Chariho Middle School

School Improvement Team (SIT)


January 8, 2014

CMS Library

The SIT met in the CMS library.. Facilitator Thad Ayazides called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM.

Minutes of the December meeting were approved by consensus.


A new parent joined the team-Brenda Medina will forward her letter and we can celebrate at the February meeting.


Greg shared the new procedure to get into the building which is handicap accessible.

January 24th last day of quarter

January 10th missing work deadline

January 27th second semester begins

Scheduling for next year has started based on budget recommendations

Proposed cuts-

7/8 team

5th/6th grade teacher

.4 librarian

PE position

Dean of Students-1

Retirements are not being replaced

Steve shared the concept of Hour of Code and the interest in Computer Science

School Improvement Plan (SIP)

Evaluate 2.4/2.5

2.4 Devleop orrvise formative an summative assessments so they are aligned to CCSS

Clarify the difference between teachers/faculty

QCA-summative-develop knowledge of formative assessments

Ongoing-no changes until PARCC


Instruction-see paper copy-change word “lessons”

Next steps-

Do all 3 in February

March do all 4 and send with agenda to review in advance

Color code SIP(This needs more detail)

Have prepared for stamp of approval in March. Need for Superintendent and State in May

Committee Reports.

Nominating Committee:

We have one parent volunteer from Open House and she will write a letter.

Look into promoting at 4th grade promotion nights and give personal invitations

By-Laws Committee:


Family Engagement Committee:

Bonfire Subcommittee

Permission to do again next year-attempt to do in early December

Present to PTO

Approx. 60 people attended with 20 kids. Overall a success for first time and cancellations


Calibration Activity-Staff uses a piece of writing with a rubric and all score and go through a process of discussing the grading process

Top section-resources-continueing at content meetings

CMS is using Instagram to promote school activities and celebrations.

Culture Climate-A CORE values meeting is taken place to identify and develop CORE values for our school. It is to promote and highlight a positive school culture.

Step 1 converstation

Step 2 meet again-identify and develop 3-5 ideas

Step 3 Promote within school

January 27th 2:25 5/6 cafeteria Monday

Present at February Meeting

Career Day-looking at dates/need volunteers

Student Council received requests for Career Day-Dress up in career choice-suggestion

Public Forum: No report

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the CMS SIT will be held Wednesday, March 5, 2014,4:30 PM, in the CMS media center. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Mission: CMS will teach, target and transform our school community.