Enid D. Rosenstiel
Home: 6661 Merwin Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235
Phone: +1 614 761 1927
Member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA).
Certified in Essential Skills. Familiar with AMA, CMoS, and APA.
M.A. in Linguistics specializing in TESL, the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.
B.A. (Hons) in French with German subsidiary (one year spent at the British Institute in Paris), University of Birmingham, England.
2010Rosenstiel Editing Services focusing on the editing of
academic articles for peer-reviewed journals dealing with the dental sciences, especially those by authors whose native language is not English
1987-2010 ACADEMIC PROGRAM SPECIALIST – ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMS, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Employed to teach and to participate in professional activities and curriculum development in the three branches of English Language Programs as listed below.
THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE PROGRAM - teaching all skills (separately and in integrated blocks) at all levels to international students preparing to enter both graduate and undergraduate courses at American universities. I coordinated the film, drama, and pronunciation electives in 2002-2003 and am presently responsible for coordinating our beginning level.
In 2004, I developed and taught two classes for a group of Korean exchange students from KAIST (the Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology) at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University.
In summer 2006, I helped develop and teach a 10 week integrated course for graduate students preparing to enter their fields in the autumn. This involved two hours each of listening/speaking and reading/writing instruction daily plus tutorials. My part was the listening/speaking class.
THE SPOKEN ENGLISH PROGRAM - preparing international students as Graduate Teaching Assistants in their field by means of class and individual videotaping/tutorial sessions. These courses concentrate on pronunciation, fluency, teaching skills, and cultural awareness.
THE COMPOSITION PROGRAM – teaching graduate and undergraduate students already admitted to The Ohio State University. Instruction ranges from basic grammar to the writing of field specific abstracts and term papers to the preparation of theses and dissertations.
1986-1987Lecturer - teaching in the above programs.
Tutor - established, devised and taught ESL classes to adults of mixed ethnic, social, and educational background.
1983-1985Tutor-in-Charge - arranged courses and liaised with tutors, students, and community groups. Reported on local ESL and Literacy needs. Advised and enrolled students. Organized substitutes, volunteers and a small library plus general administration.
Tutor - devised and taught intensive English courses on a one-to one basis to members of the business and diplomatic communities. Students came primarily from Scandinavia.
1978-80THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Gainesville, Florida.
Graduate Assistant - taught ESL and TOEFL skills at all levels to international graduate and undergraduate students at the university’s English Language Institute.
1979Graduate Assistant - taught an undergraduate introductory Linguistics course to native speakers for the Department of Linguistics.
1975-1977Unable to take up employment due to visa restrictions but did volunteer tutoring in ESL, Numeracy, and Literacy.
November 2013Presented at the ………………………….. Mexico
2013Presented at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
April 20??Speaker at Iatefl in Exeter, UK
April 2007Speaker at IATEFL in Aberdeen, Scotland
November 2006Attendance at Ohio TESOL annual conference
April 2006Attendance at IATEFL in Harrogate, England
April 2004Attendance at IATEFL in Liverpool, England
March 2002Attendance at IATEFL in York, England
April 2001Attendance at IATEFL in Brighton, England
1999 Full and part-time recruitment advisor for the American Language Program.
March 1998Presentation, Web Pages made Easy, International TESOL, Seattle, in conjunction with Greg Kessler and Lori Sandholdt.
March 1998Presentation, Improving Pronunciation and Cultural Fluency through Literature, International TESOL, Seattle, in conjunction with Elizabeth Graham and Jane Best.
November 1997Presentation, Making a Web Page Can Be Easy, Ohio TESOL fall conference in conjunction with Greg Kessler and Lori Sandholdt
October 1996Presentation, “The Pronunciation Class: AnotherApproach”, OhioTESOL fall conference.
Presentation, “How a Content-Based Curriculum Impacts upon Objective Tests”, International TESOL, Baltimore, in conjunction with K. Romstedt
March 1992Workshop, “Improving the Content of an Affiliated State Newsletter”, International TESOL, Vancouver, in conjunction with K. Cennamo.
April 1991Presentation, “What International Teaching Assistants Should Know about American Culture and How They Should Learn It”, Ohio TESOL spring conference.
March 1990Presentation, “Low level Content-Based Instruction for Intensive EAP Programs”, International TESOL, San Francisco, in conjunction with K. Romstedt.
April 1988Presentation, “C’est du Chinois or It’s All Greek to Me”, Ohio TESOL spring conference.
November 1986Presentation, “Working with Vocabulary at the Advanced Level”, joint LAU/TESOL conference, Columbus, Ohio.
April 1986Demonstration “Now What? Unusual Behavior in the ESL Classroom”, Ohio TESOL spring conference, in conjunction with L. Yoder and others.
Rosenstiel, E, Taaaffe, J & Thomas, L (2009). The Graduate Preparation Program at the Ohio State University. In M. Andrade & N. Evans (Eds), International Students: Strengthening a Critical Resource (pp147-152). Lanham: American Council on Education.
The Pronunciation Class: Another Approach: spring 1998 issue of the Ohio TESOL Newsletter.
Extending Vocabulary at the Advanced Level: fall 1987 issue of the Ohio TESOL Newsletter.
In collaboration with another teacher, I developed a syllabus and materials for the Korean KAIST students at the Fischer College of Business at OSU.
This course was developed to meet the growing needs and interest of upper level students in the area of pronunciation. Essentially, it is a class in which the teacher acts as a pronunciation coach and in which full and active student participation is required. Materials were drawn from “English Literature” that was written to be spoken, for example, speeches and modern poetry and plays. On the whole, the course has been popular and successful both with teachers and students. In addition to teaching the course, I have also coordinated multiple sections.
2006/7Served on a nationwide search committee to select a full-time member Academic Program Specialist for the American Language Program
2006Served on the CEA accreditation committee.
2006Gave an internal professional development session on the Graduate Preparation Program (GPP)
2005Gave an internal professional development session on the Phonology of Global English
September 1997-2000Joint Secretary/Treasurer of Ohio TESOL
Winter 1997Working with two others on the construction of a website for the American Language Program. (
Spring 1996Served on a nationwide search committee to select two interns for the American Language Program.
Summer 1995Served on a nationwide search committee to select a full-time Academic Program Specialist for the American Language Program.
1995-1997Served on the Social Activities Committee for English Language Programs.
1994-1995Served as chair of the Professional Activities Committee for English Language Programs.
1989-1991Served as co-editor of the Ohio TESOL Newsletter.
The American Medical Writers Association (AMWA)
L.W. Holschuh
Director of ESL Programs
Capital University
Columbus, OH