Online Resource 2
Fishes collected in the Little Miami River basin (Ohio, United States).
Family nameScientific name / common name / Family name
Scientific name / common name
Hiodontidae / Esocidae
Hiodon tergisus / mooneye / Esox americanus / grass pickerel
Clupeidae / Umbridae
Dorosoma cepedianum / gizzard shad / Umbra limi / central mudminnow
Cyprinidae / Fundulidae
Campostoma anomalum / central stoneroller / Fundulus notatus / blackstripe topminnow
Carassius auratus / goldfish / Atherinidae
Cyprinus carpio / common carp / Labidesthes siculus / brook silverside
Cyprinella spiloptera / spotfin shiner / Gasterosteidae
C. whipplei / steelcolor shiner / Culaea inconstans / brook stickleback
Luxilus chrysocephalus / striped shiner / Cottidae
Lythrurus ardens / rosefin shiner / Cottus bairdi / mottled sculpin
Notemigonus crysoleucas / golden shiner / Centrarchidae
Notropis atherinoides / emerald shiner / Ambloplites rupestris / rock bass
N. boops / bigeye shiner / Lepomis cyanellus / green sunfish
N. buccatis / silverjaw minnow / L. gibbosus / pumkinseed
N. stramineus / sand shiner / L. gulosus / warmouth
N. volucellus / mimic shiner / L. macrochirus / bluegill sunfish
Phoxinus erythrogaster / southern redbelly dace / L. megalotis / longear sunfish
Pimephales notatus / bluntnose minnow / Micropterus dolomieu / smallmouth bass
P. promelas / fathead minnow / M. punctulatus / spotted bass
P. vigilax / bullhead minnow / M. salmoides / largemouth bass
Rhinichthys atratulus / blacknose dace / Pomoxis nigromaculatus / black crappie
Semotilus atromaculatus / creek chub / Percidae
Catostomidae / Etheostoma blennioides / greenside darter
Carpiodes carpio / quillback / E. caeruleum / rainbow darter
Catostomus catostomus / white sucker / E. flabellare / fantail darter
Erimyzon oblongus / creek chubsucker / E. microperca / least darter
Hypentelium nigricans / northern hogsucker / E. nigrum / johnny darter
Ictiobus niger / black buffalo / E. spectabile / orangethroat darter
Moxostoma anisurum / silver redhorse / E. zonale / banded darter
M. duquesnei / black redhorse / Percina caprodes / logperch
M. erythrurum / golden redhorse / P. maculata / blackside darter
M. macrolepidotum / shorthead redhorse / Stizostedion canadense / sauger
Ictaluridae / Sciaenidae
Ameiurus melas / black bullhead / Aplodinotus grunniens / freshwater drum
A. natalis / yellow bullhead
Ictalurus punctatus / channel catfish
Noturus flavus / stonecat
Pylodictis olivaris / flathead catfish
Blum MJ, Bagley MJ, Walters DM, Jackson SA, Daniel FB, Chaloud DJ, Cade BS. Genetic diversity and species
diversity of stream fishes covary across a land use gradient. Contact: