Umatilla County
Friday, January 10th, 2013
Good Shepherd Hospital
Hermiston, OR
Sarah Williams, Umatilla County Public Health; Juli Gregory, GSMC; Kathryn Chaney, Domestic Violence; Heidi Eidler, EOCIL; Don Skeen, Chamber of Commerce; Chuck Wood, City of Pendleton; Heidi Zeigler, DHS; Bonnie Gracia, UCHS; Rod Harwood, St. Anthony Hospital; Bratt Murray, GOBHI; Susan Montgomery, GOBHI; Colin Dumont, EOAF; Angie Treadwell, UMCHS; Amy Baudreau, Lifeways; Lolly Torres, DHS; James Tarr, EOCIL; Mike Gregory, Lifeways; Carolyn Mason UCHS; Claudia Haiz, Community. Kevin Campbell, GOHBI
Call to Order
Chairman Rod Harwood called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
Self introductions were given by all the attendees.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the December 2013 meeting were approved.
Community Health Assessment
Children’s Subcommittee
Sarah Williams stated the Children’s Subcommittee had met twice. She noted that as the LCAC moves forward in writing PICO statements and developing a CHIP there is very little focus on children and youth. Sarah Williamsstated it is important to focus prevention efforts upstream. Kevin Campbell stated the top priority of the CCO is prevention of child abuse and neglect.
Kevin Campbellpresented information about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study. The ACE study examines how adverse childhood events contribute to health status later in life. Results of the study showed that for every ACE an individual experienced, the risk of behavioral or physical health problems rose. Using data from, Kevin went on to identify specific health issues that were linked to ACEs. Chronic depression, use of anti-depressants, smoking, suicide attempts, risky sexual behaviors, and teen pregnancy have all been linked to ACEs. Based on the evidence presented in the study, Kevin stated there is a need to implement strategies to quit victimizing the victims. He emphasized the importance of bringing services to those who need them rather than sending them to treatment. Kevin referenced work in Walla Walla county (Washington) which has been addressing these issues for the past 8 years. (For more information on work in Walla Walla County please see In order to promote resilience to ACEs, supporting andstrengthening families is a main focus. Prior to the implementation of the resilience program in Walla Walla, there was a 20% suspension rate. Currently the rate is 0. Kevin stated this was an example of how reducing ACEs and improving resiliency can pay off in the long run. He noted we need to focus on getting kids in a normalized environment instead of sending them home to play video games.
Sarah stated that we can see that adverse children experience affects many people later down the line. There are a host of issues that are related to obesity and tobacco use. Sarah presented An Ounce of Prevention, a brief summary of discussions of the Children’s Subcommittee. Discussion followed. Sarah requested the committee add children’s issues to their top 3 priorities to address. There was consensus amongst the group. Next steps for this include writing a problem statement and developing a plan for how to best address this throughout the county.
Action Item: Sarah Williams will work with others who wish to be involved to write a PICO statement for Children’s Health issues.
Violence Prevention Subcommittee
Rod Harwood reported out on the Violence Prevention Subcommittee. He stated there is a web meeting/conference call scheduled for Tuesday January 14. Anyone wished to be involved should contact Rod. Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) has grant money available to work on violence prevention, but a need must be demonstrated.
Community Coalition Reports
The first Milton-Freewater Coalition meeting was held January 7, 2014. Over 15 people attended. It was decided there will be meeting every month. The CEO for Providence Health Systemsattended the meeting and had a lot of questions about the CCO. Rod Harwood invited him and any other interested parties to attend CAC meetings. Rod also suggested rotating meetings to Milton-Freewater every 3-4 months. The next Milton-Freewater Coalition meeting will be held February 4, 2014 at 10am. The meeting will be located at the Oregon Childhood Development Coalition (OCDC) office.
The Pendleton Community Health Partnership continues to meet on the first Wednesday of each month. The meeting location changes monthly. The group continues to work on their goals and is working to establish draft PICO statements.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 22, 2014.
Implementation & Report on Community Health Improvement Plan
For each of the submitted focus areas (Obesity, Tobacco, Chronic Disease and Children’s Health), the CCO needs a problem statement and a specific intervention. Volunteers are needed to contribute to these reports. Sarah Williamspresented a draft Tobacco problem statement and plan. She stated any feedback was welcome. Sarah also emphasized the need to begin working on these statements as soon as possible. (They must be approved during February’s CAC meeting.) Sarah stated she had a conversation with Juli Gregory in follow up to last month’s meeting. Juli will send Sarah names of people in the Hermiston area who might be willing to help on this project. Sarah asked all present to think of individuals whose insight would be helpful as these statements move forward. She requested all names be sent by Tuesday January 14. The separate problems statements needed are: Chronic Disease – Asthma and Tobacco; Obesity & Diabetes and Children’s Health issues.
Action: Sarah Williams will take initial steps to help get each group working on problem statement.
Action: Sarah Williams will work on Children’s Health problem statement.
Identified Gaps & Recommended Preventive Health Care Practices
Community Members Feedback
No feedback at this time.
Around the Room
Bonnie Gracia said she would like to volunteer for the Tobacco Committee. Sarah Williams stated she would pass the information along to Janet Jones who is working on the Tobacco problem statement.
Dr. Amy Baudreaustated she was glad there would be focus on kid’s resilience.There is a lot of social work that shows resilience matters.Discussion on afterschool activities followed. There is discussion on the Boys and Girls Club and what it would take to bring this program to the area. Kevin stated Harney County has a very successful program which operates much like a Boys and Girls Club but does not have the high cost associated. Kris Signer (sp?)is on the EOCCO board, and has been instrumental in this program in Harney County.
Action: Angie Treadwell will contact Kris Singer (sp?) to find out more.
Heidi Eidler shared a story of a family she had worked with. Thewoman had an addiction problem. Heidi stated she believed the entire family would have been at the top of the ACE score. They never learned from their parents how to be parents, because their parents also had an addiction problem. No one ever taught them what they needed to do. There is a need to provide support for families to ensure children get what they need.
Kevin Campbell stated qualifiers for OHP have dramaticallychanged. Qualifying for OHP is based solely on income. He stated there is a need for a community effort to reduce the stigma of being on OHP.
Rod stated there is going to be an event at St. Anthony Hospital on Tuesday, February 4th from 11a.m. – 1p.m. GOBHI is bringing Leslie Ford to present on behaviorist and pain management model through the Columbia EOCCO???.Rod requested all interested parties email him if they would like to attend.
Don Skeen reported the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce will host their citizens of the year celebration February 5th.?.This is a celebration to recognize people that have greatly contributed to the community.
Chuck Wood stated Pendleton will have a similar event which will be held January 25th at the Wildhorse Casino Resort. He also statedBlue Mountain Recovery center is slated to be shut down in March. He is working with Pendleton City Council and looking at the long term outcome that will happen once the doors are closed.
Angie Treadwell spoke about the Baby Affair. This is a community health fair focusing on the 0-5 year old population. The Baby Affair will be held on March 1 at Hermiston High School. Additionally on Friday February 28, there will be a speakerfocusing on nutrition practices from high chair to high school. Flyers are available.
Next Meeting Date
Rod stated the next EOCCO council meeting will be in Pendleton, at St. Anthony’s Hospital in room 2. Meeting will be on February 14th at 8:30a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:27a.m.