights

c) or it is a legislative body or court

eg Great Britain. Parliament United States. Supreme Court

For legislative subordinate bodies include intermediate level of hierarchy

egGreat Britain. Parliament. House of Commons (AACR 24.21)

For courts enter name of jurisdiction, rather than name of court

egGreat Britain. Crown Court (Manchester) not Manchester Crown Court (AACR 24.23)

  • Conferences: If a conference has a specific name, enter it as if it was a corporate body in the ‘Meeting name’ field. Use the ‘Subordinate unit’ field if required. Use the specific name of the conference even if it also has a general name as part of a series of conferences.

eg Symposium on Endocrines and Nutrition
not Nutrition Symposium (AACR 24.3F2)

Omit from the name of the conference words indicating number, frequency or year

BUT enter in the following fields:

  • Number, if given, into ‘Part/Section’ field in ordinal form in English e.g. 3rd
  • Date, use Year only in ‘Date of Meeting’ field unless more than one conference held in same year, then give month followed by date e.g. 1987 Sept. 12-16
  • Location, give place or institution in ‘Loc. of meeting’ field. If location is already included in the name of the conference, do not add.

- If sessions of the conference held in two places give both, if more than two places give the first followed by etc.

- If the heading is for a series of conferences held in different places do not add location

So a title : Third symposium on glaucoma held on September 12-16 1966 in New Orleans would become:

eg Symposium on glaucoma (3rd : 1966 : New Orleans, La)

(AACR 24.7)

(Further guidance from the US Name Authorities file available free from the Library of Congress website: - link on SWIMS Network site)