International Water Ski and Wakeboard Federation
World Barefoot Council
President: RICHARD E. GRAY19445 78th Avenue
Surrey, B.C. V4N 3G5 Canada
Tel: 1 778 772 3880 (Office)
Tel: 1 778 772 3880 (Mobile)
Fax: 1 604 882 9442
Email: / /
Georgia Groen
Taylors Road, RD3
Otaki, 5583
New Zealand
February 3, 2012
Application for Girls World Tricks Record - 5030 points.
Wellington Regionals - 2012, Round 1
January 28, 2012
Lake Inspiration, Otaki New Zealand
Dear Georgia,
I am writing to advise that the World Barefoot Council Records Review Committee has formally reviewed your record application indicated above. It is with great pleasure that I am able to advise you that the application has been approved and you now hold the:
Girls World Barefoot Tricks Record - 3,830 Pts!
Your application score of 5030 was downgraded by 1200 points for the following reasons:
On Pass #1 the review committee judged your reverse 360 FF turn to not be continuous as set out in the rules. There was an unacceptable level of hesitation in the back position. This downgraded of the first pass score by 450 pts adjusted the total for that pass to 1780 pts.
On Pass #2 the committees judged your 540 B-F turn to also be below the requirements set out in the rules. There was an unacceptable level of hesitation at the 360 point of the turn. This down grade of the second pass score of 750 pts adjusted the total for that pass to 2050. The total for both passes being 3830 - a NEW GIRLS WORLD RECORD!
On behalf of the entire World Barefoot Council I send congratulations on your outstanding achievement. Your official World Record Certificate has been ordered and will be sent to you as soon as possible.
Your skiing is definitely a pleasure to review; we hope and expect to see more applications in the future. Warmest regards to you and your family.
Richard E. Gray
World Barefoot Council - Records Administrator