Name ______Period ______Date______

Chapter 3 Test Review Answers

Section 3.1

  1. List the 5 different types of objects in the Solar System:
    - ______

- ______

- ______

- ______

- ________

  1. Describe how the Solar System formed:
  1. Why do planets and large moons have a round, spherical shape?
  2. An Astronomical Unit (AU) is ______________.

Section 3.2

  1. _______________– when hot, molten rock moves from underneath to the surface of the planet; creates valleys and mountains

______ -change in the crust due to movement of material underneath; creates cracks and cliffs

__________-pits created when an object (meteorite) strikes the ground

_________ – the breaking down of rock due to wind, water or gravity; causes sand dunes to form

  1. Name the planet being described below:
  2. No atmosphere
  3. Lots of impact craters
  4. No moon
  5. Largest difference in temperature between day and night


  1. Hottest planet
  2. Thick atmosphere of sulfuric acid maintains uniform temperature
  3. No moons
  4. Greenhouse Effect does not let heat escape
  5. Almost same size as Earth


  1. Red planet because of iron oxide on surface
  2. Two moons
  3. ½ size of earth’s diameter
  4. Has large volcanoes ~ bigger than tallest mountain on Earth

Section 3.3

  1. Describe the atmosphere of gas giants:
  • Size:______
  • Density: ______
  • Core: ______
  1. Gas Giant Facts
  2. Largest planet in Solar System; larger mass than all other planets put together
  3. Fast rotation produces ______
  4. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is ______


  • Saturn’s rings are made of ______.
  • How are Saturn’s rings are used to see the planet’s season? ______


  • Rotates ______.
  • Made mostly of ______.


  • White spots because of ______.
  • Has one ______named ______that orbits in the opposite direction

**Make sure you know the similarities and differences between the inner and outer planets. **

Section 3.4

  1. An asteroid is made of ______and ______and is formed close to the sun. They orbit between Mars and Jupiter
    A comet is made of ______and is formed far from the sun. They have their own orbits far from the sun.
  2. A ______is a bright streak of light from a falling space object as it enters the atmosphere. A ______is a fallen space object on Earth’s surface.