Monday, March 18, 2013
MENU: Fish Nuggets, Whole Wheat Roll, Chicken Patty Sandwich, Chef Salad Chicken Salad Salad-CHOICES-Mashed Potatoes, Peas & Carrots, Sliced Strawberries, Fresh Banana, Brownies, Milk
"Do something good for yourself; do something good for someone else; and make good decisions." Go Arrows!! --Dr. Peasant
The following students need to see Mr. Heath during homeroom: LaShara Wells, Hylan Weddington, Josh M. Williams, Asheyanna Brown, Charlie Harrell, Tynesha Grayer, Crystal Payne, Jebroski Stuckey, Jonathan Liddell, Trent Brown, Cody Collier, Shardane Simmons
COLLEGE DAY: Ayanna Hill, Daniel Carson
1. History club members must have 20 points to be able to go on the trip.
2. Do you ever miss skating at Funtime on Friday nights? Do you have a favorite superhero? Do you like to help others? Then the Superhero Skate-a-thon for Batson Hospital is perfect for you! The superhero-themed skate-a-thon will be Monday, April 8 from 6:00-10:00pm. In order to participate, you must raise at least $50 through donations. Prizes will be given for the most money raised, the best costume, and the best original costume. See Mrs. Wood-Berry for more information.
3. Students who pre-registered for Health Science II for the 2013-14 school year need to pick up an application from Ms. Morgan in the counselor’s office this week. Applications are due back by Friday, March 22. Please return to Ms. Johnson at the Career Complex or to Ms. Morgan in the counselor’s office. This is a new requirement for Health Science II. Any late applicants will not be considered for enrollment in this class.
4. Any student interested in going to Spain this summer should come pick up information from Mr. Freeny in W113.
Seniors Only Save the Date: The Senior Luau will be held May 22, 2013 at Reservoir Pointe (by Cock of the Walk in Ridgeland) from 8:00- 12:00. Additional information to follow.
Seniors please check your Arrows in ActionSite on the Clinton High School web page to locate several pages of private scholarship opportunities. I have also linked a page of college scholarship search engines for you to use as well. Please stop by E201 if you need any assistance with the web page.
Any student that needs a letter of recommendation from their counselor must complete a Counselor Recommendation Packet prior to requesting a recommendation letter. The packet must be fully completed in order for a recommendation letter to be written. Students must allow 5 working days for completion. Please see Mrs. Morgan for a Counselor Recommendation Packet.
The spring semester is here and it is time for graduating seniors to apply for student financial aid.
The Anderson Outreach Community Development Corporation is offering the "2013 Joseph Moore Academic Scholarship". Eligibility requirements are a 3.0 GPA. Deadline is April 30th. For more information and application, come to the Counselor's office.
The Junior Auxiliary of Clinton is offering a scholarship for Crown Club members. Applications are available in the Counselor’s office and the deadline is Friday, April 12, 2013. There will be an informational meeting on Monday, March 25th @ 6:30 at the Baptist Healthplex in Clinton
The Clinton High School Alumni Association grants the GO ARROWS SERVICE AWARD to selected graduating seniors. A student must have a minimum 3.0 GPA or 85 averages and an ACT score of 20. Applications and other eligibility requirements are in the counselor’s office. Deadline is March 22nd.
The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. Central Mississippi Chapter is seeking deserving African-American female seniors who have demonstrated academic excellence (GPA 3.0 or higher), have exhibited leadership potential and writing ability and have participated in service to the community and who plan to attend a historically black college or university. Deadline is March 22nd.
Seniors attending a two or four year college or art school with the intention of pursuing a career in an art/music related field may apply for the Orlando Arts Scholarship. (“Art” can include Performing Arts or Visual Arts) Deadline is April 15th. Applications are in the Counselor’s Office.
The Pierce Legacy Scholars Program provides $1000.00 scholarships to children and grandchildren of alumni of the University of Southern Mississippi who have been members of the Alumni Association for 10 consecutive years or are lifetime members. All application and eligibility requirements are listed on line at www.SouthernMissAlumni.com/scholarships Deadline is March 15th
The Clinton Association of Educators is offering a scholarship to graduating seniors who plan to major in education. Applicants must have a 2.5 or higher GPA. Deadline is April 15th. Applications are in the counselor's office.
Ida Hope Thornton Scholarship will be administered by the Clinton High School Alumni Association. Applications are available to seniorswho will be pursuing a major in English, journalism or agriculture. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or an 85 average and an ACT of 20. Deadline is March 24th. Applications are in the counselor's office.
The Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program, MET, is a joint effort by the school of Education at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) and the College of Education of Mississippi State University (MSU) to attract high ability students who want to become mathematics and English teachers and to help meet the needs of new Common Core standards introduced in Mississippi last fall. For information on foundation grants for this program contact Danny Blanton @ Ole Miss @ 662-915-1678 or @ or Sid Salter @ MSU @ 601-507-8004 or
Mississippi Community Symphonic Band seeks applicants for emerging young artist music scholarship. The Mississippi Community Symphonic Band is currently accepting applications for a newly established music scholarship. The Emerging Young Artist Award, in the amount of $500, will be presented for the first time in May 2013 to young, talented musician(s) located in the Jackson metropolitan area. The purpose of this award is to seek out and encourage future musical leaders who demonstrate exemplary skills and sensitivity to the art of music. The award may be used to help finance private music lessons, music workshops, summer music camp or may be applied toward the study of music at the post-secondary level. Applicants must submit a completed application form postmarked by the deadline of March 1, 2013. Please visit www.mcsb.us/scholarship to download the application form, the etude, and for additional information or visit the counselor’s office.
The Hinds Community College Art Department is providing an opportunity for art students to receive financial assistance based primarily on artistic merit. If you are interested in art as a career and would like to apply for this scholarship, the deadline is March 19th and applications are available in the counselor’s office.
The Rotary Club of Jackson is offering applications for the 2013 Mentor Scholarship Program. This program is designed to assist deserving students who lack financial means to reach their goals. Selection criteria includes the students potential, financial need, test scores, grades quality of written expression, extra-curricular activities, attendance and references. Applications are in the counselor’s office and the deadline is March 1, 2013.
Tougaloo College is announcing Music scholarship Audition day: Friday, April 5, 2013. Students interested in a major in voice, piano, or music education, call Dr. Brenda wilder at 601-918-3026 to schedule an audition. Visit Our Website at www.tougaloo.edu
There is a single application for all state financial aid programs.Check the eligibility requirements to see if you qualify to apply. Seniors may apply online at www.mississippi.edu/financialaid for the following programs:
Mississippi Resident Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG) – Application Deadline: September 15; Document Deadline: October 15
Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG) – Application Deadline: September 15; Document Deadline: October 15
Higher Education Legislative Plan for Needy Students (HELP) – Application Deadline: March 31; Document Deadline: April 30
Nissan Scholarship – Application and Document Deadline: March 1(MUST apply through the Nissan information page)
Summer Developmental Program Grant – Application and Document Deadline: July 21
Applications are now open for the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program! Visit www.buickachievers.comfor program details and the online application. Deadline: February, 28, 2013.
The Central Mississippi Ole Miss Rebel Club will award fifteen $1000.00 scholarships to be used for freshmen year tuition and expenses at the University of Mississippi. Students must have a “B” average and must have scored between 21 and 28 on the ACT. Leadership qualities in school, religious and/or community organizations might also be demonstrated. Deadline is Friday, March 8, 2012. Applications are located in the counselor’s office.
The Art Council of Clinton will be awarding one scholarship in the amount of $1000 to a senior art student displaying advanced artistic talent. The scholarship is open to all artistic genres including but not limited to: visual arts, dance, musical performance, literary, and dramatic performance. Applications can be found in the counseling office. Deadline for applications will be March 27, 2013.
Get 2 College/Education Services Foundation will be awarding 50, $1,000 scholarships to students who participate in their 500 word essay contest. Essay topics are "You've just written a 300 word autobiography. Send us page 217." Completed application and essay is due Dec. 1st. The applications can be found in the Career Center in the Counseling Office or online at www.get2college.org.
Mississippi College will host a Preview Day on Saturday, March 23rd. For more information go to www.mc.ued/previewday13
Mississippi College is offering a one-day ACT Review on Saturday, April 6th. Registration deadline is March 28th. Applications are in the counselor's office.
Hinds Community College-Utica Campus will host Senior Day between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:30 pm on Friday, April 5th. Call 601-885-7069 for more information.
Mississippi State University will host a Spring Preview Day on Monday, March 18th. There is a $10.00 charge per person. Lunch is provided. Space is limited. To learn more about Spring Preview Day, please visit www.statement.msstate.edu and click on the links for "Upcoming On-Campus Recruiting Events".
Alcorn State University extends an invitation to students to attend the High School Senior and Community College Sophomore Day on Saturday, April 20, 2013. Visit the campus, receive information regarding financial aid, scholarship opportunities, housing and extracurricular programs. Deadline to notify Alcorn at 1-800-222-6790 is April 12th.
Explore UNO – February 27 – 5 – 9 pmHave students who are interested in finding out more about the University of New Orleans? Explore UNO is a new recruitment event sponsored by the Office of Admissions whereadmitted and prospective students are invited to campus to explore opportunities that await them here at UNO! Join us for a college browse, welcome session, and breakout sessions like: Financial Aid, diversity, and the admissions process. There will also be evening entertainment and refreshments.
MUW Scholars' Day will be held March 8, 2013. Students must meet the following criteria: Minimum ACT composite score of 24, Minimum 3.0 College Prep Curriculum, interview required. For an application go towww.muw.edu/scholarsday . Application, Transcript and ACT scores must be submitted in order to attend.
The Fannie Lou Hamer National Institute on Citizenship and Democracy will be conducting a two week-long summer workshopat Jackson State University entitled The Southern Civil Rights Movement: The Pivotal Role of Young People. The event is scheduled for Monday June 10- Saturday, June 22nd and is for 7th -12th graders. Visit www.jsums.edu/hamer.institute or the counselor's office for more information. Application deadline is March 29thThe Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program, MET, is a joint effort by the school of Education at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) and the College of Education of Mississippi State University (MSU) to attract high ability students who want to become mathematics and English teachers and to help meet the needs of new Common Core standards introduced in Mississippi last fall. For information on foundation grants for this program contact Danny Blanton @ Ole Miss @ 662-915-1678 or @ or Sid Salter @ MSU @ 601-507-8004 or
The Lott Leadership Institute at the University of Mississippi is please to announce that the annual Lott Leadership Institute for High School Students is now taking nominations for the two 2013 sessions. Participants will travel to Washington, DC to participate in discussions with state and national leaders. The cost to the student will be a $100.00 registration fee, $500.00 program fee, cost of textbooks, weekend meals, snacks and spending money. If you would like to be considered for nomination, please see your counselor.