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Comparative and International Education SocietyWeekly Announcements
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
1. CIES 2014 Conference – Early Registration DEADLINE!
2. CIES Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) SIG, Graduate Student Paper Competition
3. CIES Regional Conference Highlights
4. Education in West Africa – Call for Chapters
5. Call for Proposals Edited Volume
6. CIES 2014: Book your hotel room Now!
7. National Education Coordinator – Concern Worldwide – Job Opportunity
1. CIES 2014 Conference – Early Registration DEADLINE!
Conference registration is now open!!
The early registration deadline is January 12, 2014.
Online registration will close on February 12, 2014.
Click here for more information on conference registration.
2. CIES Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) SIG, Graduate Student Paper Competition
The Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) SIG announces its 2014 Graduate Student Paper Competition. Papers will be considered in the areas of education for sustainable development including, but not limited to global ESD discourses, local reactions to the UN Decade of ESD, evaluation of ESD programs, and comparative research on the implementation of ESD. Authors must be current graduate students or recent graduates with conferral dates no earlier than January 2014.
Papers could be published or unpublished. Papers must not exceed 25 double-spaced pages (excluding notes, references, tables and figures). All papers must include a 150-200 word abstract and be prepared for anonymous review with the author’s name and institutional affiliation appearing only on the title page. Winners will receive a certificate in recognition of their award and a reimbursement of up to $100 for travel expenses incurred for traveling to the CIES Annual Meeting.
All papers must be submitted electronically (as an attachment) to the SIG Chair, Oren Pizmony-Levy (), with subject line: ESD SIG Student Paper Competition. Please include your name, institutional affiliation and contact information in the body of your email. The paper should be submitted no later than February 1, 2014.
3. CIES Regional Conference Highlights
“Education in Uncertain Times”
CIES Regional Conference at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
by the Center for International Education, UMass Amherst
On November 1st and 2nd, the Center for International Education (CIE) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst hosted the Northeast Regional Comparative and International Education Conference. The Conference was designed, organized and run by graduate students in the CIE program, lending it a dynamic and exciting feeling. The Conference drew over 250 participants, making it the largest regional CIES conference held in the northeast. The participants were enthusiastic, and the two days were full of stimulating conversations, debates and engagements in presentations, workshops and cyber space. [Read More]
4. Education in West Africa – Call for Chapters
Education in West Africa is a groundbreaking book project, scheduled to be published early 2014 by Bloomsbury. We have received chapters on all countries in West Africa except three. We are, therefore, inviting interested authors to submit chapters on the following countries:
Benin, Chad, Mauritania
Existing studies dedicated to West Africa as a region have been selective in the choice of countries. This book is significant at a time when the driving force towards economic integration in the region is accelerating due to more discoveries of natural resources, the increasing need for a united front in engaging more effectively with global trade, and the need to grasp the complex nature of the issues that characterise the various sectors of the different countries. In this case, the education sectors of these countries seem even more crucial since their success has significant reverberations for manpower/skills development, job creation and their subsequent impact on the economies of the region. The following are the topics for the chapters for which contributors are required:
1. Education in Benin: An Overview, Trends and Futures
2. Education in Chad: An Overview, Trends and Futures
3. Education in Mauritania: An Overview, Trends and Futures
If you have not previously published on the above topics, please send an abstract to the Editor at (no later than 15th January, 2014) to register your interest and for more details. Final drafts of chapters must be submitted by the 15th of February, 2014. Please, put ‘Education in West Africa’ in the subject line.
5. Call for Proposals Edited Volume
Call for Proposals Edited Volume
Internationalizing Undergraduate Education: Critical Conversations for 21st Century Practitioners
Amy Lee and Rhiannon D. Williams, eds.
(Under Contract with Sense Publishers)
To submit a proposal, go to:
Submissions will require:
1.A 500-700 word abstract of the chapter
2.100-200 word professional bio and up to 10 relevant publications or presentations
o Submissions due by February 15
o Decisions will be made my March 15
o Full drafts will be due June 15
Call for contributions:
The development of a critical mass of faculty supporters is key to integrating international perspectives into an institution's (work) (Childress, 2010, p.27)
This call for proposals seeks contributions for an edited volume focused on the design, pedagogy, and implementation of intercultural pedagogies in contemporary undergraduate classrooms. There is no room for doubt that higher education is facing unprecedented change—from rapidly developing technologies, to changing student demographics, to pressures and shifts in funding, to evolving expectations for student outcomes. As a result there is increasing urgency for higher education institutions to invest in internationalization initiatives and to support student development of global citizenship competencies.
Across disciplines and levels of undergraduate education, the classroom provides a critical opportunity to support students’ development of intercultural competence. To maximize this potential requires faculty and administrative commitment and knowledge. This volume intends to support faculty development and institutional capacity to enact policies, supportive structures, and pedagogy that support mindful intercultural learning. The volume provides theory, pedagogy, and case studies drawn from authentic sites of practice. By their nature, authentic sites of practice are unpredictable and dynamic. They provide a context for critical reflection on obstacles, challenges and the dissonance that occur between theoretical models and the practices for implementation in sites of practice.
We invite contributions from diverse disciplinary and institutional perspectives that explore the tensions and complexities of varying viewpoints and experiences with internationalization work. We hope that contributions will challenge readers to think critically about the implications of classroom practice as well as unit or institutional structures and support in relation to desired internationalization goals.
Contributions should be developed to fit one the 3 sections of the volume:
Section 1: Laying the foundation: What is mindful global citizenship and how is it developed?
This section will provide contributions that offer theoretical frameworks and conceptual models to inform pedagogy for practitioners who are not from the fields of intercultural competence or internationalization. For example, how do individuals develop relevant cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal involved in intercultural effectiveness? What does it mean to be “mindful”? What does current education theory suggest can support the development of the necessary skills, attitudes, and awareness?
Section 2: Designing Intercultural Environments: From institutions to instructors
This section will have two primary areas of focus. The first area will feature institutional, college level strategies or exemplary models that support the development of curriculum and instruction that engage students in developing skills for global citizenship. The second focus will be on the synergy between already established areas of innovation, such as technology, and desired internationalization of the curriculum efforts. Given the existing investments on academic technology and increasingly available mobile technologies, how are institutions leveraging technology’s “unique potential . . . to promote global democratic negotiation processes among learners through inter-cultural dialogue. . . across national borders, power structures and hierarchies and hence build bridges across some of the gaps of our growing global community” (Sorensen, 2004a as cited in Sorensen, 2013, p.277).
Section 3: In the classroom: Supporting the Development of Mindful global citizens
This section features case studies from diverse disciplines and undergraduate contexts that present models for and reflections on supporting students’ development in areas of global competency, such as the capacity to communicate with diverse others, seek out multiple perspectives, or share information/ products with diverse others. We invite contributions that specifically present examples of how instructors have harnessed capacities of technology tools to facilitate students’ intercultural competence. What are some of the tensions and opportunities instructors and faculty find in using technology as possibly a medium to communicate with diverse others, seek out multiple perspectives, or share information/ products with diverse others. This section will include chapters that explicitly focus on and grapple with the demanding and complex process of designing and implementing assessment practices in the classroom.
To submit a proposal, go to:
6. CIES 2014 – Book your hotel room now!
CIES 2014 - Book your hotel room now! We are pleased to announce that a dedicated reservation link is now available on the conference website for booking your stay at the Sheraton during the conference. All room occupancies (i.e., single, double, triple and quadruple) are CDN$179/night, plus 13% HST. Please visit to access the reservation link.
7. National Education Coordinator – Concern Worldwide, Job Opportunity
Contract Grade: B
Contract Length: 2 years
Date Needed By: ASAP
New Post or Replacement: Replacement
Accompanied /Unaccompanied: Unaccompanied
Exact Job Location: Magburaka, Tonkolili District with frequent travel to the 8 chiefdoms of operation and to Freetown. The post holder will spend at least 70% of her/his time in Tonkolili District.
Reports To: Assistant Country Direct for Programmes (ACD-P)
Responsible For: (Staff): Line Management of two Project Managers
Liaises With:
- Country Director, Assistant Country Director for Systems (ACD-S), National and District Coordinators (FIM, Health and Programme Quality and Monitoring), Project Managers, Human Resources, Systems and Finance departments
- Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MEST), District authorities, Other INGOs and NGOs,
- Education Consortium members- IRC, Plan Sierra Leone, Ibis and Save the Children
- Other stakeholders as required by the programme
Job Purpose:
To lead the strategic development, financial management and implementation of the projects of the education programme, ensuring links between Concern projects and at local, district and national level. This involves the direct management of the two education programme managers, as well as supporting their management of the wider education team and ensuring that robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) information is used to inform quality programming.
For more information or to apply, please visit
western Regional Conference
Disclaimer: All contributions and announcements of the CIES newsletters/bulletins/list-serv are submitted by bona fide members. All statements and opinions included in the newsletters/bulletins/list-serv are strictly the author(s) or submitter(s). CIES is not responsible for the accuracy or publication permissions of any of the contributions.