Regional Studies
Instructor / Mr. Larkins / Phone / 673-3700Office / Rm. 138 / E-mail /
Office Hours / Before and after school; 8;15 & 4:15 / Blog /
Text: no set text; various online and packet/handout readings
This course is for academically and intellectually motivated students in the Leadership Specialty Center who are interested in social sciences (political science, sociology, anthropology, history, economics and current events). It is essential in today’s world for students and young people to have an up to date and working knowledge of the current global environment. The world is only becoming a smaller and smaller place. This course should appeal to students who are interested in politics, law, current events, recent history, global culture, economics and military issues.
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Examine the current historical, social, cultural, political and economic forces impacting the major areas of the world: the Americas, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, former Soviet Union and the European Union
· Discuss current world affairs and the relationships between the current major global issues
· Study the characteristics of the major regions and cultural institutions ( the UN, EU, NAFTA, NATO, etc..) of the world
· Explore the physical and cultural characteristics of the geographical distribution of peoples
· Increase skills of map and geography analysis, chart and graph interpretation, communication, critical thinking and public speaking
· Develop research skills through the use of current events, problem solving and oral and written reports
· Participate in simulations and debates
· Analyze case studies
Continue academic participation through role playing and group interaction
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Laptop, 3 ring binder notebook, pens and paper
Tests/Projects: 50%
Quizzes 20%
Homework/Classwork: 20%
Current Events 10%
Course Schedule (subject to change):
Week(s) / TopicWeek 1-3 (Sept.) 1st 9 wks / International Relations
Week 4-6 (Oct.) / Globalization
Week 7-9 (Oct.) / Population and Migration
Week 10-12 (Nov.) 2nd 9 wks / The UN and Global Conflict
Week 12-15 (Dec.) / Global Stratification
Week 16-18 (Jan.) / Terrorism
Week 19-21(Jan./Feb.) 3rd 9 wk / Regions: Latin America
Week 22-24 (Feb.-Mar.) / Regions: Europe and Russia
Week 25-27 (Mar.) / Regions: South Asia
Week 28-30 (Mar.-Apr.) 4th 9 wk / Regions: East Asia
Week 31-33 (Apr.-May) / Regions: Middle East
Week 34-36 (May-June) / Country Project and Final Exams
Midterm: Jan.
Final Exam: June
Extra Credit Opportunities:
Various opportunities throughout the year
Current Events:
A critical component of this class is current global news and affairs. Students will be expected to keep up with the current state of the world by keeping track of current news events. This knowledge will be evaluated through quizzes, presentations and games.
Student Conduct:
All students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and respectful manner in the classroom. This is vital for the creation of a positive learning environment.
Students are expected to:
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1. take notes and ask questions
2. be prepared for class (computer, notebook, paper, etc..)
3. be engaged in class discussions and teacher lectures/presentations
4. NOT eat or drink in class
5. be on time, in seat, when tardy bell rings
6. RESPECT others ideas and feelings
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My parent(s) and or guardian(s) and I have read and understood the above information. I (the student) understand that if I choose to not follow the appropriate class policies that are set for the good of the entire class, I must accept the disciplinary consequences of my actions
______Student Signature ______Parent/Guardian(s) Signature
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